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Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -



Strange things have been happening in the city of Munich, Germany. Very strange things.

Mysterious fires, shootings, and bloody deaths have been reported all over the city and outlaying areas. A symbol has been found carved or burned into the victim's body that links the events. A flannel, the holiest of the unholy symbols. A cross with a winged serpent coiled around it, topped with a crown. That symbol has been linked to a group called the 'Thule Society', that was thought to have been disbanded shortly before the second World War. Thule, it seems, has been maintained in secret, working underground to restore the ideals held by Hitler.

The location of the Society's headquarters is unknown, and they have been using mysterious forces to obtain their goals. It is for that reason that Hellboy and his crew were sent out, to find and dissolve the last arm of Thule.

But that won't be as easy as thought...

Thule has summoned a powerful infernal being to assist them, a demon with incredible powers. The demon was dubbed "FullMetal", since his right arm was missing upon his summoning, and was replaced by a steel prosthetic. He is believed to be behind the bloody and gruesome deaths taking place.

A clash of incredible forces is brewing, but if all goes well, Thule will be crushed before it can rise again.

You are a member of the BPRD, sent to accompany Hellboy, Liz, and Abe. You were chosen for you skill in a particular field, and will hopefully be a great asset to the team.

Good luck.

-Usual Roleplay etiquette, no Godmodding, Powerplaying, ect.
-You can control a max of 3 characters, but try not to, since it would be difficult to maintain that many unless you're experienced. (unless you're me, who has to control the bad guys. D: )
-Put the word 'Shrimp' in your form if you've read this
-Keep outside disputes out of the RP, and vice versa
-Cursing is allowed (This is a Hellboy RP, what do you expect. xD), but try not to make every word of your posts a swear.
-Likewise, there will be violence and blood. Be prepared.
-No chatspeak or I will harm you.

- Hellboy - Reserved by moon-panther
- Liz Sherman
- Abe Sapien



-Hellboy Wiki
-FMA Wiki

My Forms:

Name: Edward "FullMetal"
Age: Unkown - Looks about 15
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Powers/Skills: Flight, Incredible Strength, Flame resistance, Metal control, quick healing
Appearance: Edward is small and frail looking, with long feline-like legs and thin arms. His right arm is larger than the other and crafted of metal, which he can use in combat as a melee weapon quite well. His legs are tipped in long reptilian toes with sharp claws, but he typically wears boots over them. He sheds these boots right off the bat in fights. His non-metal hand is also tipped in razor-sharp claws. His skin has a greyish tint, and a pair of short horns protrude from his forehead, about half a foot long. His tail is almost as long as he is tall, and tipped in a arrow-like point. His eyes are gold, like his long hair. he has bat-like wings jutting from his shoulders that look too small to carry him, but do the job quite well.
Personality: Edward usually keeps to himself, preferring the company for his 'brother', Alphonse. He enjoys killing, since Thule raised him that way. They don't really see other sides of him that much.
Bio.: Not too much is known about him, just that he was summoned by Thule 18 years ago, and taken in by Alphonse's (see below) family.
Other: He has a swastika tattooed on the left side of his chest.

Name: Roy Mustang
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers/Skills: Pyrotechnics
Appearance: Roy is tall and muscular, with black hair and eyes. His usual dress consists of a white lab coat, black jeans, and a black turtleneck.
Personality: Roy is cold on the outside, seeming to not care for any but himself. But on the inside, he cares very much about his squad. He leads the Thule Society that remains, desiring to form the world to his own ideas.
Bio.: Roy was abused as a child by his father, and that experience helped him form his hard outer shell. He developed his Pyrokenetic powers at the age of 8, and he killed his father in his first experience with his skills. His three sisters took him in, nurturing his new found powers and helping them grow. When they left him to work in other countries, he found the scattered bits of the Thule Society and gathered them together, becoming their leader, and it was under his order that Edward was summoned.

Name: Alfons Heiderich
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers/Skills: Blinking (Teleporting short distances)
Appearance: Alfons has scruffy blond hair and blue eyes, and usually wear a pair of glasses. Not like he needs them, though, he thinks they make him look cool. He's slight in body, and typically wears a white dress shirt, suspenders, and brown dress pants.
Personality: Alfons is incredibly friendly and lively, loving the company of other people. He loves to study as well, often reading several research papers at once, but this sometimes causes him to mix up information.
Bio.: Alfons was raised in the countryside by his mother and father, and had a pretty uneventful childhood. He was moved into Munich to live with his aunt when he was 12, and was discovered by Roy, whom was teaching at his school. He joined up with Thule and quickly became a head scientist and occult master.

