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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    That sounds pretty fun. I am not good at acting myself, haha. Good point. Well, I suppose...

    That sounds pretty fun. I am not good at acting myself, haha. Good point. Well, I suppose it's how you define edible. If you can eat it without becoming violently sick or dying, then it's edible, right? Haha, uranium. Actually, some stuff - like a live tiger - you couldn't really eat...
  2. NegativeVibe

    That's really cool! I really like Favaviel, and coming up with that name out of the blue like...

    That's really cool! I really like Favaviel, and coming up with that name out of the blue like that is pretty awesome. I like the coloration, too. Haha, that is definitely funny! And of course pretty embarrassing on her part. What did her boyfriend do after that? And her friend must have...
  3. NegativeVibe

    Everyone's racist

    Right. However, there is a difference between racism and racial stereotyping. We all racially stereotype to a certain degree. We are suspicious of certain people. We have beliefs - generally instilled by our society and culture, as well as our own experiences - that influence our views of...
  4. NegativeVibe

    The New Kid on the Block~

    Thank you! :D And it's nice to see you, too.
  5. NegativeVibe

    That's good. It allows for spontaniety. :D Haha, that's probably the last thing you'd expect...

    That's good. It allows for spontaniety. :D Haha, that's probably the last thing you'd expect when kissing someone! If you write that scene, you should definitely show me it! You're welcome. Light panels sound awesome too! Will it still have good energy, say, in the darkness, where it...
  6. NegativeVibe

    Oh, that's cool. What's it going to be about? Yeah, I suppose so. Actually, I didn't know...

    Oh, that's cool. What's it going to be about? Yeah, I suppose so. Actually, I didn't know locusts were edible! :D In addition to the bible, we have other books of scripture as well, so it might have been in one of them. I can't remember the exact place, though. I think he could've put...
  7. NegativeVibe

    The New Kid on the Block~

    Hey, I know you from Serebii. (My username there is GastlyMan). Welcome to the forums.
  8. NegativeVibe

    Oh ok. That's creative nonetheless. Some of my Fakemon I can't remember how I came up with the...

    Oh ok. That's creative nonetheless. Some of my Fakemon I can't remember how I came up with the names either... And random explosions? That is awesome! :D It sounds really funny; I can just picture her exploding at the most inconvenient moments, haha. That's a really good design! I like the...
  9. NegativeVibe

    Oh. That's good that you can still see him, then. :) Yeah, the issue on malnourishment...I...

    Oh. That's good that you can still see him, then. :) Yeah, the issue on malnourishment...I remember something in the Bible about Moses performing a miracle in which he got water out of a rock, and food from the heavens, or something along those lines. Of course that's only evidence if you...
  10. NegativeVibe


    No snow...Same with my area! I've seen real snow, but only for ski trips. I actually went to the beach last weekend...it's about a half hour drive. It was bright and sunny the whole day. Sure, the sun went down at 5 p.m., but still. Temp. was in the 70s all day. @rock-ground: Not the...
  11. NegativeVibe

    Ecuador, that sounds cool! Have you been able to keep in contact with him? True, some of the...

    Ecuador, that sounds cool! Have you been able to keep in contact with him? True, some of the miracles Christianity teaches are a little...out there! As for the life of Moses and people like that, remember that there was less pollution in that time period, which may have prolonged life...
  12. NegativeVibe

    That's cool! How did you come up with the prefixes? They sound awesome, though. I like how Voi...

    That's cool! How did you come up with the prefixes? They sound awesome, though. I like how Voi sounds sort of like Void, so that fits really well with the Nothing element. Oh, she's not good at Air? What are her strengths? Yeah, you've shown me it (or, at least I think you have! Hmm, maybe...
  13. NegativeVibe

    Hey Lepardas! Welcome to the forums. I skimmed your page and I have to say, I agree with the...

    Hey Lepardas! Welcome to the forums. I skimmed your page and I have to say, I agree with the others who like your avatar. It's awesome! :)
  14. NegativeVibe

    Hello Cave of Mythical Insects! X3

    True, very true! And yess, cats are the best! They are very easy to take care of. I love my kitty :D
  15. NegativeVibe

    Hello Cave of Mythical Insects! X3

    Well, it appears as if I'm a little late! Haha anyway nice to see a fellow writer here; I would love to see what you wrote. Drawing is fun too. I like cats. :D
  16. NegativeVibe

    Oh, South America? That's cool. Which part of it did your friend go to? My friend went to...

    Oh, South America? That's cool. Which part of it did your friend go to? My friend went to Brazil (he's there right now, actually). Yeah, some of my friends are agnostic as well. It can be hard to believe in that kind of stuff sometimes. It does seem sad, though, to not be certain about what...
  17. NegativeVibe

    Wow, humans can learn spells too? I wish I could do that, haha. :) Laithscream sounds really...

    Wow, humans can learn spells too? I wish I could do that, haha. :) Laithscream sounds really interesting! I really like the name of it. It sounds...foreboding, but cool. Now that I think about it, is there a spell that enables you to fly? Oh yeah, redrawing it is always a good idea...
  18. NegativeVibe

    Hi people of Tcod~

    No, please don't fight! :/ I agree that we all should should be respectful to each other, of course. But you guys are both awesome and it was probably just a misunderstanding :) Shinx, welcome to the forums. We are all very nice people and Mini Moonwalker is one of the nicest here. :) I really...
  19. NegativeVibe

    Hi people of Tcod~

    Why hello. Everyone loves Shinx; it's just amazing. Welcome to TCoD. :D I agree! (although I'm not very active here, haha)
  20. NegativeVibe

    (Sorry it took so long to respond! My Internet connection sucks sometimes.) Well, I'm one of...

    (Sorry it took so long to respond! My Internet connection sucks sometimes.) Well, I'm one of those strange religious people. :D I'm going to do missionary work for a few years for church. I don't think we're allowed to use internet besides for email (and I probably won't have time, either)...
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