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Open Land of Twilight II

"I have gathered creatures here with their dreams to help me combat the Witch that has taken control over this forest and is taking over the realm one night at a time. We are here to stop her from gaining stronger and taking over both this world and the next. If, at any point, you feel you can not continue, then leave. But if you wish to see how this shall end, then stay."

He removes his hand and looks at the group around him, addressing them all.

"What lies ahead is dangerous. If you feel you do not have the strength to continue, then leave. I will not lie to you, many of us may die at the end of this, other wounded gravely. But this is something that must be done before the Witch's power reaches it's highest peak."

He turns and looks back at the tree-folk.

"Will you join me in my quest?"
Bit overdramatic, isn't he?

At odds with his thoughts, Bépya nodded and walked over to the rest of the group, looking at them. There was the girl in the amazingly-red clothing; and over there was a fox with nine tails. Odd group, this was.

Then the dryad caught sight of the humoungous, dark canine. Bépya sensed no hostility.The creature looked as if it was, well, not going to rip someones limbs off.

Brushing his leafy hair out of his eyes, the birch-spirit glanced at a shadowey fox, tail all but gone. A green, glowing bandage was wrapped around the wound. So, there was a mage in the group? Bépya would bet his acorns that it was the cloaked man.
Chimani rose up and turned to Kit. "I'm going. I'm willing to die if it means freeing our den for my sister." she bowed as best a fox could, then turned to the tree-person. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Chimani and that over there," she pointed one of her tails at the other kitsune, "is my sister Ayame." she motioned for her, "Come on and introduce yourself."
Miyu hadn't been paying any real attention to what was going on, but she saw one of the kitsunes talking to some kind of tree-person, obviously new. He was joining them? She stood up and trotted over to him. Might as well say hello as well. The cat stood up on her hind legs to see him better, grinning impishly.
"Hello! It's a good thing you joined, or I'd have to burn you down!"
Then, to Kit, looking completely unafraid of what he'd just said; "Of course! Aren't we all going? Because we're all doomed if we don't, anyway." And I was so bored. If nothing else, an interesting, quasi-heroic way to die. Yay.
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Bépya's almond-shaped eyes bugged out at the mention of 'burning him down'. The tree-spirit quickly backed several feet away from the strange kitsune.

"Um, burn me down?" he asked fearfully, holding his twig-like fingers in front of him protectively. "What do you mean by that?"

Bépya's almond-shaped eyes bugged out at the mention of 'burning him down'. The tree-spirit quickly backed several feet away from the strange cat.

"Um, burn me down?" he asked fearfully, holding his twig-like fingers in front of him protectively. "What do you mean by that?"
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Miyu giggled. She'd been joking, of course! But he was taking her seriously, so she just had to play along.
"You know, fire. Like this!"
The bakeneko laughed again. There was a puff of smoke, and a plume of fire nearly the size of her head exploded within inches of Bépya's face, not quite close enough to actually set him on fire.
"Not really. That wouldn't be very nice, setting you on fire. Unless we get really cold or something," Miyu purred reassuringly. Not that it would help at this point. "Nope. Not even then. I lied." Then the cat turned and walked away to her previous spot.
The last half of Miyu's response was all but lost on Bépya. He jumped backwards wildly, falling over and pulling himself along backwards, a look of absolute fear in his eyes.

The dryad clutched his legs to his chest, staring intently and fearfully at the obviously insane and homicidal creature.

He was able to get out a single sentence. Glancing at the non-murderous sister, Bépya stuttered, "Is she always like this?"

With that incredulous statement, the dryad's eys rolled back in his head, and he involuntarily transformed into his tree form.

The last half of Miyu's response was all but lost on Bépya. He jumped backwards wildly, falling over and pulling himself along backwards, a look of absolute fear in his eyes. The dryad clutched his legs to his chest, staring intently and fearfully at the obviously insane and homicidal creature.

The dryad's eys rolled back in his head, and he involuntarily transformed into his tree form.
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((Crap.. I just now realized that I wrote that wrong and it sounded like my character was.. oops. That one's probably my fault. Um.. I'm editing that first post. >>))
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((Blastoise? Chimani's the kitsune and she isn't threatening anyone D:
Evoli's character is a nekomata and doesn't have a sister played by Flareth. :[))
Emra snorted out a puff of smoke at Kit's words. "Well, I'd be glad to die," she muttered, and nodded to the tree in the clearing. "Nice to meet you," she drawled, a bit drily.

Eirian rumbled softly, ears laying back. "My task is to serve my lord Arawn. This evil is a threat to him and the realm of Annwn. Death does not matter to me - another will go in my place if I fall." The Cwn Annwn was hardly going to stand by while a threat to Annwn grew in power, and she began to glow faintly, a side effect of her resolve. It flickered around her in an eerie silvery halo before fading as she turned to look at the tree-spirit. "I am Eirian. If you are not a threat to Annwn, I will not consider you a threat." she announced, and then went back to staring at the sky as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
Edna cuddled the little fox-creature to her chest, making soft sounds as if she was trying to soothe it. The small animal merely stared out at the gathered creatures with glowing yellow eyes, expression nearly impossible to read. The corners of it's mouth twitched, and flashes of razor-sharp yellowed fangs were visible.

