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Search results

  1. Inept At Normal

    BtVS Club

    Bunnies arent just cute like everybody supposes, They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses, And whats with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Bunnies, Bunnies, it must be bunnies! ... Or maybe midgets?
  2. Inept At Normal

    The Rank-Up Thread

    If my calculations are correct, I should hatch... NOW!
  3. Inept At Normal

    Hated Characters

    You know what? I don't like Ron Weasley. Up until the last book, he's never been really mature on par with Hermione or Harry, and to be honest, I think the entire series could have been done quite well without him. I mean, what's he good at that's useful to the actual plot? Wizard's chess? I...
  4. Inept At Normal

    BtVS Club

    Oh my god, Once More With Feeling. I downloaded the soundtrack, and I just can't stop singing it everywhere - you should have seen the look on my classmates faces when I sang Under Your Spell in History. A bit freaked out were they. But seriously! Squee!
  5. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    Well, see, that's the point. Sure, in this situation if you chose egoism and we chose altruism, you'd be guaranteed to live. However, as Music Dragon (the most beautiful man in the world) proceeds to say, cooperation is the name of the game. If you choose egoism, we're inspired to choose egoism...
  6. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    Excellent point, thanks for elaborating. I have a rather single-track mind today. You've got me orgasmicly squeeing with inspiration right now, for all it's worth.
  7. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    My bad. Let me rephrase. Say, um, opaltiger put us in this situation. She is going to randomly choose one of the three of us and use our answer to decide what person(s) to kill. If she chooses someone who decides to be altruistic, that one will die and the other two will live. If she chooses...
  8. Inept At Normal

    The world ends on Saturday

    Crap. This might ruin my entire week.
  9. Inept At Normal

    Gay people should die

    Signed and shared. ...And crying. How tragic.
  10. Inept At Normal

    How do you eat pizza?

    I always eat the crust first because I took the save the best for last philosophy too seriously. It's a bit messy.
  11. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    But, see, the point of altruistic theories is that if it makes the world a heck of a lot safer. If we imagine a double blind scenario between you and I where one of us has to decide to either save our life or the other's, the egoist philosophy works fine. However, if we add another person into...
  12. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    But, uh, isn't that sort of dick-ish? And doesn't it defeat the entire point of ethical systems in the first place? If millions of people are willing to kill millions of others to save themselves and only themselves, can't the world just go to hell because of one person's selfishness? Don't get...
  13. Inept At Normal

    Hurr Durr. I like it! Hurr Durr! What do you like to do in your free time, besides get on here...

    Hurr Durr. I like it! Hurr Durr! What do you like to do in your free time, besides get on here? And what's your favorite type of flower?
  14. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    What if, say, you are put in a situation where either you die or the entire population of Shanghai dies (but no one else knows it is you who made this decision, so you won't be held responsible or put or death)? Would you see it as ethical to save yourself over all those people?
  15. Inept At Normal

    Actually, I'm really tired. Talk to you later, Capin'!

    Actually, I'm really tired. Talk to you later, Capin'!
  16. Inept At Normal

    Yes, capin'! I'm Inept! I like animals and stuff. Ooh, and your avatar. (I lack creativity...

    Yes, capin'! I'm Inept! I like animals and stuff. Ooh, and your avatar. (I lack creativity when I stay up too late, sorry!)
  17. Inept At Normal

    Ah. Who did start the thread indeed? (We're gonna be fast friends, Parasitic, just you wait.)

    Ah. Who did start the thread indeed? (We're gonna be fast friends, Parasitic, just you wait.)
  18. Inept At Normal

    Cool! If it's that easy, I may as well take over the world when I get the time. Tell me a...

    Cool! If it's that easy, I may as well take over the world when I get the time. Tell me a little about yourself!
  19. Inept At Normal

    No, silly! I did!

    No, silly! I did!
  20. Inept At Normal

    OK. I've seen you around the forums and I think you're pretty awesome so let's hurry up and...

    OK. I've seen you around the forums and I think you're pretty awesome so let's hurry up and become friends so I can ask you for favors.
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