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Search results

  1. Alexi

    The LGBT Club

    I guess your school would lose its shit if a gay pagan came on campus. but then maybe any school would lose its shit if anyone came on campus see what I did there
  2. Alexi

    The LGBT Club

    If you drink any other soft drinks besides coke or sprite you are a blatant homosexual
  3. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I love you <3
  4. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Fwee new Dethklok songs are amazing <3 Also my newly-recruited Oblivion fan friend is writing an Elder Scrolls story. o.o This may seem meaningless to everyone else but I find it astronomical!
  5. Alexi

    watershed is 20 today

    Happy (belated) birthday, sexy <3
  6. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    I'm only creepy sometimes? damn, I gotta work on that... Xikaze, you're too thin as well.
  7. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Why is all of TCoD tiny?
  8. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    So many tiny people at TCoD! Like surskitty o.O Yeah, Jolty, I agree, I'm not too concerned with being fat either. XD In fact, I love it~
  9. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Wow, Crypt, you're tiny! My cousin is 5'3" and 120lbs, and she's pretty small herself. But then, she's also 18...
  10. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Whoa, tall at fourteen! XP That's pretty awesome. Puberty's a great thing, isn't it?
  11. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Hey, someone not rediculously small! XP Yet I still hold the record. o.O
  12. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    So many small people! I should use this info for my stats project...
  13. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Lean muscle? Maybe you're just a mutant. XP
  14. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    @Starly: You're probably pretty muscular. Muscle weighs more than fat, so one can potentially be heavier but look light.
  15. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    So many thin people everywhere! I feel so alone XP Edit: FMC: Holy shit, that's crazy! Don't be creeped out, but I really want to carry you around. o.O
  16. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    You're so tiny! I could throw you! XD I love tiny people
  17. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    Yay for growth spurts XD I think I'm an inch taller now than I was then, making me like 6'1" now or something. I mostly just grew outwards. XD
  18. Alexi

    How much do you weigh ~now~?

    I was looking through this thread and noticed I had listed my weight at 160 pounds. That was over a year ago now and I've gained almost 100 pounds since then. XD;;; It's been a while. New people are here, and the veterans have changed. So, how much do you weigh now? I'm just under 250 pounds...
  19. Alexi

    Nosy Birthday Question

    Wednesday. Full of woe? Only sometimes. o.O But pancakes often makes that go away.
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