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Open Land of Twilight II

Miyu grinned, tiny fangs showing. Actually, she was a little confused, trying to work out in her head what you were supposed to do next, but it looked like she was headed in the right direction. Almost literally. So that was a good sign. She ignored the second half of answer, which wasn't supposed to be important. If the answer she remembered was right. She was making this overly confusing for herself, wasn't she?
So we whether or not he was the lying one, that still means we're supposed to go left, I think... Let's see.
"Left?" She glanced up at Kit, hoping to tell by his expression if she'd answered correctly.

Then someone yelled, "It's not good enough!" For a second she was offended, still thinking about the riddle. And then..
"Iortheayr!" Too late, of course. He was going to die.
The cat watched as he disappeared into the trees, mewing softly. She did want to follow him and make sure he didn't get hurt from doing something stupid. But it was kind of too late for that, since he'd already done something stupid. She'd only make it worse. But still..
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((Wow. I was expecting SOMEONE would come after me. O.o Oh well, too late now.))

Iortheayr didn't have to go far before he found the girl. She was about to be eaten by a couple of wolves. Instead of shouting out and revealing himself, he figured he better take them by surprise. He jumped at the wolf holding the girl down, aiming a slash for the face. If he could distract the wolves long enough, she could run back to the wizard. He prayed this would work.
The wolf twists his body and rolls the dog off of his back with ease, turning his head to face the offending pup. He let out a growl, reaching his paw out to the dog's scruff and lifting him up roughly by the neck.

"Seems another has trespassed on Mistresses land. These little pests are springing up everywhere it seems...but this one should be easy to get rid off. Just a quick tug on it's head and it'll rip off."

The wolf then smirks down at the pup.

"But then, that would leave a mess. So, I think I'll cause it pain and let it try to run away."

The wolf let go of Edna and grabbed the pup's back leg. He bent it back and grinned when he heard the sickening snap of bone. He then tosses the dog against a nearby tree hard. He then looks back down at the little girl, grabbing her throat roughly in his paw.

"Your friend seems to think of themselves as a hero. This is why I'd rather be the villain, no need to get hurt by saving worthless souls such as yourselves. It's all far too moronic to fight us at our strength...maybe your friend, if he doesn't die in these woods, will learn from his mistakes and leave these woods and never return."

The wolf then snap on her shoulder, his fangs sinking into her flesh and her blood running down her arm and his chin.


The brothers both look at the treetops, no light from either the sun or the moon could be seen through the tree tops, thus rendering the woods to be in a constant shadow. But since one could still see there had to be a light coming from somewhere.

The brother his with his hair behind his left ear leans onto his brother, a bored tone in his voice.

"What do you mean 'what time of day it is?' there is light, isn't there? It's day!"

"Brother, brother, that light could also be the moon. So it may be the night. Have you thought of that?"

"The night?! Are you insane, it is the day, the day! The moon's light can't reach here!"

"Oh yes it can. It charges the stone, does it not?"

The brother to the left shakes his head.

"The night can't light the forest like this."

The brother to the right laughs.

"Sure it can!"

Kit shakes his head, laughing a little at the boys before him. He nods to Erma and Miyu, stepping toward the brothers.

"Erma asked one of the right questions, and Miyu here found the right path with a question that could have backfired on her. The path today is the left, you two. The game has ended."

The brothers look at each other, then shrug, looking back at the wizard. They both bow their head and move out of the way of the left pathway.

"You guys were pretty good. I wished our game lasted longer, but next time we'll get you~"

Kit laughs and waves the others to walk on, glancing back at the place where two of their own disappeared. He leans to the boys and whispers in their ears, both nodding in understandment of what the wizard wished.

"Fair is fair. They are your group...we'll ensure they get to you."

The brother on the right places his hand on Kit's shoulder, nodding in agreement with his brother.

"Game is over. I can tell the truth now...next time though, I may be the truth sayer while my brother is the liar."

" I know that. Fair well."

Kit turns to the path and begins to walk down the path.
"I'll take care of the puppy, brother..." The other wolf growls, grinning. He jumped towards Iortheayr, a wide grin on his furry yellow face. "And don't bother fighting back. Mistress's powers make us strong here, the most deadly beings in the forest...besides Mistress herself, anyway."

The wolf stood before the large dog on his hind legs, licking his lips.

"We're not going to kill her anyway. You can have her back soon~" He purred.

Edna, meanwhile, screamed out in pain as the other wolf bit down on her, kicking her legs futilely under her and crying. She hurt so much...why was this happening to her...?
But, Iortheayr... and Red-Cloak...

But the wizard had said he would handle it. Bépya glared at the imposing trees around him. They rustled quietly and, in the slow half-language of trees, threateningly.

Go, little twig. You shall not grow here.

