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Open Land of Twilight II

"Really? You'll die if you fall asleep? Or you just sleep really deeply? I don't. I'll wake you up. And not by setting you on fire." Such an obsession with fire, all of a sudden.
Miyu was about to continue rambling as well, but they were leaving now. She jumped down off of Iortheayr's head a little awkwardly and followed after Kit once again.
Bépya glanced at his new aquaintance, who had apparently made friends with the pyrokinetically-homicidal cat. Good for him.

The birch-nymph strode after the hooded man, looking almost still but moving at quite a pace anyway. As he walked, Bépya noticed a small bush covered with small, bright red berries. The dryad picked several, the slightly unripened ones filling out slightly as he touched them.

"Does anyone want one?" he called, holding them in the air.
Iortheayr began to follow the weirdo, wherever he was going, along with Bepya, who had found some berries, and Myu, the cat-thing.
The birch-nymph strode after the hooded man, looking almost still but moving at quite a pace anyway. As he walked, Bépya noticed a small bush covered with small, bright red berries. The dryad picked several, the slightly unripened ones filling out slightly as he touched them.

"Does anyone want one?" he called, holding them in the air.

((I just thought of yew berries and nightshade >_>))

Emra shot a glance in the way of the dryad, and turned away before she could be seen. Didn't they have a Witch to kill, and land to travel? Standing up, she shook the few bits of dirt and such from her pelt and trotted away from the few still in the clearing.

The Lady of the Land was there to accomplish something, not to make friends and have small talk. Emra followed Kit with her eyes on the ground and trees around them. Hanging near the back of the group, she wondered if the path's protection would be broken if she flew overhead..
Kit continues down the path, counting under his breath the number of stones he has passed.


He moves forward at a faster pace, searching for the lone stone that would tell him which way to go next. He remains silent as he continues down the path, forgetting that others were following.


He stops at a place in the path and leans down, rolling one of the protective rocks on his side. He mutters a few words and the stone shine a bright silver. He waves his staff and the light stretched on the ground to silver path that cut into the dark woods. He grips the stone in his hand.

"Hurry. We will be taking this pathway. The only rule for this 0ne is to not step anywhere but the silver path below. If you tread onto the ground beyond, the Witch will know we've have gotten closer. Now...move. I'll stand here until you all pass safely."


A blond wolf slips out of a house, yawning and pink tongue hanging out. He glances at the yard, eyeing the black horse tied to the apple tree. He smirks as he walks past, nearing the resting place of another follower of the Mistress. He leans against a tree and crosses his arms, a low chuckle leaving his muzzle.

"Time to wake up, Boots. Mistress needs you to scout the villages."

The wolf's eyes take on a sly gleam, licking one of his fangs.

"Also. Tell me if there is a brown cloak and basket still hanging from a tree while you go."
((In theory, since Bépya is a citizen of the forest, would he go unnoticed if he left the path? Just curious.))

Bépya nodded to the man, dipping his head rather low with a creaking sound, and stepped onto the path, looking behind him to see if anyone else was coming.
Iortheayr looked down at the path. It was too small. There was no way his massive paws could be confined into such a small space. "I can't do it. The path is too small for me," he said aloud.What was he going to do?

((Maybe the witch has claimed that land her territory and only those traitors you mentioned could enter without being attacked? I don't know, I'm just taking a guess.))
((Listen to Chaon. He's right about that))

Kit turns to the large wolf creature and considers the situation. He glances ahead at the path way, then back at him. He then lifts his staff and points it at him.

"Then I'll just make you smaller. It will only be temporary, but it'll do the trick."

The orb at the end of the staff flashes, cloaking Iortheayr in a faint green glow. The considerable size of the dog starts to shrink until he was the size of a mortal dog. Kit smiles and turns back to the path, leading the way further down.

"If anyone else has a problem, I'll do the same. Now, we must hurry to the next place...this path will only stay safe while the sun is out."
Emra snorted a thick cloud of smoke, waving it away with a wing.

"If the wolf can't fit, do you think a dragon larger than him will fit?" She twitched. "Will the path be broken if I fly overhead?" It'll give me a chance to get away from you all, she almost added. Kit's magic likely wouldn't work on her, anyways. There'd been many attempts to return her to human, all failed..
Kit looks back at the dragon, glancing at the tree tops. He shakes his head sadly and crosses his arms.

