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I've been awarded a research bursary ^o.o^


actually very huggable
Staff member
It's worth 180 quid a week and means I get to spend half my summer poking things under a microscope. :D It will be fun and educational! ... I hope.
So they pay you to poke stuff while wearing a lab coat? Lucky. But seriously, congrats!

I hate to disappoint you, but working scientists tend not to wear labcoats. :P Unless they're working with dangerous substances. And even then only sometimes.
Congrats, opal. Enjoy poking those small things under a microscope!

I can't apply to any of these around Cardiff/a feasible area because I'm going to be in Kenya until the very end of July, and everything I've looked at is an 8-week placement beginning in July and ending in August.

Lucky :(
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