The birch dryad sighed and whispered something in a whispy, rustling language. A tree-blessing for the shrunken wolf and the red-clothed one.

In his deliberate way, Bépya trod past the two brothers and after Kit.
As he hit the tree hard with a broken leg, Iortheayr could barely think of anything but the pain. But a horrible shriek of pain, forced him to action. He barely dodged the attack by rolling to the side, but upon coming out of the roll, his leg gave way and he collapsed. Damnit Father... Was size all you gave me? Would you have let your legacy be so easily defeated? Suddenly, there was a burst of fire, and he was no longer in the forest. He was in his Father's prison. The magical ribbon Glepnir still bound Fenrir to the spot, but he was able to speak quite clearly. "My Son, you have disobeyed me since you were first born, and now that you need me you ask for my help?! Why should I give it to you, instead of destroying you here and now?!" Iortheayr scowled.

"Because if you wanted me dead, you would have killed me by now. You know it just as well as I do. As disobedient as I have been, I am still your Son. So tell me Father, will you waste the time and energy you put into creating me, by allowing me to be destroyed?"

Fenrir grinned. "You still have your wits about you, I see. For now, I will keep you alive." In another burst of fire, Iortheayr was back in the forest, before the Witch's wolves, but a few changes had been made. His wounds had healed, and he was back to his original size.

"Now then, where were we?" Iortheayr asked. "Oh yes. I remember you trying to hurt a friend of mine. You call me a pup, but had you known who I was, you would have bowed your heads in respect. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Iortheayr, Son of Fenrir, Lord of Destruction. Pleased to make your acquaintance." And with that, he rushed towards the wolf biting into the girl's shoulder. "Prepare to die," he whispered under his breath.
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"We care not who you are related to, only that you will fall. Did you not listen to me? The Twilight Magic is strongest here, you would have only stood a chance if we were on the path! Now begone!" The wolf howled, barreling into Iortheayr as he charged, with speed and strength very strange for a creature his size. He didn't bother to even look to see what effects the attack had on Iortheayr before turning and standing before his brother.

"I say it again. Begone. You will have your little girlfriend back soon enough." He growled, looking over his shoulder.

In the bushes, a small form slunk out; the fox creature from before. It was badly burned and looked angry, yellow eyes glowing. It hopped to the golden wolf's side and skittered up his leg, perching on his shoulder. The wolf smiled at the little creature.

"And my little Tailypo friend here will be very willing to escort you back from whence you came..."
"I don't want her back, 'soon enough', I want her back now. If you two are so strong, you won't need to prove to yourselves by terrorizing a little girl. Give her to me now, and we'll both leave quietly. Otherwise, I'll stay 'till I have her back. I'm not letting you hurt her any more." Being knocked backwards by the wolf's charge had done little, considering he was twice the size of the wolf. Though it was unusually strong, he had simply rolled back to his feet, mostly unhurt.
Miyu noticed that her name was said. Oh. So, she was right about the riddle. That was good. The rest of the group started to leave, and after several seconds of hesitation she followed. Yes, two people were in the woods. Including her maybe-friend. But she trusted Kit. Maybe not to the point of trusting him with her life, jumping off a cliff, whatever, but enough not to run off into the woods after Iortheayr. He and that girl would be okay. Or at least, not dead. Now, whether or not the big puppy would understand that, or simply assume she was wimpy, was a whole different matter.
The wolf gets to her feet, dragging the girl up with him and glares at the overgrown mutt before him. He rolled his eyes at his spiel on whom he was and what he says he is, spitting a bit of blood out of him mouth.

"That is all quite amusing, but that doesn't mean you can do anything about this. We, as my brother has said, are more powerful here. The waves of the Twilight empower us to even fall gods themselves if they pose a threat to our Mistress. You are no more than a pup compared to us."

The wolf then smirks at the mutt.

"Now be a good boy and run on home so your big bad father can pat you on the head and tell you everything will be alright, ok?"

He turns away from the mutt, glancing at his brother.

"Let's move this to another place."

With that, the wolf bounds into the bushes and trees, dragging the girl with him and eventually disappearing from view. A eerie voice washes over the clearing, a female voice that sounds like water over rocks in a calm stream under the moon.

"Alfons...please take care of this mutt. He is causing my dear, sweet, pets much distress with his yelling."


Kit smiles down at the lone cat, moving further down the pathway. In the air, there is a faint scent of stew and a small wisps of smoke coming from a small hut further down the road.

"Miss Dragon, Air-Walker, Once we reach that clearing there, you'll be able to touch the ground without troubles."
Eirian looked back for a moment, but a battle of any sort wasn't her concern. "I do not need to touch the ground, though I assume you would find it easier to deal with, yes?" she responded. Her paws were still sending up wisps of white light as she walked on thin air, following the mage slowly. "Should we not go back and aid those in the forest?" Yet, despite her asking, she made no move of doing so. She didn't even sound concerned.
Kit turns to the air-walker, glancing at the bushes that showed no sign of battle or fighting. He gives the dog a questioning look before turning back to the path and nearing the small house at the end.

