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Open Land of Twilight II

Both girls hop back as they see the large dog enter their house. Snow let out a loud squeak and hides behind a sofa, looking over it and watching Iortheayr. Rose holds up her spoon and starts to go toward him, when Kit wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground.

"This is one of my companions. He's a little late, but I'm glad he's returned...in full size it seems. Curious."

"So he's one of yours?"

"Aye, Snow. He's a good pup. He won't bite you dear."

Snow slowly slips out from behind the sofa and walks over her him. He meekly lifts her hand and pats the side of his head.

"Good puppy...?"

Rose puffed out her cheeks and turns her attention to the tree spirit in her house.

"And what do you want."
Bépya was slightly taken aback by the rather huffy woman.

"Erm, I was just wondering if there was a source of water nearby," said the birch-nymph. It was a rather humorous sight, the tall, greenish-silver dryad cowering before the might of the comparatively tiny Rose Red.
Iortheayr nuzzled her hand, then licked her on the cheek with the very tip of his tongue. He knew from experience that using his entire tongue usually landed him with a person in his mouth. "I smelled food. Is somebody cooking something?" he asked excitedly.
Eirian hesitantly entered, ears flattening. She didn't bother squeezing past Iortheayr, and just stuck her head in. "Greetings. I am Eirian." she said flatly. "If you wish for me to enter, it would be best if the pup moves." And then she retreated to sit outside, waiting for space to be made... or not. Depending on if the house really could fit their assorted group or not. She occupied herself by looking at the sky, wondering where she would have been if she hadn't been given the task and joined the little army they seemed to be forming against the Witch. Surely Lord Arawn hadn't meant for her to stay on the ground for so long... But it didn't matter - she had her orders and would obey them.
Iortheayr heard the comment from outside the house, and moved his leg out of the way of the door. "Sorry. This place is just a bit small." He gave a little apologetic smile.
Rose rolls her eyes and shoves past the dog at the door, picking up a bucket that rested outside. She goes to the well that sat next to her and her sister's home and started to draw the water. Snow on the toehr hand smiles and pulls on the large puppy's leg a bit.

"No no, all of you come inside...I hope Kit here told you that enchantment on this house!"

Kit looks over at the girl, then to the ceiling with a silly little smile on his face.

"Actually, I forgot to tell them about that. You see, no matter the size of the house on the outside, the inside is far larger to hold all that enter. Once you all enter and close the door, the house will grow so all of you will rest easily"

Rose returns and holds the bucket out to the tree spirit.

"Anything else or would you like this in a bowl"

"Now now, Rose. Do be kind to my companions."

Rose puffs out of her cheeks and puts the bucket in Bépya's hands and goes back to her stew. Kit smiles and hands his hand through her hair, a soft chuckle in his voice.
Bépya looked incredously at the woman. Had he done something to offend her? Ah, well at least he had his water.

The dryad dipped the twig-like fingers of his right hand into the bucket. The volume of water in the bucket lessened noticably. Bépya did the same with his other hand, and then drank the rest of the water like a human would.

Hmm, so the house is enchanted? I wonder if it also grows vertically?
Miyu darted inside the house. Since she was so small, getting past Iortheayr wasn't particularly hard. He was back! And normal sized, obviously. So he hadn't gotten himself killed after all.
"Hello! You're alive! I'm surprised. Mm.. it smells nice in here," she purred happily. The house reminded her of her old owners. That was a bit odd, being as that house had been far, far away from this area, and looked considerably different.
Iortheayr looked up inquisitively. THe house was enchanted. The roof had raised considerably, and he no longer felt the fur on his back brushing it. Then he looked down at the cat-lady Miyu. "Yep. Still breathing. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the little girl back." He looked to the wizard. "So why are we here?" he asked, his tongue wgging from the delicious smell wafting through the air.

((I keep having to revive this thread...))
Kit smiles and looks back at the large pup, folding his arms behind him.

"Good question. We are here to have a good meal, a safe haven to rest, and for me to gather information on our enemy..."

Kit then walks over to a bowl resting on the table, tapping his finger on the clear water surface. the water ripples and fades into different colors with every ripple.

"And from here, I can track the little girl with the red hood. It will take some time, but once I find her, I can summon her here."

Kit glances up at the dog, giving him a forgiving smile for running off before.


The Wolf stops his run and glances over his shoulder to the bush, waiting for his brother to emerge soon. His heart beated fast at the thought of leaving his brother back there with that fool of a pup.

He was never away from his brother for long.

He then glances at the girl in his grasp and drops her on the ground, pressing his foot on her back to keep her still.

"Well...that friend of yours sure is a pest. But we can still have our fun. How about I show you a whole new meaning of pain, and you scream your lungs out and cry. Then, I'll ask you a little question on how you ended up in the forest with that pup. Agreed?"

The wolf smirks down at her, licking his fang, his pale blue eyes looking down at her coldly.
((Alright. I'm moving this forward enough to allow FMC to get her ass back to us.))

Kit remained still from where he sat, bowl of water in his lap. His eyes remain trained on the surface for any flicker of life. He softly hums and continues to watch the ripples change colours, the soft glow reflecting off his face.

A second set of ripples then appear, changing the water into a flat glass. Kit smiles as a familiar figure appears, wandering in the forest.

"There you are."

He closes his eyes and submerges his hand into the water.

Magic pull. Use this hand to snatch the one seen in the water and bring them to me. Swift be my hand before more danger appears.


