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Search results

  1. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    Why that...Well, time to make the best of it. Okay, Tinker, you've got your Substitute up to keep you safe for a couple of actions. Let's make sure that Laurasia doesn't get one of her own by Singing your heart out and sending her off to dreamland. Then, once she's asleep, steal a little of...
  2. L

    Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

    Molly removed her hand and looked over her shoulder at Viator. "I'm sorry. I wasn't exactly counting vampires in that statement. You're...I mean...you still look...And I was talking about dead where the body's damaged to the point..." She bit her lip. Her apology was genuine enough, but she...
  3. L

    Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

    Molly accepted the explanation Alfons gave her; it certainly made sense, to become accustomed to things like that if you faced them regularly, though she did wonder, for a moment, what the poor man had gone through to make him so used to burnt wreckage. His disappearance caught her by surprise...
  4. L

    Computer Terminal

    My Profile. Giving my Clefairy my Destiny Knot and my Vulpix a shiny new Fire Stone.
  5. L

    Bank of TCoD

    Getting a lovely little Destiny Knot from Kusari-Mart. $20 - $5 = $15 And picking up a Rattata and Fire Stone. $15 - $5 - $10 = $0
  6. L

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd very much like to add this little rascal to my team: [Guineas] Rattata (Male) Ability: Guts Price: $5 And I would also like to buy a Fire Stone ($10). Bank Link.
  7. L

    The Oracular Slugma

    Re: Kusari-Mart I'd like to purchase a Destiny Knot, please. *pays $5*
  8. L

    Shadowstar versus Crowned Clown

    Shadowstar's Pokemon: [Moonshine] Eevee (Female) Health: 88% Energy: 91% Status: Lying on the ground grumbling cursewords into the dirt. Face is still muddy. Accuracy -2 Crowned Clown's Pokemon: [Flame Tempest] (Male) Health: 93% Energy: 85% Status: Satisfied with himself. Chuckling...
  9. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    Hmph! Figures that little grass turtle would scurry away. Still, you probably gave her a bit of a fright, and I doubt she's going to be overly keen on getting close to you after that. Now, we've got to be a bit careful here. Laurasia's ability is Overgrow, which means that if her health dips...
  10. L

    Athasan versus Music Dragon

    Athasan's Active Squad: [Raging] Murkrow (Female) Ability: Super Luck [Kahen] Chikorita (Female) Ability: Overgrow [Sheer Cold] Spheal (Female) Ability: Ice Body [Syluminor] Trapinch (Male) Ability: Hyper Cutter Music Dragon's Active Squad: [Goach] Wiscash (Male) Ability: Oblivious...
  11. L

    Bank of TCoD

    Picking up my paycheck. $8+$12 = $20
  12. L

    Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

    Molly had spent the entire trip in silence. Her posture was relaxed, eyes half closed, as she nibbled on a small leaf. A faint minty smell wafted from it, and, if one listened carefully, they could hear a faint rumbling coming from the woman like a large cat purring. Since she was not someone...
  13. L

    Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

    Name: Molly Age: Unknown, appears to be in her early twenties Gender: Female Species: Cat/Human Hybrid Powers/Skills: Enhanced gymnastic ability (speed, agility, balance, reflexes), night vision, higher-than-normal healing, retractable claws, prehensile tail, able to detect and recognize...
  14. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    Easy, Tinker. I know that seed's got you all worked up, and that poison's gotta feel awful, but have a little faith in ol' Light here. You're faster than Laurasia, so you should be able to get in a hit before Stealth Rock becomes a problem (If it becomes a problem, but I wouldn't doubt there'd...
  15. L

    The Challenge Board

    I'll referee Athasan versus Music Dragon.
  16. L

    Shadowstar versus Crowned Clown

    Shadowstar's Pokemon: [Moonshine] Eevee (Female) Health: 93% Energy: 96% Status: Face covered in mud and slightly clumsy due to lack of vision. Some of her fur is scorched from the lava. Accuracy -2 Crowned Clown's Pokemon: [Flame Tempest] (Male) Health: 93% Energy: 84% Status: Amused by his...
  17. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    Well that went well. Hey, wipe that grin off your face, Tinker. This battle isn't over. First, I need you to put up a Light Screen to counteract that heightened special attack of Laurasia's. Secondly, grab that Turtwig up in your Psychic. Pick her up and bash her against the floor a few...
  18. L

    Shadowstar versus Crowned Clown

    "Welcome, one and all, to this match between pokemon trainers Shadowstar and Crowned Clown!" the referee exclaims, looking and acting as if she's about to burst with excitement. This particular referee is a blond-haired young woman with a set of white mightyena ears on her head that one would...
  19. L

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Requesting approval of a signature attribute for my Vulpix. [Belle] Vulpix (Female) Ability: Flash Fire Signature Attribute: Dark Blood If one were to look up Belle's bloodlines, one would find a large amount of crossbreeding. The trend that continues far back...
  20. L

    Light Mightyena vs Kratos Aurion

    Alright, Tinker, now don't get too cocky. This is your first time in Seviper Stadium, so quit acting like you own the place. I don't care if you think you could snap that Turtwig in half. Now listen. First, I want you to get in fast and bash Laurasia with a Meteor Mash attack. It won't stop the...
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