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HeartGold And SoulSilver

I too want a legit Jirachi. Or a Jirachi at all, considering how I've never bothered with hacking. The box art is awesome btw, but that's because I'm easily pleased.

Whether or not to get HeartGold or SoulSilver is a bit tricky. I like Silver's version exclusives more (though they could change them slightly, like in FR/LG), but I like Ho-Oh and Lugia pretty much equally. The decision between Groudon and Kyogre is a lot easier - Kyogre - but he's in HeartGold. So I really don't know.

Do I think the Pokedex will change? Probably not. In FR/LG (I'm basing a lot of speculation on those two) none of the new evolutions such as Blissey and Crobat appeared in the 'Dex (or were even obtainable in-game) until you got the National Dex. So this is just a guess, but that's probably what they're going to do here.
But there was also no breeding system in the game yet until after the Elite Four. Items could be traded in the game after it. Remember how all the new evolutions were getting ready to evolve then just stopped?

Well you can't exactly do that with an egg.
But there was also no breeding system in the game yet until after the Elite Four. Items could be traded in the game after it. Remember how all the new evolutions were getting ready to evolve then just stopped?

Well you can't exactly do that with an egg.
Yes, but the only baby Pokemon that come from Johto/Kanto Pokemon and aren't in G/S/C can only be bred from incense. Even if you were to obtain one of the incenses, they could easily prevent incenses from influencing the outcome of the egg until you got the National Dex. For instance, if I were to breed an Azumarill holding a Sea Incense (...that is the one, right?), then it would still hatch as a Marill rather than Azurill unless I had the National Dex.

That's just how I think they'll do it.
Nevermind the fact that it would suck. DX
I don't think you'll be able to get incenses till after that Nat dex, which includes trading em over from D/P.
...Wow. This was in order ever since Yellow! *imagines walking around with an Umbreon* Awesome. :D
They'lll really have to rework the maps so that the big pokemon don't cause any glitches. Imagine-Your Giritina gets stuck in the door to a building.
They'lll really have to rework the maps so that the big pokemon don't cause any glitches. Imagine-Your Giritina gets stuck in the door to a building.
...How would that even work? The game doesn't care about the size of the sprite. As long as it counts for one tile, I should think. But yeah, Giratina's sprite is pretty big, and they might have to change it along with a bunch of others just so it doesn't take up an excessive amount of the screen.
*tries to decide whether to make Typhlosion or Espeon the one to follow her* *fails* ... Actually, I'll prolly stick with Typhlosion. I have a thing about not getting rid of starters.
...How would that even work? The game doesn't care about the size of the sprite. As long as it counts for one tile, I should think. But yeah, Giratina's sprite is pretty big, and they might have to change it along with a bunch of others just so it doesn't take up an excessive amount of the screen.

Now I'm kind of worried as to what Giratina will look like in a small one tile sprite.

I cannot wait for this game. I'm going to see if I can get my Mew from Diamond to follow me! X3
I wonder if shiny Pokemon have alternate overwolrd sprites.. Though it would be cool I doubt it. Sprites for a crap load of Pokemon is enough to tire them out with.

I'm so glad their doing this though.
I also noted that Seribii had a pic of a steelix following it trainer, yeah. It still took up one spot but it was a bit taller. I think it'll be okay, you know?
Now I KNOW I'm doing whatever it takes to get this game, even if it means harrassing my parents for it. Gonna have Umbreon following me throghout the game.
Any Pokemon can follow you?
I've been waiting for this since I got Pokemon yellow <3. I hoped it would be in R/S, then Emerald, then D/P, then Platinum...

and they finally delivered. Wow.
*imagining Absol following me*
This is one of the best changes they've implemented in the game over the past three generations, rivaled only by Poké Radar chaining to get shinies.

Finally. Hallelujah.
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