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What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

The wage gap exists because if somehow another Titanic happened, all the wives and children will be able to leave while all the men drown. And most women live longer than men so it evens out somewhere. :D. Naw I'm just kidding. I saw that on Comedy Central one time.

But I really don't enjoy feminists.
feminists have a point up till the point where they think women are better than men

fighting for equality is all right

fighting for dominance is retarded
I also really hate this idea that if the average woman has to make $1.00 for every $1.00 the average man makes. That eventually leads to affirmative action which is one of the biggest piles of bullshit ever.
I just think people should earn what they deserve. But people should be principally allowed the same wage, just they should take the best candidate for the job. Women, nigger, gay, posh dude, tattooed hippie, who gives a fucking shit.
Government officals............... wait, every generation has had a problem with this, never mind. :D

Government experiments such as cloning, genetic distortion, human/animal splices, things like that.

I have to say that I wouldn't be against the people that had been mutated or cloned, that wasn't their choice, rather i would be against the scientists that actually managed to create them.
I know, but those are exactly the women that consider themselves feminists. and I hate that type of people because it's just retarded

well done generalising a whole set of people based on one very small minority (who are misusing the term feminist as it is)
I also really hate this idea that if the average woman has to make $1.00 for every $1.00 the average man makes. That eventually leads to affirmative action which is one of the biggest piles of bullshit ever.

How about the idea that the average woman has to make $1 for every $1 a man makes when they're both doing exactly the same job? Sure, there are laws saying that it should be the case, but it sure as hell isn't in reality.

Stryke said:
The wage gap exists because if somehow another Titanic happened, all the wives and children will be able to leave while all the men drown. And most women live longer than men so it evens out somewhere. :D. Naw I'm just kidding. I saw that on Comedy Central one time.

But I really don't enjoy feminists.

[I'm only getting on my feminist high horse in response to this, not just because I can or want to make a big deal]

Actually, not necessarily. And if it did, it sure as hell wouldn't be because of the feminists. The feminists (in the actual seeking-equality sense) challenge chivalry (in the holding-doors-open-for-women sense) because it's demonstrating a clear inequality based entirely on gender; the very thing feminists fight against.
In fact, if you look at it, pretty much every single aspect of gender inequality (both ways) is a result of patriarchy - the fact that it's socially acceptable for women to wear trousers but men can't wear skirts is a feminist issue - men can't wear skirts in public without a) being openly mocked, or b) having the living crap beaten out of them because skirts are feminine and girly, and in a society such as ours, it's ridiculous for a man to bring himself down to a woman's level by dressing in such a way.
Same goes for the fact that, the vast majority of the time, the woman gets custody of the child when a het couple divorces - it's because women are seen as the caregivers while men should be the ones working, not looking after kids.

I think that most people who 'don't enjoy' feminists don't really get what a feminist is.
you mean feminists aren't man-hating, bra-burning feminazi bulldykes??? what planet are you living on

Bonus picture because this always makes me giggle:

i love you ken.
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