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Open Land of Twilight II


Take me to Wonderland

Sign-up/OOC Thread

Myths, Fairy Tales, and Legends are powerful things, their magic seeping into the nooks and crannies of everyday life.

But what most people don't know is that there is a place where these powerful forces exist. The residents call it the 'Land of Twilight', a place that can only be entered from the Land of Reality at the time of twilight. This is the place that all of the magical tales come from. It is much like our world, how it was back then. Tiny villages, castles, dragons, and more are here. It is truly paradise.

Or was. The Wicked Witch of the Enchanted Forest has taken it upon herself to warp the Land of Twilight into the place that she thinks it should be. Her dark magic is spreading over the land, corrupting the residents and turning the magic into her own dark breed. She wants things back to the way they should be - Grimm's Tales.

She has amassed powerful forces, and it is up to those who are not corrupted to destroy her and her army. The question is, will they be able to stop her in time…


A dark figure moves through a shadowed room, their robes dragging on the floor behind them as sleeping figures stir from the figure's presence. The figure than rests in a wooden chair with a high back, their hand tipped with long finger nails curling around a nearby crystal ball. The figure then whispers a soft mutter of odd words that cause the orb light up with a eerie purple glow.

The figure reaches out a hand to one of her pets, stroking the creature under his chin, a slight smirk on their pale face. The figured cooed softly with their feminine voice to her pets laying around her feet.

"Let's see what the world is doing today, my pets..."

The woman passes her hand over the crystal ball and gazes into it's depths, over looking the vast forest that was her home domain. She chuckled as she watched small children slip into the woods for search of food, waving to her larger two pets to leave her side and venture outside in search for these foolish children. How she loved watching her wolves work when it comes to foolish mortals that decide not to take the proper path in her woods.

If she ever finds the white witch that blessed that path for safe travel for the mortals, she'll string her up by her intestines outside of her forest as a message for the other mortals.

She continues to gaze over her forest and land when a shadow falls over her view. The shadow ion her crystal ball takes the form of a cloaked being holding a fair sized staff, their hand reached out ahead of them in a gesture of grabbing something. The figure than speaks under his shadowed hood.

"You reign ends soon."

The woman lets out a annoyed hiss as the shadow fades from her view. She curls her fingers, nails biting into her palm as a murderous glint appears in her red eyes.

"Some one is challenging me, my pets...Let's see if we can discourage him on his way"


A tall figure steps away from a mirror, a soft smile on his face. He waves a hand at the mirror, the image of the forest disappearing from the surface. The figure walks to his simple table and studies the objects left laying on the surface. On the table laid a simple-looking dagger and sheath, a pouch filled with coins, a flask filled with water, a sack with food within, and another pouch filled with vials and smaller pouches of power. The figures gathers the objects and pulls his cloak tighter around himself, moving toward the door of his simple house with his staff in hand.

He walked to the middle of the clear where his home resided and sat himself down on a stump, resting the staff across his lap. He looked up to the sky and noted the time. He lifts his hand to the heavens and mutters a few word, light pouring from his hand and forming a symbol in the sky.

In the sky over head was that of a fox curled with a long dragon in a loving embrace of power. This was the cloaked man's symbol and the beckon that should bring the others he has called to help aid him in his venture to break the curse the Witch has weaved over the land of Twilight.

His last message to the ones that will help him was in their dreams. He told them where to meet him and what watch for when the time has come for them to assemble. He could only hope that they have not forgotten what they must do.

The cloaked man then sits back on his stump and awaits the first arrival.
Finally, that was the last one.

The white fox looked up from the corpse of the hunter she had killed, her muzzle slightly blood-soaked. What was unusual about this fox was that she had not one tail, but nine. Wiping the blood off of her snout with her paw, she dashed toward the symbol in the sky, grabbing some reeds in her mouth. She wouldn't appear before that man as anything but human.

"Come on, Ayame!" Chimani called gingerly, hoping her sister would catch up as she ran. Hopefully she hadn't snapped again. After the last time... well, Chimani didn't like to think about it.

On the way, she spied their den. Guarded by beasts that had not fallen victim to her illusion and that she doubted she could kill anyway. She was at a distance where they could not see her, but she made the effort to remain hidden anyway.

Chimani skidded to a halt behind some bushes directly under the symbol. She could see the man, but hopefully he couldn't see her before she changed form.
Ayame padded after her sister. She spied the corpse of the hunter Chimani had killed.

"Th-thanks, sis." she choked out, "Please wipe the blood of your face. It's giving me....memories."

