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HeartGold And SoulSilver


There's one explanatory link; can't find the others that I used.

Anyway, if you chain 40+ Pokémon, the chance shrinks to ~1/200, and you can keep resetting the Poké Radar to find a shiny patch. It isn't swarm-exclusive, it's just that with the high chance of finding a swarm Pokémon it becomes much easier.
Okay, Slarti got it.

It's too bad that they made the Status, Pokémon, PokéGear, Dex and stuff take up both screens. Stupid Game Freak.
Okay. Thanks for the info guys! :D

And to stay on topic I'm just going to ask, do you think they'll keep the PokeRadar in HG and SS?
I sincerely hope so. Right now, though, it could go either way. They might just introduce something new that's similar to the Poké Radar...
Any Pokemon can follow you!

^^ So, who is going to make Wailord follow for laughs?

I wonder what would happen if you hacked a Missingno. and made it follow you...?

THEY LOOK FREAKING AMAZING! And I really like how they're utilizing the touch screen a lot more in HG/SS than in D/P/Pt, where they barely used it except for the Poketch.

plus any Pokemon follows you woot hello Gyarados

I wonder if there's an option on the status screen or something that allows you to choose which Pokemon follows you around.
I think those are 3D rendered cutscenes you're looking at, Ditto. They used them in D/P/Pt, but only once (with the fairy trio, I think). I hope HG/SS is going to make more use of them.
I'm really happy that they made overworlds for all of the Pokemon :D

I can't wait to have a Giratina and Croagunk follow me around |D
I like the preorder figures too, I like the Lugia one the best.

I think that there shall be contests in HG/SS. If you look at the status screen screenshot, you see that, at the bottom, there's a ribbon icon, like the ones for contests.


We shall be having contests I believe.
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