"I'm going with you." Edna said softly, picking up her basket and gently placing the creature into it, pulling her hood over her head. "I have to find my little brother."

She put the basket down and sat next to it, pulling a small roll from the basket, next to the creature, and pulling off small chunks. She alternated between eating the little pieces herself and feeding them to the creature, who devoured them greedily.
Bépya slowly morphed back out of his tree-form and, wary of the insane pyromaniac, looked at the creature that had just half-not-insulted him. He sensed that the creature was old, quite old, and she unsettled the birch nymph. It was not the way of nature to be indifferent death. This was a strange member of the group.

And there was another member of the group, smoke pouring out around her. Looked a bit like a lizard.

"Thank you, I guess. It is nice to meet you, too."
"Whoo! Let's take that Witch down!" Iortheayr shouted, but his enthusiasm drained when he realized something. Father... he would not be pleased. He was supposed to cause suffering and unhappiness, but he just couldn't do it. He lay down, resting his head on his paws, and sighed. His entire life was, in itself, a paradox. He hated it. It made him feel confused, sad, and angry all at once, and worst of all no one cared. No one cared who he was. All they saw was The Son of Fenrir, or a vicious beast. Not the puppy he truly was. He wished just anyone would care for once. Taking part in this mission may prove to cheer him up slightly, but he was still a part of a group, and not the individual he had always dreamed of being. Oh well, he thought, Here's to peace and prosperity.
Bépya turned slightly as he heard a shout.

"Whoo! Let's take that Witch down!"

There was a gigantic wolf there, laying down and looking generally depressed. It was a sad sight, for an creature so strong-looking and, well, humongous.

"What is wrong, wolf?" asked the birch-dryad curiously. "I'm sure you will be able to play a part in the battle ahead. Or at least a part larger than that of a simple dryad like myself."

Bépya blinked his large, entirely-deep-brown eyes.
Wolf? No one had ever called him that. He liked this tree man. He was nice. "Do you really think so?" he asked excitedly. "But I'm sure you'll play a part too." Again the thought came to him. "But my Father...." he sighed woefully. "He won't approve of this. He already swore to kill me, and this will probably just give him more incentive. I'm just... confused. My Father said I was made to do evil, cause chaos, and be the Messenger of Destruction, but I just can't. I tried once, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Now every time someone sees me, they see a monster. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't know what to do." He sighed again. It was good to finally be able to tell someone about this. Now that someone was willing to give him a chance, maybe they could be friends. Maybe finally everyone will see that he's not the monster his Father was. He was a kind gentle beast at heart, underneath all the muscle and teeth and claws.
Bépya listened silently to the wolf's emotional response, and felt a twang of sadness for the creature.

"I see what you mean, wolf. Although, most dryads, or at least the ones not allied to The Witch, are 'meant to' protect the forest. I wholeheartedly agree with this calling, of course, but just look at the dryads who have turned," Bépya stopped for a moment and sighed, a sound not dissimilar to wind blowing through leaves. "They have abandoned what they were 'meant to' do, and while I hate what they have done to the forest, I don't see why you cannot do something other than what you were 'meant to' do."

The birch-nymph paused again, and then added, "Also, would you happen to have a name? Mine is Bépya."
Iortheayr giggled. "Of course I have a name. It's Iortheayr. It means..." he stopped. he wasn't sure whether to say it or not. It might scare the tree man - Bepya - off. He didn't want that, but he didn't want to lie to him. Here goes nothing... "It means Spilled Blood. I don't resent my name, but it says nothing about my personality. My Father gave it to me, in hope that it would inspire me. It didn't of course." He chuckled a little. "No matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about Father. He seemed so nice at first, but then..." A tear rolled down his cheek, and hit the ground, singeing it as it did so. "Even my tears are destructive," he said despairingly. Then he looked up, and howled. It was a cry of despair and woe, and cut of early as a sob tore through him.
Kit walks away from the chatting wolf and tree-folk, sitting himself down on the stump once more. He leans forward on his staff and gazes at the pale green stone on the head of it. He parts his lips and whispers a soft musing, closing his eyes and drifting into a calm trance of sorts.

It was time for him to gather intelligence on his foe.


The Witch leans away from her prinsoner, a soft frown on her face. She places the bitten apple in front of the man and slowly gets to her feet.

"If you won't eat while I watch, then that apple is all you will eat for night. I was nice enough to even make bread and cheese for you, yet all you do is glare and scowl at me. I hope that apple can fill that gut of yours, because that is all you will have."

She then glides over the grass and returns to the inside of her home.

A small creature slips out of a bush and makes it's way to the Man's side. The small animal places two white fured paws on his lap and look up at him with pale green eyes. The small creature looked like a red fox with long ears tipped with white fur, a odd fur pattern on it's left flank looking like a dragon.

The small fox butts his head against the Man's belly.
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