• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello Cave of Mythical Insects! X3

Leaf Joltik

Did you see what I did there?

No, really! Aren't dragonflies mythical insects? They are, after all, cross insects and dragons! Dragons are mythical creatures! Flies are insects! And this is a cave! Ahahaha!

Anyways, I'm Lepardas, after my favourite Pokemon. I don't have any Pokemon game except for Mystery Dungeon Blue. I'm waiting for the release of B/W to get my first actual Pokemon game - did I mention I'm getting White? Even though I like Reshiram, and the color black more, there are many things in White I want better than in Black! But I'll get Black afterwards. :D

I also like to draw stuff, and sprite things! I'm not a good spriter though, so I recolor things for fun. So good when you're bored! I draw my own little creatures - based on Pokemon, but not actual Pokemon - called Imigin, and I based at least 90% of them off Pokemon! X3 There's a little more over 100 of these little creatures, hehe.

I also write lots of things - unfortunately I've deleted a lot of my Word Documents since my computer can't take a heap of them. I like to write in Notepad instead, since it saves some space. :D Currently writing a 10-part Imigin story, Mirage Legends. IT'S A LOT OF WORK!! :O But I'm up to the challenge, I just know it!

I also play Zelda, I have played two games - Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, though I haven't played the latter for a loooooong time. I sold Phantom Hourglass because I was bankrupt at the time. X3 Speaking of money, I hardly spend my pocket money at all! So I have a lot of it.

I even have played Final Fantasy - Echoes of Time, and Ring of Fates but I lost that one. Aww man, Ring of Fates was awesome. Yuri is cool. :D

I also read Pokemon-X, which is a great Pokemon sprite comic. Also Awkward Zombie, and sometimes VGCats - but for me the latter is a little on the gross side so I don't read it much. Oh well!

Also I play a game called Microlife, found here! VERY FUN!

Also, I like cats. Period. If you mention cat to me, I can ramble about them for hours and hours! That's how much I love cats! I like falcons and eagles as well, and dragonflies. :3

Also, if you're bored, feel free to talk to me! I have a lot of suggestions on how to occupy yourself, and I'm very chatty (as you can see) - if you don't mind rambling, talk to me!

Oh, and I sometimes go on TPMRPG (the Pokemon Moon RPG). I forgot my account name, but I'm sure I'll remember it sooner or later. I think I have it written down...

Anyways, Lepardas rules!
you are quite the upbeat one. :3
You got me to think about that dragonfly subject. xD

whoo zelda.
whoo tpmrpg.
whoo everything. :3

Hello. I am Manic Fame. But you can call me Manic or Markku. x3
I'm your resident red and white colored Lucario~
Rambling is fun~ You are already amazing.

Have fun at TCoD~ (cat)
You, miss, seem like you will fit well here. I am Blastoise, welcome, and good point about the dragonflies. We all hope to see you around a lot.

(Also, you might just have best avatar, introduction, and location ever)
*woah...* Anywayss, I am Silver. I welcome you to TCoD! I had always thought about the dragonfly thing too...I see we have a lot in common, Zelda, tpmrpg, Final Fantasy. I love cats too! Where did you find your avatar at? I love, love, LOVE it. I have been trying to find one to make a new avatar, but maybe you could help me with that.

Again, welcome to TCoD!! Enjoy you're stay!
Now I want you to ramble on for hours.

Welcome! I'm Mini Moonwalker! Seems like you and I have a lot in common! So you're getting White? I'm getting Black for the reasons you mentioned, but White does have a few things that I want~

I draw ALL. THE. TIME. I love it! I sprite every once and a while, but I've lost my touch. D: I'm not as good as I used to be, which it quite sad, actually. I want to try and learn again, but I'm too busy. :/ I write every so often, but nothing serious. I mostly write in Notepad and then just delete it, ahahah.

All these new members are playing Zelda and Final Fantasy and I have no idea how to play them. :x I've played a Zelda game before, but I could never beat it. D:

Ah, so you go on TPMRPG too? I haven't been on for a few months... but I should be more active! I'll try, at least.

Anyway, I hope to see your around! Bye!
WHOA this is a lot!!

you are quite the upbeat one. :3
You got me to think about that dragonfly subject. xD

whoo zelda.
whoo tpmrpg.
whoo everything. :3

Hello. I am Manic Fame. But you can call me Manic or Markku. x3
I'm your resident red and white colored Lucario~
Rambling is fun~ You are already amazing.

Have fun at TCoD~ (cat)
Why thank you Manic! TCod sounds funny. Tea-cod. Do you have tea cod around here? X3

You, miss, seem like you will fit well here. I am Blastoise, welcome, and good point about the dragonflies. We all hope to see you around a lot.

(Also, you might just have best avatar, introduction, and location ever)
I will be very active, you can guarantee that! And thanks!

*woah...* Anywayss, I am Silver. I welcome you to TCoD! I had always thought about the dragonfly thing too...I see we have a lot in common, Zelda, tpmrpg, Final Fantasy. I love cats too! Where did you find your avatar at? I love, love, LOVE it. I have been trying to find one to make a new avatar, but maybe you could help me with that.