Name: Alphonse Elric
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers/Skills: Sharpshooting
Appearance: Al is a short boy, with large brown hair and brown eyes. He makes up for his size with spunk and skill, however. He carries two guns, one with a black handle, the other with a white handle. He calls his guns 'Black Cat' and 'White Cat'. His usual dress consists of a bullet-proof vest over a tee-shirt and jeans.
Personality: Al is full of energy, jumping from one conversation to another with ease. He is a people person, able to charm people with his smooth words and cute appearance. He loves cats, to the extent of carrying one with him if he finds one.
Bio.: Al was raised by his father, since his mother died at a when he was young. When he was a year old, his father took in the demon, Edward, and raised him as his own. Al grew very attached to Edward, following him around. He joined Thule after his father, and occultist for Thule, died.
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...hi, I'm here to claim my spot...so, Beany-fried Shrimps for all.


Oh..and one other thing *wacks FMC* You Made him a NAZI?! How can you make my Flamey a Nazi?!


Ok, I'm going to make a second Character for myself. So I'm going to be Both HellBoy and an my own character.

Name: Ming
Age: ??- She looks in between 18- 24
Species: Angel of Death ((This is a secret, so shhhh))
Powers/Skills: Aura Sight, Flight, Kiss of Death (She breaths a grey fog into your mouth and you crumble into dirt), Sword Fighting (creates a sword from on of her feathers)

Appearance: Long black hair that reaches her butt, deep calculating purple eyes and a angular face. She is very much Chinese from her looks and wears a deep blue hooded cloak. On her head is a golden crown and a pair of wings on her back with a massive wing span as well multiple eyes on the wings, which are covered by the hooded cloak when she wears it. The clasp of her cloak is of a crane perching in a crescent moon.

Personality: She is silent, too silent. She refuses to speak to anyone, but that doesn't mean that she is cold or hateful. She was a kind hearted woman that cared deeply for people and their lives, but one she became a Angel of Death, her emotions have disappeared. She is a strong person with a strong soul and a strong sense of justice, making that she can't stand stand around while lives are ended too soon. She will defend those that she trusts.

Bio.: She was once a Human Witch with a Dragon sister in a small town in Germany. Once her sister became a Angel of Death, she was heart broken and didn't know what to do to save her. After much thought and studying, she learned how to bring her sister back and knew what would happen when she did so. When she did bring her Sister back to her former self, Ming took her role as a Angel of Death. After that day, she has traveled the world on her own, searching for the souls she is to release from their mortal shells.
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Arg, I want to join but my computer's completely screwed up (yet again) so I don't have enough time to write a profile. Just reserve a spot for now.
Name: Zhov
Age: Probably in late 50's
Gender: Male
Species: Augmented human
Powers/Skills: Psychokinesis, minor necromancy, 3rd-person view (via a sort of ethereal third eye, he is able to see other places within a limited range), heightened physical durability

Appearance: Nothing about Zhov would suggest that he used to be human. His lower torso and legs were completely removed long ago and replaced with a set of six long, spindly spider-like legs. Bandages cover his entire upper torso and tie his arms to his body so tight that he can barely even move, although anyone who pays attention long enough will notice bulges that occasionally slither around underneath the cloth. In fact, the only parts of him that can actually be seen are his right eye of a rather disturbing violet color, mouth full of unnecessarily sharp teeth, and the pair of horns on top of his head.

Personality: Oh, how long it has been since Zhov was able to truly feel. He gave up the life of humanity years ago, and all of his emotions with it, but after the new life he longed for was refused, he didn't know what was left for him. By now he has completely spiraled into insanity, trying to be something that he isn't. He tends to show distaste for normal humans, claiming that they are below him and generally lashes out at any he is forced to meet with. Although much of his time is spent in confinement, he greatly looks forward to any chance to go outside, as that is the time he gets a chance to use his powers and prove to himself that his strength is still there.

