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Search results

  1. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu giggled. She'd been joking, of course! But he was taking her seriously, so she just had to play along. "You know, fire. Like this!" The bakeneko laughed again. There was a puff of smoke, and a plume of fire nearly the size of her head exploded within inches of Bépya's face, not quite close...
  2. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu hadn't been paying any real attention to what was going on, but she saw one of the kitsunes talking to some kind of tree-person, obviously new. He was joining them? She stood up and trotted over to him. Might as well say hello as well. The cat stood up on her hind legs to see him better...
  3. Elfin

    Felia would "officially" declare herself the mascot of the RSP and make up a weird theme song...

    Felia would "officially" declare herself the mascot of the RSP and make up a weird theme song, talk about how she's going to evolve into a Houndoom someday, etc. When they're a little older, of course.
  4. Elfin

    ..But never while skydiving. REMEMBER THAT, kids! That would be really funny, if Asrai, being...

    ..But never while skydiving. REMEMBER THAT, kids! That would be really funny, if Asrai, being really little, gets confused over if it's Asrai or Asari and freaks out. x3
  5. Elfin

    Just realized.. Did you mean to write Asari? It was Asrai.. Come to think of it, both sound...

    Just realized.. Did you mean to write Asari? It was Asrai.. Come to think of it, both sound nice.. xDD
  6. Elfin

    ^^ I like it, too, and I'm not even in a quasi-drunken state from sleep deprivation! Nah, I'm...

    ^^ I like it, too, and I'm not even in a quasi-drunken state from sleep deprivation! Nah, I'm not bored. But Twilight reeally is. So.. yeah, probably will, pretty soon.
  7. Elfin

    Asrai. They're aquatic fairies in folklore, and I think one of us mentioned Lydia evolving into...

    Asrai. They're aquatic fairies in folklore, and I think one of us mentioned Lydia evolving into a Vaporeon, and it sounds pretty... Then again, it's almost 2, so... xD Good night. Zzz...
  8. Elfin

    "Errriiindddooorrrrrrrrr..." "What?" "I'm bored. Tell me a story." "I'm kind of.. uh, busy..."...

    "Errriiindddooorrrrrrrrr..." "What?" "I'm bored. Tell me a story." "I'm kind of.. uh, busy..." "Tell me a story or I'll beat you up!" "Once upon a time the end." ".... That story sucks. You should be ashamed of yourself." That'd be pretty much inevitable. x33 ..If Twilight was funnier. And not...
  9. Elfin

    Sorry.. my scanner is still being "borrowed". I think they're planning on keeping it, it's been...

    Sorry.. my scanner is still being "borrowed". I think they're planning on keeping it, it's been so long. Dx Myrrh? I dunno. I can't think of any at the moment (Read: Whenever I try to think of one), but I will. At some point.
  10. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu ignored their conversation, carefully cleaning her fur once again. He's just saying that so that he doesn't have to admit to being weaker. After a bit, she padded away and stretched before lying down. She was tired, and not really used to walking far like that.
  11. Elfin

    Hm.. I do like the name Moon, but I think Felia actually fits her more. And, yeah. It's more...

    Hm.. I do like the name Moon, but I think Felia actually fits her more. And, yeah. It's more original. But, I do want to name one of them, at least. Rename Lydia? I don't know.
  12. Elfin


  13. Elfin


    What's going to make you want to stay here, you ask? If you don't, we'll throw you into a lake, where you will be eaten alive by giant mutant cod. Duh! Anyway, welcome!! *hands you a cup of tea*
  14. Elfin

    Idea Center

    SO. SCP Foundation RP. Good idea, or no? I might actually make it this time, unlike the glitch one that never happened. ... Has anyone else even heard of that website? ^^;
  15. Elfin

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    SO. I said I'd join this again with a different characters a while ago, but couldn't think of one I wanted to do until now. Not sure if this one entirely counts as a real character, per se, but okay. ^^; Name: Missingno. Likes to be called Missy. Gender: None, sometimes prefers to be referred...
  16. Elfin

    Ducks with hats? OH hello.

    Hi! I'll admit it. I'm crazy. It's surprisingly fun! >D ANYWAY, welcome!
  17. Elfin

    Idea Center

    She made that RP. Last year.
  18. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu looked back as huge wolf ran into the clearly, alarmed at first. But it was clearly on their side, and acting more like a puppy than anything. She meowed at him once and turned to follow the rest of the group along the path.
  19. Elfin

    In that case.. Hi!! xD BUM BUM BUUUUM. Hope there aren't ten billion posts by the time you do...

    In that case.. Hi!! xD BUM BUM BUUUUM. Hope there aren't ten billion posts by the time you do. Though it's preeetty likely. You ate my mom?! But human flesh is really unhealthy, high in fat and calories!! :O
  20. Elfin

    Nosy Birthday Question

    Saturday. Loving and giving? No, not really. x3
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