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Open Land of Twilight II

Edna was trailing quietly at the back of the group, the little fox-creature in her arms. The small animal was sniffling it's nose and looking around a lot, big yellow eyes wide. Edna giggled when it skittered from her arms around around her neck, so it was on her shoulders. It made a soft cooing sound, then dived back into her arms.

"You're silly..." She said softly, petting him.

The creature then looked off to the side, wiggling it's nose. Edna followed it's gaze, to a patch of beautiful flowers just off the path. The girl gasped, and looked down at the creature.

"I should go a pick some. I'll only be off the path for a minute...that won't hurt. Right?" She asked the fox. It nodded.

The small girl hopped over the stones around the edge, and made her way to the flower patch.
(*cackles* Now for some punishment!)

A ear flicks as a ripple of magic flows through the forest, informing the ones that dwell and serve the Witch that someone has trespassed. The wolf draws himself up and looks in the direction the sense came from, a smirk cracking his face. He turns to his brother and holds out a paw to him.

"There is a little pest that has entered Mistresses Forest. We should go together. Maybe it's a big one for both of us to eat~"

The wolf then slips through the brush and uses his nose to find his way.


The stones on the path all turn grey, rendering the path to be powerless for a brief moment. Kit waves his staff and the gem glows, spilling power back into them. He turns and looks back at the group.

"I said careful. Even the faintest brush on the other side will render this path powerless."
Emra winced. It wasn't her, she swore.. She'd been in the air at the moment the path failed. Was it her? She got the feeling that something important had happened, maybe related to her and maybe not.

"This path had better end soon," Emra muttered, and rubbed a claw. She'd be damned hungry after this, so no one had better get on her nerves.
Iortheayr's ear twitched. There was movement in the distance. Something was coming, and it wasn't going to be friendly. He looked around, awaiting its arrival.
The wolf nears the clearing where the young girl in a cloak perched. He smirks at his luck and slinks through the bush soundlessly behind her. He reaches out his paws and pulls the back of her cloak and slapping his other paw over her mouth to stifle her scream.


The bushes where Edna slipped through grow and hide her path, bloaking her from veiw. Kit looks ahead of the path and notes the figures of people ahead \. He smiles and lifts his hand to his mouth, letting out a loud whisle.

"The path is a minute away, air-walker. Stop there and await for us."


The two figures lean on each other, bored that no one has come in quite some time to visit the sisters down the pathway that isn't enchanted at the time. One looks to the other and comments on the unchanging weather when a whisle and voice reach them.

"Brother. Seems we have people to play with."

"Indeed Brother mine. Let's have some fun!"
Edna struggled in the grasp of her attacker, kicking her thin legs. She had dropped the small fox-creature, which scampered away. The creature made it's way beside the path, watching Kit with a wide grin.

"Let me go!" Edna tried to scream, but her voice was muffled by the wolf's paw.

A second wolf stands beside the first, a wide grin on his furry face. This prey needs to be punished... but not killed. No, not yet. She needs to make her way to Mistress... The Wolf grinned even wider.
Eirian paused in her run as the path faded to dull grey. Someone had gone off the path - how foolish of them to not heed the mage's warnings. Oh well. It wasn't her fault, and not her problem to deal with. Hearing the whistle, she barked loudly in response and forged ahead once more. The fork in the path could be seen, even with the path itself obviously no longer glittering and safe. Halting, she looked around, ears pinning back.

((Short as hell. D:))
((Guys...Kit restored the power to them...))

The wolf drags the girl further into the forest, keeping his paw on her mouth. He smirks over to his brother and beckons him closer.

"Now...what shall we do with this little thing? Shall we eat her, bring her to Mistress, or have a little fun?"

He looks down at the girl, a pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. He leans down and licks her neck, his fangs brushing her neck.

"She tastes quite nice"


Kit moves down the path at a faster pace toward the two brothers at the end of the path. He stops before them and let out a sigh as he catches his breath.

"Hello Brothers. May we pass."

The first brother leans on his brother, brushing his hair behind his left ear.

"Certainly. Take the path to the left."

The second brother rolls his eyes and brushes his hair behind his right ear, sighing heavily.

"Don't listen to him. He's not that bright and he doesn't know right from left. Take the right path here, to the right."

Kit looks up to the treetops and shakes his head, tapping his foot on the ground.

"I forgot this part. Alright alright. I'll let you guess the path way first, my comrades. But if you can't figure out the riddle, I'll find it. I'm sure you can find a way to find the right path soon."

Kit then glances to the side of the path and sees the fox-creature grinning up at him.

On the wrong side of the pathway.

"...the girl...what have you done, you wicked beast. Return to the pathway if you do not wish to be eaten by the wolves that dwell here."

The Brothers glance at what Kit was talking too, a dark look in their eyes as they study the beast before them. But they both remain quiet. They have to finish their game first.
"Why don't we play with her, and then let her go...? Then we can play a game and try to catch her again." The second wolf said, laughing softly under his breath. He liked to play games. He reached out and patted Edna's blond head, showing the girl his fangs.

Edna whimpered.


The fox-creature attempted to jump on the bright white stones, but it was pushed back, as if by an invisible force. It hissed, eyes glowing a bright yellow, and razorblade teeth bared.
Iortheayr watched wide-eyed as a girl is dragged into the forest, a paw covering her mouth. He snarled viciously. "Wizard, return me to my normal size, now!"
A random memory of the squirrel alerting him to the presence of his new group popped into the birch-nymph's mind. The rodent had gone on about the humans' cloaks, especially the girl's.