Bio: There was once a man who had everything in life, and yet nothing he owned could bring him happiness. Over the course of his life he gathered many strange artifacts of old civilizations, until one day when he discovered an ancient book of the dead that spoke of a way for mortals to "ascend" to a higher plane of existence. The man used all of his resources to fulfill this new twisted goal of his, until he had nothing left but a book unspeakable evils. He erased every trace that he had ever existed, and named himself Zhov, a word that means "Ambition" in a demonic language ((not really; just made that up)). Finally, his plans were completed and he summoned a powerful demon to grant him his greatest wish. But the demon instead said to Zhov: "You, human of no faith, cannot comprehend the true role of the legions of Hell, and only pursue this destiny to fulfill your lust for power, and so I will give this power you so desire." Zhov became far stronger than any human could ever hope to be, but his body wasn't made to contain such a force, and was broken, burned, and disfigured beyond recognition. Yet he continued to live, and, even though he was blinded by the pain and confusion, he rebuilt his body using corpses. Blurred between two very different worlds, he wandered around with no destination, building up an extreme hatred for the monsters who had cursed him. Eventually, he was found by the BPRD, and gained a sort of respect for them and their cause, and eventually became an agent for the sake of being among others like him who didn't belong in this world.

Other: "Shrimp"...I see what you did there.
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Name: Viator
Age: 498
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Viator’s main ability is to transform from his human form to either a wolf or a bat. From those forms he can use any of their physical capabilities to fight or travel, including flight. In any form, though, his body is physically superior to others of the same species, as they have higher strength and speed. In human form he really only has the strength and speed of an exceptionally fit adult, but his wolf form is truly fearsome and his bat form is almost impossible to capture when his mind is set on fleeing. Transforming requires that he leaves most of his clothing behind, save for a specially-engineered pair of boxers that can be transformed with him.

As a vampire, he also drinks blood, although it must be mammalian blood. This is by no means a requirement for his survival, though they have magical effects on him. Non-human blood allows him to remain physically young, though it can’t make his body any younger, and helps him heal a little bit faster than a normal human. Drinking human blood can heal almost any injury, depending on the volume of blood he drinks. As long as the blood goes through his digestive system instead of a transfusion of some sort, he need not fear any pathogens that might be in the blood. Transfusions have no healing effect, and he is vulnerable to any pathogens that might be swimming in the blood. This only heals his human body, however; as a wolf he can drink any canine’s blood to heal his wolf body, and as a bat he must drink bat blood to heal his bat body. The closer the blood matches that of his species, the more effective his healing factor is.

Digesting the blood probably takes a normal amount of time, but their magical healing effects usually begin within an hour of drinking the blood. Blood is also special enough to him that he can pick up the scent of blood very easily in his human form, although his nose is still as limited as a human’s in all other smells. Additionally, he cannot transform anybody into a vampire with just a bite; turning someone requires a complicated ritual he doesn’t know how to perform.

Of course, you don’t live for decades without picking up a few things, much less centuries. Especially since he can pick things up as easily as any child, and has an excellent memory, Viator has collected a fair bit of knowledge and abilities. He is fluent in many languages, mainly Latin-based tongues as well as Latin itself, has reached at least high school level with maths and sciences, and is good at drawing and computer games. He knows how to fight with swords, though his stature limits this to the shorter blades, and can use several types of daggers quite effectively. He also can fire handguns quite accurately, though he’s no sharpshooter.

With his nearly platinum-blond hair, light blue eyes, and very pale skin, Viator is rather vulnerable to sunburns even if he doesn’t explode upon contact. Because of this, his exposed skin often has a whitish lustre caused by a thick layer of sunscreen, and his eyes are hidden by dark sunglasses almost all the time. His hair is almost impossibly long, reaching somewhere around his navel, and looks very well cared-for. Although often tied back on a mission, he prefers to let it free, and really doesn’t care that it makes him look like a girl.

Because he really does look like a girl – a ten-year-old girl. With a slim stature and a height that often causes people to call him a shrimp, plus an exceptionally childish-looking face, one might think that he simply stopped aging around ten years old. Those people would be right; he truly does have a ten year old body, which tends to cause people to underestimate him no matter how serious his expression is.

His clothing consists of a loose, white, long-sleeved hooded shirt, jeans, and once-white running shoes. His shirt is long enough to hide his belt, which holds a dagger on his hip. If the dagger wasn’t so long, at about one foot in length, perhaps it would’ve been fully concealed by his shirt; as it is, though, at least half the blade’s sheath sticks out.

His wolf form is nearly a metre tall at the shoulder, and twice the length from nose to tail (though his tail is nearly a quarter of that length). His narrow chest and powerful back and legs give him a great amount of stamina, allowing him long-distance runs, short bursts of speed, or impressive leaps. Powerful jaws and sharp fangs are his main weapon in this form, capable of crushing bones. He also has thick, coarse, greyish-brown fur and sharp golden eyes, cold and hard as that of any predator.