Again, welcome to TCoD!! Enjoy you're stay!
We do have a lot in common! A friend on Deviantart made my avatar for me. X3 I love friends. I love the crazy Latias! If you do replace your avatar, I say put the crazy Latias in your siggy! :D

Now I want you to ramble on for hours.

Welcome! I'm Mini Moonwalker! Seems like you and I have a lot in common! So you're getting White? I'm getting Black for the reasons you mentioned, but White does have a few things that I want~

I draw ALL. THE. TIME. I love it! I sprite every once and a while, but I've lost my touch. D: I'm not as good as I used to be, which it quite sad, actually. I want to try and learn again, but I'm too busy. :/ I write every so often, but nothing serious. I mostly write in Notepad and then just delete it, ahahah.

All these new members are playing Zelda and Final Fantasy and I have no idea how to play them. :x I've played a Zelda game before, but I could never beat it. D:

Ah, so you go on TPMRPG too? I haven't been on for a few months... but I should be more active! I'll try, at least.

Anyway, I hope to see your around! Bye!
It doesn't work that way! XD Besides, there is no cat planet - in real life, that is! :D

Yeah, I know. It's tough to choose between games that have a lot in common! The solution is to simply get both of them!

Drawing is my specialty. I'm no good at any spriting except for recolors. Rainbow coloring is hard to do! I write a lot of things in Notepad, as well!

Remember, practice makes perfect! It took ages for me to complete Phantom Hourglass, Echoes of Time and Ring of Fates - but I did it in the end! Just keep trying! I'll give you all my support! :D

TPMRPG is sort of boring, but I'm doing things while the new version is coming. The Battle Area is very fun!

Same here! Bye for now! :D
Well, it appears as if I'm a little late! Haha anyway nice to see a fellow writer here; I would love to see what you wrote. Drawing is fun too.

I like cats. :D
Well, it appears as if I'm a little late! Haha anyway nice to see a fellow writer here; I would love to see what you wrote. Drawing is fun too.

I like cats. :D
I'm doing a fair amount of writing right now. :D Drawing is very fun, as well! You can do all sorts of things you can't do with words!

Caaaats!! Aren't they just the best kind of pet? Cats take care of themselves almost all of the time, and sleep a lot, so you don't need to take care of them very much! X3
I'm doing a fair amount of writing right now. :D Drawing is very fun, as well! You can do all sorts of things you can't do with words!

Caaaats!! Aren't they just the best kind of pet? Cats take care of themselves almost all of the time, and sleep a lot, so you don't need to take care of them very much! X3

True, very true!

And yess, cats are the best! They are very easy to take care of. I love my kitty :D
Its weird that everyone in here with a personality test result linked in their signature is a Cubone...
Lepardas is pretty ba. It's dark so it's all good.

Welcome! I think you'll fit in fine.
Do you have tea cod around here? X3

Actually, there was a whole New Memeber Meme in which some of the older members would offer tea and cod to the New Memeber. Of course, we're reluctant to post any more memes, though I've seen a few people posting their memes.

It doesn't work that way! XD Besides, there is no cat planet - in real life, that is! :D

Yeah, I know. It's tough to choose between games that have a lot in common! The solution is to simply get both of them!

Drawing is my specialty. I'm no good at any spriting except for recolors. Rainbow coloring is hard to do! I write a lot of things in Notepad, as well!

Remember, practice makes perfect! It took ages for me to complete Phantom Hourglass, Echoes of Time and Ring of Fates - but I did it in the end! Just keep trying! I'll give you all my support! :D

TPMRPG is sort of boring, but I'm doing things while the new version is coming. The Battle Area is very fun!

Same here! Bye for now! :D

Ah, I see. But the game cat planet is so fun! :D

Yeah! That's what I'm doing! Also, if anyone who reads this does get two games, I suggest that you play them at the same time, so you don't get bored re-playing something that only has a few differences.

Maybe one day we could do an Art Trade? Haha, I know there's a Youtube video somewhere that is a Spriting Tutorial... I used it, and that's how I started spriting.

I definitely will! And thanks for your support~! <3

That's what I'm doing! I can't wait for the new version - the old one is getting really boring. :/

Once again, bye! Talk to you later via VM! <3
You want memes? I'll give you memes.

Tea and Cod.
Coffee and Salmon (We ran out of Tea and Cod)
Red Bull and Crab Cakes (I don't even know.)
Carnivorous welcome mats
Vegetarian Welcome Mats (agitated by sugar, they turn into monsters)
...And a lot more which I can't exactly remember.

So hi. I'm Superbird, local bird-lover and lazy Scratch Spriter. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
You want memes? I'll give you memes.

Tea and Cod.
Coffee and Salmon (We ran out of Tea and Cod)
Red Bull and Crab Cakes (I don't even know.)
Carnivorous welcome mats
Vegetarian Welcome Mats (agitated by sugar, they turn into monsters)
...And a lot more which I can't exactly remember.