She dashed into the bush. She would stay in here until Chimani told her it was safe.
An enormous gray and white creature ran through the trees, giggling softly.
Miyu was an old cat, of course, but ever since she'd changed into.. whatever she was now, she had far too much energy. And the magic powers, and how big she was.. It was actually really fun. It felt strange to be acting so kitten-ish, though. She slowed as she approached, to a more dignified walk.

A symbol was in the sky; a fox and a dragon. About fifteen feet away was the clearing. Inside, a small house, and, more importantly, the man sitting on a tree stump. There. But nearby, she could hear a pair of fox-like creatures talking about something. Both had nine tails. They must be.. kitsunes, was it? Creatures with similar abilities as she had, if she remembered. Hm. Something about them made her nervous. But this was the spot, so they must be on her side. Stepping into the clearing just enough to be seen, Miyu smiled at the man. At least, as close to a smile as possible for a feline. She stretched, sat down, and began meticulously cleaning her fur.
Edna squinted up at the mark that had appeared overhead. It was the same as the one from her dream, so she was going the right way. She adjusted her sundress carefully, the basket on her am bouncing annoyingly off her hip as she moved her arms, making her grunt in annoyance.

"This better not be a prank." She muttered to herself, putting her hood up over her head.

Finally, she reached the clearing, nearly tripping over a root on the way. The small girl stumbled a few paces forward before regaining her balance, her face flushing. That was embarrassing.
The man turns and looks toward the two that appeared before him, a soft smile hidden by the shadow of his hood on his face. He reaches his hand out to the side and makes a few soft sounds to attract the cat-like creature, noting the odd appearance. He then looks back up at the dainty girl that seemed to have tripped over something on her way here.

"Are you alright, Miss Red?"
Eirian was not flying, as such. Rather she was running, her paws trailing glowing white sparks of energy as she dashed through the sky. It was as if the air beneath her had solidified, letting her run on it as a more ordinary canine would run on the ground. Still, after a while her pace changed from a long, steady lope to a trot as she began to descend in a graceful arc. The sign was clear above her - a magical symbol, a challenge to something... And she needed to find out what. It could be a threat to Annwn, and if it was, it had to be neutralized.

Red ears pricked, she landed with an unearthly grace, slowly coming to a halt. Her pristine fur didn't bristle, but she eyed the small gathering cautiously, fully prepared to try and fight them all if it came to that. "I have come from my lord of Annwn. What are your intentions?" she announced, gaze settling on the man as the more likely threat.

((Now I want to make an evil kelpie. D: Waaah. Oh well.))
Emra looked up at the sky lazily, and nodded slightly to herself. That symbol.. the fox and the dragon, twisting around each other.

How ironic.

She was going the right way then, Emra hoped, and clawed a tree trunk uneasily. It wouldn't be far for a dragon. Jumping forwards, she broke into a run, seeing flashes of colour, red, grey like herself, and green, of course, through the trees. Emra skidded to a stop a bit outside the clearing, making a bit more noise than she would've liked. Composing herself, she took another look at the marking in the sky, and took the three steps that put her in the clearing. There seemed to be a good amount of creatures there, including a cloaked man everyone was gathering around, and the reason she had arrived.

"You called," she asked, more of a statement than a question. Emra's eyes rested on the odd white dog, and she huffed under her breath, exhaling a puff of smoke.
The man turns his attention to the fairly large dog that landed near him, silently listening to it's claims and question. He leans back on the stump, a soft laugh leaving him.

"Mt intentions are to release this land from the spell of the Witch. I have no quarrel with your master, as long as they have no problem with me. If we both stay away from each other's ways we will all be fine."

The then chuckles once more as a fairly large creature appeared with much noise.

"Aye. Indeed I have called. I do hope we are all here now...That does include you two in the forest watching."

The man looks to the woods in the direction where the two sisters sat.
Chimani jumped back when she was called to. "He can see us?!" she grabbed the reeds up in her mouth and fiddled with them until they were on her head, and her figure changed to that of a young woman with bright blond hair. Her fur had turned into a brilliant white dress. Now she was ready to come out.

And that she did, motioning for her sister to follow her as she walked up to the man and curtseyed. The blood was gone from her face now, so maybe Ayame would be more comfortable.

"Hello, sir. You must pardon my having taken my time to come out of the bushes, I rather don't like coming in front of humans like that. They've tried to kill me for it before."
Edna flushed even darker when the man spoke to her, and pulled the hood even lower over her head. When the man went to talk to the others who had came, she felt a little better...until she noticed that the others were all monstrous beasts of various sizes and shapes.

She squealed and actually did fall over this time, landing on her rump with a soft squeaking sound.
Ayame walked slowly towards the man.

"You aren't gonna try and harm us, are you?" Ayame asked, "Because if you do....."

