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Search results

  1. Kabigon

    Pokemon Too Competetive?

    The only reason I'm making a big deal about it is because I like playing the game. But I don't want battling to feel like a chore. I mean now a days, the only people willing to do quick battles are people who make their teams perfect. I always wanted to have a Johto battle with my original...
  2. Kabigon

    The Great Pokemon Hunt

    I had a dream team for Platinum with all the new Pokemon they added but half of them were either encountered too late or were nearly impossible to catch. I'm looking at you Munchlax.
  3. Kabigon

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    You're not the only one who thought Mega-Mewtwo was a real Pokemon! I don't remember where I got it from. I thought Salamence was a powerful unobtainable Pokemon. So I lied to my friend and told him that you could get it by training Bagon. Didn't know it was true.
  4. Kabigon

    Pokemon Too Competetive?

    Well I have a competetive team but with HG/Ss coming out, that's going to be my laid back game. And all my friends like to use their ubers D:
  5. Kabigon

    Pokemon Too Competetive?

    I mean Pokemon was always meant to be competitive, but not to the point to where it was either get an EV trained team or prepare to always lose. What happened to the times where you would fight your friend and they used their favorites, you used yours and you came up with your own strategies...
  6. Kabigon

    Pokemon MMO?

    Technically this actually could work out if you get the formula right. I mean, skip old regions. Make an entirely new one. And make it 10000 times bigger too to where you actually have room to do something. Make it only for the Wii whatever you want (a MMO for the DS would suck ass anyways). I...
  7. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Technically they wouldn't have to do just without the items. It's not like they can't spread the items around a bit so people can get the newer evolutions. Take Platinum for example.
  8. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    But what would be their reason to? Nintendo doesn't just do things just to do them, they always have a motive.
  9. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Yeah but you could just skip that part by having a friend who has beaten HG/SS. Then you just trade the incense to that game then trade it to the unfinished HG/SS.
  10. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Whoops, put that that didn't make sense in the wrong place. It was meant to go after Yoshi's post. But seriously, after showing that they will edit a Pokedex to make a game better, I though it would be sort of pseudo obvious that they would HAVE to change the Pokedex for it to make sense...
  11. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    That didn't even make sense. TAKE THAT EEVEE AND YOSHI! >:D
  12. Kabigon


  13. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I like how she looks more modern. She has that 'oomph' that I like. Is anyone else kinda hoping that HG/SS won't be as competetive as DP? I kinda want that nostalgia purpose of just finding a Pokemon, training it, and then fighting someone. You know? BTW, what do you think they will do to...
  14. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    But there was also no breeding system in the game yet until after the Elite Four. Items could be traded in the game after it. Remember how all the new evolutions were getting ready to evolve then just stopped? Well you can't exactly do that with an egg.
  15. Kabigon

    Name Change?

    Can I get a name change? Old Name: Stryke Wanted Name: Kabigon
  16. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I do truly hope they put more replay value in HG/SS. The originals kept me playing for a while but once everyone hit level 100 after fighting Red everyday then I got a little bored. Maybe some more darn Wi-Fi features or maybe a Battle Frontier. Does anyone think the Pokédex will change...
  17. Kabigon

    I did but it expired.

    I did but it expired.
  18. Kabigon

    What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

    The wage gap exists because if somehow another Titanic happened, all the wives and children will be able to leave while all the men drown. And most women live longer than men so it evens out somewhere. :D. Naw I'm just kidding. I saw that on Comedy Central one time. But I really don't enjoy...
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