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It's always great when snows, especially when it's the right kind of snow, like what you have. You're so lucky that you have snow this early. Have fun and what not and enjoy your (assumed) hot chocolate. :D
Lucky you. :D

We haven't really gotten much snow here in Iowa yet, but it's been raining a lot and it's pretty cold outside (not to mention windy). We've had some very mild flurries, but it's not the same... :(
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Its supposed to snow two inches here on Thursday, but with our news stations' track record it will probably just be a light covering:sad:
Lucky! Here in Florida, we're lucky if even a cool wind passes by! During December, it's still actually pretty warm here.

I envy all you people who live in snowy places. :C Moonwalker has never even seen real snow!
Very Lucky. We're not getting snow over here in Indiana for at least a couple of weeks. But it's bone-chillingly cold. *shiver*
I'm not sure if it snowed here last night, actually. It looked like it, but Mom says it was rain.

I've been waiting for it to snow for weeks. :C
Here in North Carolina, we have to wait until late december until we get actual snow—which lasts only two days. =/

But while it's here, it's awesome for sledding.
I get ABSOLUTELY NONE. Instead, right now, we're in what's called "the monsoon", where there are thunderstorms and heavy rain 2-6 hours... EVERY DAY until the monsoon is over. You guys are lucky...
It is still like ~68°F around here. :( It snowed last year, though, for a day or so, so here's hoping. It is the rainiest part of America, so there's that.
No. >:(!!

But yay, snow! Snow is actually the best weather condition, you're so lucky :D
Here we should be getting some snow in the next couple of weeks, which should last until early March.

Did I mention I absolutely HATE being cold? :(

YAY for landlocked east-coast America
Lucky! Here in Florida, we're lucky if even a cool wind passes by! During December, it's still actually pretty warm here.

I envy all you people who live in snowy places. :C Moonwalker has never even seen real snow!

No snow...Same with my area! I've seen real snow, but only for ski trips. I actually went to the beach last weekend...it's about a half hour drive. It was bright and sunny the whole day. Sure, the sun went down at 5 p.m., but still. Temp. was in the 70s all day. @rock-ground: Not the tropics, but we're not too far north from the sub-tropics. :D

It would be nice if we got snow. All we have are these miserable rainstorms around December that result in me getting sick every winter break without fail! Those pics are awesome...I'm jealous. I've only been in one snowball fight my entire life. I feel somewhat deprived. :(

edit: I've also never made a snowman. The last time our area had snow was probably 1900 or so, although we had hail once or twice. The first time, our neighbor thought it was snow, so he was running around outside yelling, "OH MY GOSH IT'S ACTUALLY SNOWING!!" We are so pathetic! :)
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Heh, lucky.

We don't get much snow where I live, and when it snows, it's mostly... this wet snow that turns all slushy(It's happened once earlier this year, though usually it doesn't happen until late November.) Usually, we have "real" snow for maybe 2-3 days at a time 1 or 2 times during winter... until it just rains away. I live in a pretty rainy area of Norway. Basically, just a few days snow and being able to make snowballs one day... except for last winter. Last winter had more snow than any of us had seen in a long time and we all got pretty sick of the stuff in the end.
lol, not so lucky for some people here. That first day there were a few over 170 accidents, 140 of them people sliding into ditches. No deaths or anything though.

We say you can tell who's not from Minnesota by the fact that they can't drive in snow. Lol, there were epic trucks in the ditch and my piece of crap car with bald tires had nooo issues.
lol, not so lucky for some people here. That first day there were a few over 170 accidents, 140 of them people sliding into ditches. No deaths or anything though.

Yeahhh, this is the only thing I'm not looking forward to. xD

This will be my first year driving in the wintertime.
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