"It will be a tight fit to fly...you need to stay under the tree tops or you'll be lost and likely captured by the very trees that are under her spell. If you think you can keep us in sight, then fly. Now everyone, it's time we move on. We've waited enough time..."
Eirian, though larger than a mere mortal hound, was slim and built on the same lines. Thus, staying on the path was an easy task for her. Snorting, she strode past both mage and dragon. "Indeed. If we are to get moving, it's best to increase our pace." she remarked, already loping ahead, paws easily finding each silver rock. The light of day dampened her ethereal appearance, pristine fur almost looking normal, and the white glow around her fading completely - if not for the gore-bright red of her ears, and her size, she could have been taken for a normal dog.

((Fail, I lost my train of thought in this. Ah well.))
Emra nodded sharply. Well, that made sense.. though flying low and in a tight space might be a bit of a problem.

She'd manage. Years of learning to fly in that stupid, tight castle would have helped, though she had left it behind a long time ago. With a huff, she voiced her thoughts.

"I'll manage," she muttered. "I can fly faster than any of you can run or walk.. though you should all go ahead. I'd rather not knock any of you over." Emra flicked her tail at the path, thinking. Yes, she'd manage..
Iortheayr began walking the path. It was odd not being big anymore. He was always used to looking down at things, but now they were eye level. He wasn't exactly complaining, but if the magic never wore off, he'd have a fit. He liked being bigger, troublesome though it may have been. He was never kicked around like the puppy he was because everyone was so afraid of him. He'd rather be feared and lonely, than beaten and afraid.
Kit shakes his head bit as the air-walker dog passed him on the path. He moves after the dog swiftly, a soft chuckle in his throat.

"We are to travel to a old hut that ends at this path. Inside is a friend of mine that will provide shelter for us. They are part of the few that can still resist the Witch's influence. The house is small on the outside, but inside it is enchanted to hold all sizes for creatures...once we reach there, I can return you back to your former size if you wish."

Kit then turns and looks over his shoulder at the others and smiles a bit.

"We must reach the sisters soon before they prepare their dinner without us."
Looking around, Emra nodded to no one in particular. There was no one directly in front of her, so.. "I'll go now, then," she told the few around her. Huffing, she unfolded her wings and winced a bit. She couldn't actually do this, right? She was so big, and the path was so small. Too small. Ignoring the thoughts, Emra awkwardly left the ground, flying two feet or so above the path, bobbing up and down.

"Dragons are supposed to fly in the sky," she muttered to herself, keeping her wings tucked in a bit. Damn being resistant to magic.
Eirian looked slightly amused at the sight of the dragon labouring above her head. So amused, in fact, that the Cwn Annwn decided to join her in the air for a while. Getting in the air was simple: not slowing down, she simply lifted her paw, and it stuck in the air as if it was solid, a few white sparks trailing the movement. Once all four paws were securely placed on thin air, the white hound serenely began to run, a foot above the ground and at rather close proximity with the flying dragon, though she seemed unfazed by it. "I could scout ahead and find this hut - it tires me to stay at such a slow pace." she offered to Kit. "Can a creature of my size fly higher than the dragon safely?"
Kit shakes his head, traveling toward them.

"I'm afraid not. If any of you flyers fly over the tree tops, you'll lose us and be lost. But please, do scout ahead. If you start to smell stew brewing then you'll be pointed in the right way, but we warned. There is a fork in the road ahead with two figures on either side of the fork. Be wise in picking the right direction, you'll you'll end up looping up behind us."

Kit glances over his shoulder at the the others and urged them along.

"Be careful of the path..."
Emra flicked her tail in acknowledgement of the air-walking dog behind her. "If you want to pass, I can drop low for a moment. Tell me when," she called back, and waited for her response. Going so slow was hard; Emra had to use less energy in the open air, where there were thermals and space to dive. This.. wasn't flying.
Eirian twitched her ears. "A fork in the road, you say? I'll watch for it." she replied, and came dangerously close to the dragon's whipping tail. "Drop down now, dragon." And once the opportunity to go forward presented itself, off she went, paws striking up white sparks. The otherworldly hound was careful to stay below the treetops, but she was going much faster than before, because now there was no need to slow down, to keep pace with mortals.

((Bleh. XD))
Emra dipped a wing and skidded on the path, hoping there wasn't anyone under her. "It's Emra," she called after the dog, who was quickly disappearing. Flapping her great wings, she rose up again, struggling to keep up and not accidentally touch the ground. If only she could be smaller and fly after the dog.. Emra sighed. She had to ignore the burn in her back and wing muscles. This would be a long flight.
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