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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What new crazy minority will fight for rights next?

Uh, okay, your system is bull. Fully aware of that. I only studied it for two years, you know.

However that doesn't mean that all systems are shit and that voting is ALWAYS pointless. It's a good thing to have the right to do, you know? I wasn't talking about the US.
yes if it meant that sixteen year olds could be given the vote and not treated like half-whits.

you're still a child

you have to draw the line somewhere

the age of majority is eighteen - deal with it. the majority of sixteen year olds have no idea about anything let alone who's the best party. (note that I don't think eighteen year olds do either, it's just the line was drawn here and you sort of have to draw it somewhere and 21 was a sucky age)
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