So hi. I'm Superbird, local bird-lover and lazy Scratch Spriter. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

And hotels, Invisichomp, Foam Sword and more but I thought we all stopped that? I'm not sure; the sticked Introductions thread is confusing me. :/
I'm pretty sure it's just because my internet is being a bitch and I'd rather RP that say hi to n00bsnewbs.


Try to avoid

Carnivourous welcome mats, they eat you
Vegitarian welcome mats, they eat sugar
InvisiChomp the invisible Garchomp, who stalks you
Cursed floorboards, who make you fall over
King Magikarp, who eats northerners
and Blaziken, Sceptile and Empoleon duking it out, if you get caught in the crossfire...well, let's just say medical insurance won't cover it.

You can deal with all these problems using any of the following weapons. *pulls lever and a wall slides away revealing several weapons*
The foam sword, shotgun, flamethrower and pet Houndoom, or the radio to call in the HitmonArmy (Every fighting type there is) or the Lati-Cops
Ah. Hello there. I'm Blade, resident expert on all things sharp (not really)

I reccomend you check out the Anime-Style Battling threads, as they're a lot of fun.

I've played both Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, and they were pretty fun, to say the least. If you have a Wii or a Gamecube, I reccomend you try out Twilight Princess. It had a very good plotline, and good graphics for a Wii or Gamecube game.

Also, B/W is a good place to start pokemon, but it makes all the older games seem less impressive. I started with Red, so I really don't know what it's like to start with a later game.

Well, It seems like I've rambled on too much. Now, I have to get back to homework.

See you around.

True, very true!

And yess, cats are the best! They are very easy to take care of. I love my kitty :D
I agree with everything you just said! X3

Its weird that everyone in here with a personality test result linked in their signature is a Cubone...
Whoa, I didn't notice! :O

Lepardas is pretty ba. It's dark so it's all good.

Welcome! I think you'll fit in fine.
You mean bad? I don't think so! Lepardas has a good stat spread! Plus, it's a cat! :D

Actually, there was a whole New Member Meme in which some of the older members would offer tea and cod to the New Memeber. Of course, we're reluctant to post any more memes, though I've seen a few people posting their memes.

Ah, I see. But the game cat planet is so fun! :D

Yeah! That's what I'm doing! Also, if anyone who reads this does get two games, I suggest that you play them at the same time, so you don't get bored re-playing something that only has a few differences.

Maybe one day we could do an Art Trade? Haha, I know there's a Youtube video somewhere that is a Spriting Tutorial... I used it, and that's how I started spriting.

I definitely will! And thanks for your support~! <3

That's what I'm doing! I can't wait for the new version - the old one is getting really boring. :/

Once again, bye! Talk to you later via VM! <3
Memes... the word is a new one! Well, you learn something new everyday! X3

There's a game? Oooh!

Art trade? Maybe sometime... I'd love to see your skills! :3


Derp, I got beaten to the punch...

Hai, and WELCOME! ^-^
Derp? Another new word! Fwee! X3

If you like Cats so much have you read the warriors series? Nothing but cats.

You want memes? I'll give you memes.

Tea and Cod.
Coffee and Salmon (We ran out of Tea and Cod)
Red Bull and Crab Cakes (I don't even know.)
Carnivorous welcome mats
Vegetarian Welcome Mats (agitated by sugar, they turn into monsters)
...And a lot more which I can't exactly remember.

So hi. I'm Superbird, local bird-lover and lazy Scratch Spriter. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
That's a lot of memes! :O

And hotels, Invisichomp, Foam Sword and more but I thought we all stopped that? I'm not sure; the sticked Introductions thread is confusing me. :/
More memes! Ooh, stickied thread? Sounds funny! X3 (this is my first forum)

I'm pretty sure it's just because my internet is being a bitch and I'd rather RP that say hi to n00bsnewbs.


Try to avoid

Carnivourous welcome mats, they eat you
Vegitarian welcome mats, they eat sugar
InvisiChomp the invisible Garchomp, who stalks you
Cursed floorboards, who make you fall over
King Magikarp, who eats northerners
and Blaziken, Sceptile and Empoleon duking it out, if you get caught in the crossfire...well, let's just say medical insurance won't cover it.

You can deal with all these problems using any of the following weapons. *pulls lever and a wall slides away revealing several weapons*
The foam sword, shotgun, flamethrower and pet Houndoom, or the radio to call in the HitmonArmy (Every fighting type there is) or the Lati-Cops

Ah. Hello there. I'm Blade, resident expert on all things sharp (not really)

I reccomend you check out the Anime-Style Battling threads, as they're a lot of fun.

I've played both Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, and they were pretty fun, to say the least. If you have a Wii or a Gamecube, I reccomend you try out Twilight Princess. It had a very good plotline, and good graphics for a Wii or Gamecube game.

Also, B/W is a good place to start pokemon, but it makes all the older games seem less impressive. I started with Red, so I really don't know what it's like to start with a later game.

Well, It seems like I've rambled on too much. Now, I have to get back to homework.

See you around.
You can never talk too much! X3
See you around, as well!
New to the internet I see? Ah well, you seem to catch on way faster than me and most other people, and you seem really nice and bubbly!

PS, he didn't say bad, he said BA. Well, I guess he did say bad, but immediately followed by ass.
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