"They will be fine. My servants are out in the woods...they'll bring those two back soon enough. Now, what I want to know is how you seem to be able to see the going-ons of the two from here. We can't see nor hear them as far as I know of..."

Kit shakes his head and walks into the clearing where the little house stood. He walks over to the door and knocks on it. The door opens to reveal a young woman with pale skin, rosy cheeks, and dark hair. She looks up at the Wizard and tilts her head a bit. She reaches up her hand and starts to lower it. Kit places his hand over hers and lowers the hood as well, smiling down at the small girl.

"Hello Snow White. Is Rose Red inside as well?"

Snow let out a soft squeel, hugging the man tight around the waist.

"Wizard! I was wondering when you'd come back for a meal~"

Kit lifts her chin gently, smiling down at her.

"Aye...but I've brought others with me this time, Snow."
Bépya walked into the clearing. The grass curled around his bare, root-like feet in greeting, and a particularly friendly flower waved a petal at him, almost unnoticably.

The dryad inclined his head to the petite, pale human woman by the door, apparently a friend of Kit. He called her Snow White; the name certainly fit her.

"Hello, miss. I am Bépya," the birch dryad said rather meekly. He wasn't sure how she would react: most people got over his 'nakedness' rather quickly, since he had nothing to cover. But from what Bépya had heard, humans had gotten offended at much less in the past, so every time a human saw him, he was taking a gamble of sorts.
The small girl unlatches from Kit and walks out of the house and studies the others that the wizard brought with him. He taps her foot a bit, thinking about how much food she'd had to add to the stew, when one of Kit's companions spoke out to her. She turned and looked at the odd tree spirit, first covering her eyes and blushing when she saw no clothing. She meekly peeks through her fingers and notes that he isn't human and lowers to her hands her her side, a bright blush still on her cheeks.

"Hello Mr. Bépya..."

She pulls at the sides of her dress and does a small courtesy, a soft smile on her face.

"I'm Snow White. I live here with my Sister, Rose Red and our Black Bear friend. I hope you all like stew"

Kit chuckles under his breath, peering into the house before him. He spot the small red haired girl with pale skin like her sister and nice rosy cheeks. He slips into the house and walks behind, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Kit was then met with the flat side of a wooden spoon to his face.

He steps back, holding the side of his face and looking down at the feisty girl. She glares up at him, then realization dawned in her eyes and was replaced with a sorry pleading.

"Mr. Wizard! Oh lord, I'm sorry!"

"It's alright little Rose. I should have known by now that you'd do that."

He reaches his hand out and rests it on the side of her face, leaning down and kissing her brow.

"I've brought others with me...so you may need a hand cooking more food."

The girl puffs out her cheeks, placing her hands on her hips.

"Men. Nothing but trouble."
((I love that last comment moony. :D))

Iortheayr attempted to run after the wolf carrying the girl, but he soon lost sight of it as their superior speed pushed them farther and farther ahead. Irotheayr sighed. Nothing much to do now, but return to the group. But which way had he come again? He lifted his head and sniffed the air. He could smell the cat lady he had met earlier, and began following the scent. At last he came out of the trees to a little house where everyone seemed to be gathering. He raised his head and sniffed the air again Something smelled nice.
"Iortheayr!" exclaimed Bépya, striding quickly towards the hound. "Be careful, there are new people around. They might be surprised by your size–Wait! How are you back to normal?"

And where's Red-Cloak?
When Bepya asked the question of how he got to his size back, he paused. "I had a little help, I guess you could say," he said, then suddenly lowered his head, looking sad, "But it wasn't enough to get the little girl back. A couple of wolves ran off with her, and I couldn't catch up. I'm sorry. I tried." Then he raised his head. "I smell food. What smells so good?" His tongue hung out of his mouth and he panted happily.
"Oh, there is food cooking in the house," replied Bépya. "I do not know what it is. Go ahead and see, if you would like, but remember: There are people there who haven't seen you yet, so don't startle them."

"Also, while you are in there, see if they have any water. No, wait, on second thought, I will ask myself," Bépya walked towards the house, and bent a bit to make sure not to hit his head on the doorframe.
Iortheayr made an attempt to squeeze through the door, and only just barely made it. Though the fur on his back was closely brushing the roof, at least he had managed to get inside. It would have depressed him to have to wait outside, and it would have depressed him even more if he had to have the wizard shrink him again. There were two girls that he could see. One had pale skin, rosy cheeks, and dark hair, and the other had was the same, but with red hair. "Hi there. I'm Iortheayr. Pleased to meet you," he said to them and returned to panting happily.
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