The wolf stalks back to the home of his mistress, smoothing the fur on his body down. He grins as he uncurls one of his hands to reveal a piece of the girl's hood in his hand, her blood and tears on the fabric.

"Today was a good day..."

He then turns his head and sniffed the air, sensing the Witch's personal killer approaching from his latest mission. He shrugs his shoulders and enter of house, kneeling before the throne of his mistress.

"Mistress. I've returned."

"That is very good, my pet. Now...did you bring me a gift?"

The wolf lays the piece of cloak on the ground before her, bowing his head. The witch leans forward and takes the cloth, patting the wolf on the head and smiles down at him.

"Good boy...this will come in handy later on. Now, once your brother returns, I can gather the information my little pet has gathered for me."

She then laughs a little, lifting the wolf's chin and peers into his ice blue eyes.

"Then my little Puss can do the next step while you rest, my dear Halan."
((Alright. I'm moving this forward enough to allow FMC to get her ass back to us.))

Kit remained still from where he sat, bowl of water in his lap. His eyes remain trained on the surface for any flicker of life. He softly hums and continues to watch the ripples change colours, the soft glow reflecting off his face.

A second set of ripples then appear, changing the water into a flat glass. Kit smiles as a familiar figure appears, wandering in the forest.

"There you are."

He closes his eyes and submerges his hand into the water.

Magic pull. Use this hand to snatch the one seen in the water and bring them to me. Swift be my hand before more danger appears.


The wolf stalks back to the home of his mistress, smoothing the fur on his body down. He grins as he uncurls one of his hands to reveal a piece of the girl's hood in his hand, her blood and tears on the fabric.

"Today was a good day..."

He then turns his head and sniffed the air, sensing the Witch's personal killer approaching from his latest mission. He shrugs his shoulders and enter of house, kneeling before the throne of his mistress.

"Mistress. I've returned."

"That is very good, my pet. Now...did you bring me a gift?"

The wolf lays the piece of cloak on the ground before her, bowing his head. The witch leans forward and takes the cloth, patting the wolf on the head and smiles down at him.

"Good boy...this will come in handy later on. Now, once your brother returns, I can gather the information my little pet has gathered for me."

She then laughs a little, lifting the wolf's chin and peers into his ice blue eyes.

"Then my little Puss can do the next step while you rest, my dear Halan."
Edna stumbled through the forest, confused and in pain, with her ripped cloak wrapped around herself. SHe had escaped the wolves, but for how long? The girl's heart was bounding in her throat, her breath ragged and painful. She stumbled and fell onto the forest floor with a squeal, and lay panting on the moss and grass.

She squeezed her eyes shut very hard, trying to forget the throbbing pain in her body, and started to cry, curling into herself. This wasn't fair...

It was then she felt like something was...grabbing a hold of her. She screamed.
Kit smiles as he felt the clothe in the water, his eyes opening to glowing green slits. He curls his fingers in the loose clothe and pulls his prize smoothly through the water. He flinches as the girl lands next to him with a thump, a sorry smile on his face.

"Sorry miss Edna...didn't mean for the landing."
Iortheayr heard a scream. It sounded like the little girl he had tried to save. His ears perked, and he peeked and eye out the door. He could smell her faintly over the smell of food, but he wasn't sure what that meant. He sighed and lay down, careful not to crush anyone. His ears went back and he whimpered a little.
Hmm, a sudden blip of life-energy. This sort of thing happened occasionally when Bépya walked past a creature giving birth, but the blip was usually much smaller. It also was usually a bit more gradual a process, whereas this had happened almost magi–

Kit had done something or another. Maybe he had brought back the girl...?
Kit chuckles a little at the wordless girl. She didn't seem to have any words about her landing or on where she is. He reaches down to the clasp of her cloak and removes it, folding it and resting it to his side. He lays her down until she was flat on the floor and lifts his staff, the orb at the end glowing softly.

"Now...time to see if you are harmed."

He slowly waves the staff over her, the information on her current state appearing in his mind. He closes his eyes and leash back the sudden rage he felt in his chest, taking in a calm breath.

"You...have been through hell, little girl. But...now is the time to heal while we are here...though it will take some time."

Kit waves his staff over her again, a faint blanket of green energy resting over her body and slowly sinking into her. He gets back to his feet and lifts her gently into his arms, walking over to the couch and resting her there.

"It will take three nights for her to heal completely...time I wished we could spare...but this is how it is. I must keep up my spell to heal her and I can't let her move down the trail."

He turns and looks over at the Sisters, a soft sad look in his old green eyes.

"You would let us stay...correct?"

Rose Red rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. Snow White smiles up at him, her small pale hands clasped together.

"We'd love to have you all stay...it will be good rest for all of them and they can heal whatever may be hurt."

"Plus. It gives you time to look into your spells again. Don't want to Witch getting the better of you again."

Kit chuckles and walks over to a window, leaning out of it and peering at the sky above. It was a nice clearing, big enough for the air walker and dragon to fly in if they wished. He watched as the sky starts to fade into a dark sea of black with tiny stars. The moon was the largest source of light, and the only way for Kit to tell how many days he had to stop the Witch.

With each night the moon grows dark, the stronger she will get...I pray that we reach there in time.
At the return of the little girl, Iortheyr's ears came up and he ceased his whimpering. He got to the couch as fast as possible without knocking anything or anyone over. "Is she going to be all right? I sure hope so. I wish I could have stopped those mangy curr, but they were too fast for me." He lay down beside the couch and waited for the girl to wake. All my fault...
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