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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

There will come a time when pointing out any difference between people will be considered offensive.
But seriously.. sentient computers and such, once we advance that far. Or aliens! ;D
The wage gap exists because if somehow another Titanic happened, all the wives and children will be able to leave while all the men drown.

actually ships are required by law to have enough lifeboats for everyone nowadays.

yeah, make 16 the new 18. it makes sense, after all; if you can leave school, get taxed, get married and join the army then why the hell shouldn't you be allowed the vote, alcohol, fags, etc.

oh god giving sixteen year olds the vote is the worst idea ever
There will come a time when pointing out any difference between people will be considered offensive.

*shivers* The Giver by Lows Lowry comes to mind... For those few who've never read it, let's just hope that never happens...

Anyway: After Gay Marriage is pretty much the norm in the civilized world, either Transgendered (but possibly not Transsexual) rights, especially those who have an identity other than male or female. Or religious discrimination rights/more education to the masses on such subjects, if Transgendered Rights are already here by then.
ya it totally sucks for furs I mean I am so discriminated against and I am missing so many rights!!!!! like

Guess I should have clarified. I originally wanted to put "what minority will fight for acceptance?" but then changed it, so yeah.
well don't tax them until they're 18.

isn't that what the yankees were whining about? "no taxation without representation".




it's 16.

no but you can't actually ... do anything until you're like 17.5

you have to be enrolled in training courses etc. you can't pick up a weapon and fight until that old. (or so I was told by an army recruitment guy, anyway.)
no but you can't actually ... do anything until you're like 17.5

you have to be enrolled in training courses etc. you can't pick up a weapon and fight until that old. (or so I was told by an army recruitment guy, anyway.)

meh. still seems reasonable to give 16 year olds the vote.

Not really. Why is it reasonable? You can't purchase alcohol or cigarettes until eighteen and anyone under eighteen can claim back all the tax they pay (afaik, anyway...)
You can't purchase alcohol or cigarettes until eighteen
these are also stupid

i mean, why do you have "half-way adults" at sixteen? really, the age of majority should be an all-or-nothing situation. either you're a full adult with every right and responsibility that it entails, or you're still a minor. preferably the former.

and anyone under eighteen can claim back all the tax they pay (afaik, anyway...)

that doesn't even make sense?
If you have a job at sixteen you can claim back the "emergency tax" you pay on your salary. At least that's what I thought.

plus you ... don't have "half way" adults at sixteen. you have "sixteen year olds"
At sixteen, you can have sex, get married "with your parents' consent" (wtf), you can get a job, sign up for the army... and yet you don't have as many of the privileges of eighteen-year-olds. Seems like a "half-way adult" to me.
When I see sixteen-year olds here I just think 'goddamn am i glad they can't vote' followed by immediate despair at realizing they can already have sex, smoke and drink.
protip: those evil sixteen year olds *won't change that much in two years!*

so unless you plan to remove the vote for everyone born after 1992, then you might as well take into consideration the wishes of more politically-minded people such as yourself. i mean, i dunno about you, but i'm quite irritated about the fact that i have no power as a voter, whereas thousands of people who *could* vote don't even bother - not even as a statement of political belief but just out of sheer laziness.
You can have sex, but why is that an adult thing? It's ... sex. People would do it anyway. As for jobs... no, sorry. You can hold a limited job for which you don't pay tax. As well, if you commit crimes you're tried as a minor (shorter sentences, less harsh punishments).

People under eighteen get fewer rights because they also have fewer responsibilities and duties. Do you want to pay income tax etc?
This means that in no country is there ever a point in voting!!

No, really, voting for the president doesn't work like it should in the US.
Most officials are elected by how many votes they get from The People.
Because our government is illogical and inefficient, however, our President is not.
The President is elected by the 'electoral college', a horrible system which allows the most popular candidate to lose an election by having the less popular guy win more of the less sparsely populated states.
See, one vote in New York state is worth 0.00000161 electoral votes. One vote in Wyoming is worth 0.00000583 electoral votes. I don't like that.
I feel that the electoral college is an anachronism in this modern age that should be done away with posthaste in order to guarantee that the next President of the United States is candidate whom most of The People support, and that one vote in Maryland should weigh the same as a vote in Tennessee, should weigh the same in Rhode Island, Alaska, or Washington state. A Man is a Man, and a vote is a vote.

In any case, I'd predict that foreigners and/or fetishists'll be the next ones wanting rights. (Stinkin' Canadian foot fetishists.)
People under eighteen get fewer rights because they also have fewer responsibilities and duties. Do you want to pay income tax etc?
yes if it meant that sixteen year olds could be given the vote and not treated like half-whits.
This means that in no country is there ever a point in voting!!
H-land said it all. I'm all for voting, but only if my vote actually means something.
I live in a pretty left-wing state (Minnesota), so no matter how I vote my state will always favor the Democrat Party.
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