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Open Land of Twilight II

((*Pours a little life bottle on the thread* Pleasework Pleasework Pleasework))
Iortheayr stopped crying after a minute or two, and looked up at Bepya. "I'm sorry that you have to see me like this. I'm usually not this depressing," he said in between sniffling. "I understand if you want to talk to someone else now. No one would like hanging around with a sobbing wolf cub." He put his head on his forepaws again, and sighed.
The man stared down at the little fox, shifting a little in his bindings. He frowned, tilting his head at the little fox. Strange little creature...

"Wh..Who are you?" He whispered. "One of her minions? I'm not doing anything wrong." He spat, growling.

((Arg, crappost))
The fox crawls into the Man's lap and curls it's tail around himself, looking up at the poor man with large green eyes. He lifts up a paw and places it on the man's chest.

"I'm not one of hers. I'm here to ask you if you are alright...and if you would know the route to this place that can be traveled in body and not spirit."

The fox tries to sound serious, which was a hard thing to do when his voice was soft and child like. The fox then licks his paw and starts to groom the dirt from fur.

"I was hoping you could help me..."
The man looked down at the fox, his black eyes narrowed. This strange creature could just be stringing him along, trying to get him to trip up and say something the Witch could punish him for... He frowned.

"I don't know anything, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell." He growled.


Edna yawned, patting the little fox-creature on his head as it dozed off. She wiggled her toes a bit, staring at them.

"You're sure we'll be safe here?"

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, Iortheayr! I just don't have many chances to gat practice at social situations. Most forest animals eaither run away, make a nest in my hair, our leave me alone once they find out that I'm not edible," Bépya would haave taken a breath if he had needed to.

"I don't care what your name means, by the way; I have no idea what 'Bépya' means. I've just always known it."
"Very well dear man...but please, I ask you to please keep your ears and eyes open for me. I'll will be back the next night and will ask you the same questions about the Witch."

The fox bows his head and slips off the man's lap, softly licking at his wrists that were slightly bleeding. He steps a few paces away before disappearing into a mist.


Kit's eyes open, a soft glowing fading back to their natural state. He glance sup at the moon sadly, the taste of the man's blood in his mouth. He glances over at the others, noting that most had fallen asleep. He pulls his hood back over his head and closes his eyes once more, leaning onto his staff.

"It...is time for rest."

---The next Day---

Kit stood at the edge of the path way, looking over at the sleeping forms of the ones he has gathered for this mission. He clears his throat and taps his staff on the ground.

"It is time to leave...we must get to the next place before nightfall."
Eirian had not slept. She was a creature of Annwn, and the need to eat and sleep didn't affect her. In fact, she had spent the whole night sitting in one spot and staring at the sky, which could have made her look and eerie and mysterious... Or could be taken for "that weird white dog is doing weird stuff. Leave it alone." Regardless of the dramatic effect, she was ready to leave, and merely nodded in Kit's direction.
"So you're like me then... no one to talk to because everyone runs away. Glad to know I'm not alone." He smiled up at Bepya. "I don't mean to take pleasure in your loneliness, but at least this way we can be lonely together." He got up and moved towards the tree man, then bent down and nuzzled him.

((If the world hates you, you snuggle anyone you can.))
Kit lets out a annoyed breath as he sees that most of the ones he is to travel with are still asleep. He lifts his staff, the sun's light causing the orb to glitter. When a muttered word, the light intensify and showers the sleeping forms in a bright light.

"Wake up. It is time to go. We are losing daylight, precious time we need if we are to get closer to the Witch. Awaken now, or you will be left behind."
Chimani was already awake, just staring into the distance. It'd been a few hours, and she'd slept, but not very well. She missed her den.

"I'm already awake." her tails swished. "Just sitting here watching everyone." what else was there to say? That WAS what she had been doing, and there was no need to lie about it.
Emra grumbled and shook her scales, it seemed she had gone to sleep in the rather quiet clearing. Heh. Blinking at Kit, she clawed the ground, slightly annoyed.

"Polite of you," she muttered under her breath, and covered her face with a wing. Stupid sunlight. How long had it been since she'd left the cover of the trees to have sun on her face? Emra growled quietly, and moved under a tree to guard herself from the glare of the sun, still in the ring of stones. They had better leave soon, or she would eat someone.
Miyu had been awake for a little while now, blinking sleepily. She wasn't used to having to wake up at any particular time, and wasn't entirely awake. She was hungry, too..
Still, the cat sat up, looking at their leader attentively. Her mind, and eyes quickly wandered, looking towards the trees. There were probably squirrels there, and mice, and birds....
Bépya looked down in surprise as the large wolf nuzzled him like a kitten. Strange, but... cute.

"Well, if, we're lonely together, then I guess we're not really lonely, are we?" Bépya asked, before turning his attention to the cloaked man.
Iortheayr saw a cat-like creature looking off into the trees. He decided he would try his luck on making two friends in one day. He bounded over to it, and said, "Hi! Who're you?"
Miyu hissed in surprise as the giant wolf-thing bounced into her view, almost stepping on her. She was one second away from setting him on fire before realizing who and what it was. The cat sat down again and mewed,
"Hello there. I'm Miyu. You?"
"Iortheayr," he replied happily, then began panting. His mouth was hanging open and his tongue was hanging out. Then he sat down facing her and asked, "What are you?"
Io.. Iortheearee? Iortheyr.... That's hard to pronounce.
That wasn't so polite. Oh well. He was so friendly-looking and hadn't done anything annoying or violent yet, so it was impossible to dislike him. Miyu jumped up and sat on his giant head, purring.
"I'm a cat. Well.. the word is Nekomata, I think. Magical kitty. And you're a big, big giant wolf puppy!"
Squeaking, Edna sat up and covered her eyes from the bright light, pulling her hood over her eyes. She mumbled under her breath, and stood up. The little fox creature sat huddled in the basket, covering it's eyes from the bright light and whimpering. Edna scooped him up and cradled him to her chest.

"Cut that out, you're hurting his eyes, poor thing... I bet he's nocturnal." She said, petting the creature's fur.
"Yup. That's what I am. Did you have that dream too? I thought it was really weird," Iortheayr rambled on, "So when are we gonna leave anyways? Soon I hope. I'm starting to get tired and if I go to sleep you'll never wake me up."
Kit snaps his fingers and the light faded. He turns his back on the others and steps back on the path, fixing his hood back over his head. He looked up at the sky to read the time of day and clicked his tounge.

Not good...we need to move now.

"We will be moving out now. Follow."

He then begins the second day of his journey down the path, waiting for the others.
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