Hey, where did little red-cloak go, I wonder?

Bépya was about to voice his thoughts when Iortheayr barked out his command. What could he mean? Nothing was wrong... Wait!

"Wise one, the red-cloaked girl is gone!" Bépya yelled, leaf-hair rustling loudly in the nonexistent breeze. "I think she has strayed from the path!"
"The fox is one of hers!"

Kit swings his staff out and a great light starts to collect in it's tip. He muttered a few words as the staff grew brighter and brighter. He glances over at the others that voiced their concerns, a soft growl to his voice.

"The foolish girl left the path and now she is held captive by the followers of the Witch. She has disregarded my warning and left on her own...that or these beast lured her away. It does not matter now though if we charge into the forest...it is likely too late now."

He releases the light at the fox, the light forming into a whip of fire that wraps around the creature's body and scorches it's fur.


"Hmm...I like that game. Now...who shall take the first turn with her? You like to torture and...'Play' with your victims the most, and I do have to say that it's amusing what you do with them."

The wolf laughs, holding a hand out for his brother while holding her down with his other.
"I don't care," he screamed, "Change me back now!" If the Wizard refused, he would go after her in his current state. It would only end in death, this he knew, but he had to try. He was not going to let anyone die if he could help it.
((See? I'm still alive!))
Miyu saw it too. Still, she wasn't going to run away and do something dumb like Iortheayr. Or at least wasn't planning on it. But if he ran off like that, he was going to get hurt. And then they'd get attacked again, maybe the whole group. Oh, this was bad. Try and help the girl and die, or stay here? Great.
"Don't go. She could still be alive, but if you just run off without thinking, then that's two people dead", she meowed, trying to sound calm and reasonable. Something she didn't exactly have much practice in. "If you go, I'm following you. And then that's three people. Please?At least plan something first."
"But, wizard, I felt no passing of life!" said Bépya vehemently. He blushed deep green, and then continued more respectfully. "I agree that it would be rash to run in blindly, but...?"

As a sad afterthought, Bépya pointed at the ground around the fox's feet. Silver-green roots sprang from the ground and began wrapping around the betrayer's paws.

It saddened Bépya to attack an animal, but it was an agent of the Witch, and had led the red-cloaked girl to her probably certain doom.
"If she is alive...then we may be able to save her. But we can't do that by leaving this path."

Kit then closes his eyes, a soft glow appearing around his form. A pale red light swirls around his body, nine licks of the light flicking behind him like tails before flaying from him and entering the forest's depths.

'The hour is now
Be swift mine servants
The cat is away, the wolf be at play
run now, run now for the hour be near'

Kit opens his eyes, the green in his eyes glowing under his hood.

"I have sent the only ones that can pass unnoticed and unchanged from the Witch's curse. They will find her and guide her back to us...There is nothing we can do for now but ensure that we reach out next rest place. Once we are in the safety of the Sisters' keep, will Edna be safely brought to us on the wings of doves."

Kit then turns to the Brothers that hold the secret to the direction of the Sisters, growling under his breath.

"And I say again. Make a guess as to which way we must go. I can't answer until another does since I've been through these changing paths before. Think wisely in how you determine the correct pathway. This is a test of the mind."


The lights fly through the forests, slowly forming into the spirits of foxes summoned from another plane to aid their master in his ordeals. They move swiftly and silently to find the target that their master wishes to have.


"If you're not going to choose, than I'll be the first to have fun."

The wolf looks down at the little girl, baring his fangs in a fiendish smirk. He lowers his head and licks at her neck, his foul breath on her neck and his paw resting on her hip. He quickly pins her to the ground and continues to brush his fangs over her flesh, a soft dark chuckle leaving him.
Good. So he wouldn't run off, after all. Probably.
Miyu at least attempted turned her attention to the test of the mind, as Kit put it. It was pretty hard to focus on much of anything when someone just got kidnapped.
This sounded like a riddle she'd heard a while ago. Hey, why not? If nothing else, the question would confuse them and then the group could threaten the two brothers into just telling them.
Miyu picked one of them at random and blurted out,
“If I asked the other brother which road leads to the one with the sisters, what would he say?”
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The brothers smile down at the odd kitten, crossing their arms over their chests and lean on each other for support. The one Miyu asked flicks his hair back over his left ear and let out a amused sigh.

"He'd tell you to tale the Right path, but he'd be wrong. It's the Left path you must take, trust me"

The other brother shakes his head.

"Lying again my brother? Hasn't mother taught us better?"

Kit watches the questioning closely, a hidden smile under his cloaks as he hears the remarks of both brothers. He knew the answer and who was the liar, but do to the Brothers' game, he couldn't answer until later.

Keep at it little Miyu...one is already lying...
"It's not good enough," he shouted, then ran off into the bushes, in the direction he had seen the girl disappear. Though he was still not his normal size, he was not going to trust something he could not see or hear to bring her back unharmed. He would have to do it himself.
"Hey," Emra called to the two brothers. "What time of day is it right now?" If they answered, there was no doubt about which path to choose.. and with that thought, she balanced precariously on the path, behind everyone in the group. A flash of fur caught her eye as the wolf, Iortheayr, she believed, ran off the path.

"Iortheayr," she yelled. "You'll get yourself kill-" The wolf disappeared out of sight before Emra could say any more, and she growled. And this was why she didn't like people or animals, they were all idiots and ended up dead.
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