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How much do you weigh ~now~?


The Religion section is now a joke
I was looking through this thread and noticed I had listed my weight at 160 pounds. That was over a year ago now and I've gained almost 100 pounds since then. XD;;;

It's been a while. New people are here, and the veterans have changed. So, how much do you weigh now?

I'm just under 250 pounds. Yay for weight gain~
112 pounds. I'm 5'6 and quite tall for my age around these parts. Little on the wiry side but yeah. About...a few months ago I was 103? 102-ish when that thread waqs made...? Much shortwer, though. Growth spurt GOT O:
Yay for growth spurts XD I think I'm an inch taller now than I was then, making me like 6'1" now or something.

I mostly just grew outwards. XD
So many thin people everywhere! I feel so alone XP

Edit: FMC: Holy shit, that's crazy! Don't be creeped out, but I really want to carry you around. o.O

Been the same weight for a couple of years. I've been growing though, so I'm actually losing weight D:
88 lbs 4'11 last time I checked (I weighed myself today) I guess I am normal, but compared to my friends I am 10-20 more than them even though we are all 12... I don't believe I am overweight, mainly cause everyone I know says "I can see your ribs", and people at school claim I "look" the lightest, though like I said above I am not.
88 lbs 4'11 last time I checked (I weighed myself today) I guess I am normal, but compared to my friends I am 10-20 more than them even though we are all 12... I don't believe I am overweight, mainly cause everyone I know says "I can see your ribs", and people at school claim I "look" the lightest, though like I said above I am not.

My ribs have always been visible :P Don't worry about it, it just means you're born skinny, not that you're anorexic or something.

This post makes me sad, though, since I'm 13 and weigh...

85 ;-;

I've gained exactly one pound since my last doctor's visit, atleast a year ago.
@Starly: You're probably pretty muscular. Muscle weighs more than fat, so one can potentially be heavier but look light.
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