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BtVS Club

O-oh god.

So guys, I am waaaaay behind you on Angel (though I finished Buffy over spring break! :D and was that ending ever awesome!), but... I just watched the ninth episode of the first season. I still feel like bawling. Yeah, kill off the most likable, awesome, character with so much potential nine episodes in. DAMMIT, I LIKED HIM. And... it just came out of nowhere, too. I'm assuming something happened with the actor? Because, as nicely as they did manage to handle it (*sob*), it was way abrupt.
O-oh god.

So guys, I am waaaaay behind you on Angel (though I finished Buffy over spring break! :D and was that ending ever awesome!), but... I just watched the ninth episode of the first season. I still feel like bawling. Yeah, kill off the most likable, awesome, character with so much potential nine episodes in. DAMMIT, I LIKED HIM. And... it just came out of nowhere, too. I'm assuming something happened with the actor? Because, as nicely as they did manage to handle it (*sob*), it was way abrupt.

Ahh, his death really saddened me too. ;-; You better get used to it; Angel has an even higher main character death rate than Buffy, unfortunately. :| Nothing happened to the actor for his death, it was basically planned from the start just for Cordelia to get the visions. Goddamn you, Joss.

...Glen Quinn (his actor) actually died later after he left the show. ;__;
Actually, re: spoiler's death-

I heard that he was an alcoholic and clashed quite a bit with the writing cast, so they decided to write him out. Don't quote me on it, but I think Quinn's alcoholism may have contributed to his death, too ):

And Lorne's actor has since died after the end of Angel, too, which is equally sad ;~;

And YES the ending of Buffy is really, really great. I have some prolems with it, and major ones for series 7 in general, but it was a very fitting end to such an epic series <3

Vaguely relevant: my friend (as a late Christmas present) got me two Tara figurines today. I now have four Taras. This makes me stupidly happy XD

also david boreanaz is still hot.

[i just started finishing angel because idk stressssssed.]
*brings thread back to life through secret magic of doubleposting*

...*coughs up a snake*

Okay so. So. I was thinking of making Buffy mafia, even though the mafia forum isn't open yet, because I think I could run it and I think it would be fun and stuff and anyway. What I was thinking was, you know, I'd put it in the game forum and so anyway are people interested in playing because I cannot form a coherent sentence right now and yeah.

If there's interest, I'll make a sign-up thread. ^^

On the subject of Angel: Dear god, S5 is hitting hard. First
, which we at least knew was coming, but then
!? Ow, ow, ow, my heart.

Going back a little, since there's so much to talk about... There have been some awesome moments. Awesome. Angel isn't really a "Favorite Episode" show for me so much as a "Favorite Moment/Scene" show.

In fact? Listing a few just for the heck of it.

Angel: You and me. This isn't working out.
Spike: Are you saying we should start annoying other people?

"Stop it, evil hand, stop it..."

Wesley trying to burn Lilah's perpetuity clause. Am I the only one who teared up?

While on the subject of Wesley and Lilah...

Lilah: Don't be thinking about me when I'm gone.
Wesley: I wasn't think about you when you were here.

Lilah: Mind if I join you?
Too many ways to count, with great intensity.*

Every. Single. Moment. of "Smile Time".

Also, I just feel like announcing that I adore Connor. He's not my favorite character, but he's up there, and I am sad that everyone hates him. (I see why -- he gets a ton of angst and is gullible as hell, but still... In the end, my 'hug Connor' instinct wins out over my 'punch Connor' instinct easily.)

By the way, has anyone else seen this? It's Amy Acker's audition; the same person also has Vincent Kartheiser's uploaded, but that's not nearly as funny.

...yeah, ramblings. Whoo. Get back to me on the mafia thing? c:

*I am so using this line someday.

Apparently there's another BtVS club now because this one is too dead? WTF no our club is not dead... ;~; I shall make it not so!

I actually kind of like Connor too, Salamander, but... that might be because I went into the show being told he was practically the anti-Christ in terms of crappy annoying characters, and found he wasn't that bad. I feel really sorry for him too. :( And he was so so adorable as a baby. Okay, maybe it was Angel who was mostly adorable while Connor was a baby...