Tears started to form at her eyes. A sugar sweet smile formed across her muzzle.

"....I will be forced to use drastic measures. I'm glad we had that settled."

Ayame jumped with a start.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't usually act like that. I'm oh so sorry." she cried.
The man chuckles, lifting the staff off of his lap and resting it on the ground next to him, smoothing the cloth over his lap.

"Not at all my dears. I wasn't the sense of sight that told we you were there, but the presence of two beings of magical properties that gave you away."

The man then gets to his feet and glances at all the faces of the ones he has called. These will be the ones to help him free the Land of Twilight from the Witch...as well as help him succeed in his own personal attempts. The man lowers his hood to reveal a older man with long red hear braided back, a tended to red beard, and bright green eyes that seem to glow with knowledge and humour.

He picks his staff off of the ground and turns to a open path to the west. The path was lined with white stones with faint strange markings.

"...If you all are ready, will we move move along the safe path through the woods. Be mindful not to step beyond the whites stone, for if you do, the magic there won;t be able to protect you."

He walks a few feet away and leans on a tree, watching the collective of the ones he has called.

These will be the ones to save this world...go figure.

After a few moments of straight observations, he pushes off the tree and hits the ground with the end of his staff to get their attentions. He glances at the sky at the time and considers what they should do.

"We are moving out. we need to get to the next location before nightfall comes...the night is where the Witch is strongest and when he follows can get closer to us without detection."

He then glances at the lone human girl that he called and chuckles. He walks over to the girl and holds out his hand to help the girl up.

"Come now, Miss Red."
Chimani stared toward the path. All they had to do was stay on it and they wouldn't get attacked? It sounded good to her. She looked over at her sister, groaning as she begged for apology.

"Shut up, Ayame, he won't hurt us. Quit begging. It makes you look like a damned fool." she slowly stepped toward the path, then turned around to wait for her. She did wonder once if her transformation would hold up, but she figured that was irrelevant and began tapping her foot impatiently.
"Sorry, sis." Ayame said, looking at the path, "There must be some intense form of magic that is keeping us safe."

She padded her way towards the path.

The white stones...don't step beyond the white stones.... she thought.
Iortheayr saw the sign in the sky, and howled. "It's the one from my dream," he shouted excitedly. He then began bounding towards it. On his way there, he saw the corpse of a hunter. He stopped and stuck his tung out at the corpse. He knew it was rather childish, but all hunters were meanies and tried to hurt him, so he was glad the hunter was dead. Then he continued on. Once he had reached a gathering he shouted, "I'm here! Sorry I'm late! I'll try not to do it again!" He was panting heavily from all that running, which might show off his fangs, for anyone who was looking.

((Anyone happy to see this pup? No. Not really.))
Eirian would have preferred to run through the air, but to do so would be to avoid hearing valuable information. So, with a look of disdain, she began to walk on the path, carefully avoiding stepping past the white stones. She believed she could handle anything that tried to attack her, but doing so would delay her task. Thus, for now, she avoided battle. Red ears twitching occasionally, she kept an eye on the red-haired man. If he had no quarrel with Arawn, then she had no quarrel with him, but to trust him just because of a single statement? That would be foolish.
Miyu looked back as huge wolf ran into the clearly, alarmed at first. But it was clearly on their side, and acting more like a puppy than anything. She meowed at him once and turned to follow the rest of the group along the path.
"Moving, are we? This soon after we've arrived?" Emra shook her scales, making a loud clicking sound like someone had dropped a large bag of coins. "Fine, sure." With a glare, she dared anyone to try to push their way past her, and moved onto the path.

"Exactly what is the magic protecting us from?" She asked, moving to the side to let others pass, and to take a closer look at the stones. They seemed plain enough, save the fact that the entire rows of stone were almost pure white, and had the faint scent of magic.
A whispering, melodious sound floated around the dense forest. Anyone who happened to look around this specific area might see a silvery-gray, tall shape, apparently the source of the sound, walking slowly around the trees and occasional wild creature. The forest was dark and somewhat dreary, as usual.

The birch dryad stopped singing and sighed.

The Witch was the root of this. He, like the few other surviving tree nymphs, tried to keep the forest from falling into total disrepair, but most days it seemed like a losing battle.

A scrawny chipmunk landed on Béypa's leaf-covered head, and chittered something in rodent-tongue. Like all rodents, this one was always tripping over her words in her haste to get them out.

"There's humans and some other creatures on the main path and one of them has this really nice red cloak and there's an older human who's in a cloak too but it's not red..."

Béypa nodded at the oblivious squirrel and strode towards the main path, intending to make sure the travelers got through the forest safely.
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