I had a sudden burning desire to rewatch some of the older episodes, so I've been taking a gander at S1 and S2 again lately. Ahh, nostalgia~ I can't believe it's been almost a year since I started watching it... god I loved Sunnydale High. When everyone (like Xander. Especially Xander.) was totally adorable. :'D

Also, I have no idea how to play mafia. However, I might consider learning how if there's going to be a Buffy one. :3
Ooh, Buffy mafia! Wait, let me make up a system! (Not trying to overtake yours or anything; I'm just having fun.)

Vampires are the mafia faction; humans are the innocents. The roles are as such:

The Master (mafia don): The head vampire. He has the ultimate authority in deciding who the vampires will kill each night.

Vampire goons (mafia underlings): Random vampires under the Master who do the dirty work.

Angel (alien): He starts out as a human, but if he is attacked by a vampire, he is turned and becomes the vampire Angelus. However, Angelus likes to toy with his victims, so rather than joining the vampires, he waits until they try to kill him before unleashing all his terrifying power and winning the game.

Buffy (vigilante): For the humans' side, she stakes one player every night in the hope that it's a vampire.

Willow and Tara (doctors): They will use vampire-warding spells on one player each every night. However, if they both target the same player, the spells clash and the target dies.

Giles (inspector): He will look up one player in his vampire books every night to find if they're known to be a vampire. He will spot Angelus as a vampire, but not human Angel. Or Spike, because the timeline here is messed-up and Spike somehow already has a soul even when Angel hasn't been turned.

Spike (lover): On the first night, Spike falls desperately in love with some other player of his choosing. He will subsequently become so dependent on them that if they die he commits suicide, and if he dies he will drag them down with him. They can communicate and win if everybody is dead except them.

Xander (innocent): He doesn't do anything, but he has heart.

Naturally, everybody involved in this mafia will be required to roleplay their character. Especially Spike.

...alternately, in a slightly less cracky version, season four Spike could be the terrorist. He's on the vampires' side, but he has a chip in his head, so if he tries to kill someone he suffers excruciating pain and dies with them.
This is absolutely excellent <3 I especially adore Xander having heart XD

And that series 2-3, 4, and 6-7 Spike could be three completely different roles XDD

I want to rewatch the earlier episodes, too - there's always a "But where's Tara? D:" sensation when I see the Sunnydale High episodes, but they're still fantastic and, while some of the episodes are only just this side of sane (I want to find out who thought Bad Eggs was a good idea so I can laugh at them), there's something about them you just don't get once they go to university.
*laughs* Sorry about creating the other thread... I think I need my eyes checked.

I've never been big on Angel (series) A few select episodes I watch (most containing Spike and..... wee little puppet men... ) but otherwise it's expensive to buy seasons, and the only time it's on TV is at five in the morning.

Seriously, it is. A lot of people felt iffy about it, but it is genuinely amazing and I urge you to watch it! :D
This is absolutely excellent <3 I especially adore Xander having heart XD

And that series 2-3, 4, and 6-7 Spike could be three completely different roles XDD

I want to rewatch the earlier episodes, too - there's always a "But where's Tara? D:" sensation when I see the Sunnydale High episodes, but they're still fantastic and, while some of the episodes are only just this side of sane (I want to find out who thought Bad Eggs was a good idea so I can laugh at them), there's something about them you just don't get once they go to university.

Fuuu I love that man. :[ I'm super worried about this movie. I hate getting antsy about movies/things before they actually even get started, let alone are available for watching, so I'm gonna keep myself as calm as possible but hrrg. There is the possibility it won't even be completed.

Oh well. Here's hoping it's good. :v
I heard that it will "take Buffy out of high school and into the adult world". Didn't they already do that?
I love Amy Acker's screen test. I LOVED Buffy, I wished BtVS and Angel crossed over more. Dawn and Connor....I want to see them together! And it really was nice of Joss to name Connor after me, even if he did spell my name wrong. Strange thing was, when I e-mailed him about it he said he'd never heard of me. That's weird. Why would Joss lie to me? Stranger still, how did he know what I was going to be called years before I was born?
Oh my god, Once More With Feeling. I downloaded the soundtrack, and I just can't stop singing it everywhere - you should have seen the look on my classmates faces when I sang Under Your Spell in History. A bit freaked out were they.

But seriously! Squee!
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