As a common vampire bat, he loses much of his mass and has a wingspan of less than twelve inches. He has rough, amber-coloured fur on his back and pale, softer fur on his stomach, and hairless skin stretched between long bones for wings. His large ears give him excellent hearing, and his specialised mouth helps him suck up blood easily. He can even walk, jump, and hop on the ground in addition to his flight capabilities, because of his species’ specialised anatomy, although his body is quite fragile and could probably be knocked out in one blow.

Viator may be old, but he hasn’t managed to develop the maturity that usually comes with experience. He is quite reckless, knowing that he can be healed just by drinking enough blood, and has never had to think of what would happen if there are no humans to drink from. He lacks wisdom as well, and though he’s a quick learner when it comes to knowledge and skills, he’s slow to actually change; for example, it took decades for him to regularly apply sunscreen, since he’d usually forget and then cut up a person just to heal his sunburn. And here we come to another aspect of his personality: he lacks empathy for others, and can easily kill, maim, or hurt without caring about who he’s hurting. His attention easily wanders if he isn’t particularly interested in something, and he easily gets bored.

If there’s any one thing he’s scared of, it’s puberty. This irrational fear is what keeps him drinking much more animal blood than he really needs, and what prevents him from growing enough to truly develop superhuman strength. He is also easily amused by the thought of anything sex-related and mentioning any sexualised body parts can quickly send him into fits of somewhat nervous giggles. Any details would disgust him, though, and send him running in the opposite direction.

He is rather proud of his physical appearance, which is easier to keep up because of his “youth”, especially his hair. In fact, he can be quite obsessive about it; he has to bathe and wash his hair every day or he’ll become very cranky, and he hates having any damage to his hair, which can’t be healed through drinking blood. Though his hair will continue to grow even when he doesn’t, it takes a lot of time to regrow his hair, and the world can’t stand to be deprived of the greatness that is his strings of dead cells.

Viator isn’t entirely sure where his life began or who was involved, and can really only remember vaguely that, somewhere around his eighth summer, he underwent some complicated ritual that transformed him into a vampire. He only started drinking blood somewhere around ten years old, but quickly took a liking to it that overcame his disgust with the idea. It wouldn’t be until a decade later, however, that he started drinking human blood; his body was able to heal normally and he didn’t have the need to do so until several people, realising he was some sort of demon, tried to kill him and managed to cut him up badly. They fled when he transformed into a wolf and killed two of them, and he drank the humans’ blood when he turned back so he could heal, too exhausted to think otherwise. He was found later by a family who only saw a young boy lying by two dead men, and took him in. Eventually, he realised they were starting to become suspicious of him, so he ran away as a wolf.

It was around then that he realised that his wolf form was aging and needed to drink blood as well, in greater volumes than just eating raw meat. This applied to his bat form as well, although he hadn’t noticed because he always drank blood anyway. He also noted that he wouldn’t age in other forms when sticking to one form, which made things a lot easier.

Nearly half a century was just spent in the wild, until as a wolf he was found and taken in to be some royal person’s pet. He didn’t understand the language, but when he transformed back into a human in front of the young prince, the prince taught him to speak, read, and write. The prince kept the secret to the end of his days, and Viator was only a long-lived wolf to anyone else, thought to be a blessing. When his only friend died, though, Viator left and began to wander once again, this time as a human. He didn’t share his secret again in centuries, instead just wandering the land and learning things, including how to fight from several instructors, plus languages all around the continent.

He was caught transforming by the BPRD a few decades ago, and failed to kill the witnesses. The BPRD took him in, at first only believing him a human that could transform into a wolf, but they soon learned of his other abilities. They made full use of him, teaching him to fight with a gun and using his animal forms to find things a human never could. They also provided him with blood so he wouldn’t have to kill, though he did so anyway out of habit; they were able to control this, however, so he didn’t need to be stopped permanently.

Other: Drinking blood of paranormal species makes him ill, unless it’s his own, in which case it doesn’t have much effect on anything.
Hmm, not many people are coming here, are they? Even though, y'know, we just got our first person in, like, five days.

So anyway, I thought I might try playing as Abe along with Zhov. Do I have to write a separate character sheet for him or something?
Name: Seraphina
Age: Ageless
Gender: Female
Species: Angel

As an angel, Seraphina’s entire body could be considered some kind of holy artefact. To a demon, her touch is caustic, and the residue of holy energy invariably left behind has poisonous effects. She can probably kill a demon just by concentrating enough holy energy into it, but that requires both physical contact and concentration – since she does not, in fact, have super-strength, it’s rather difficult to achieve this. Whether she likes it or not, her touch will always at least leave a minor burn on any demon or anyone tainted by a demon, although it doesn’t have this effect on others. She can heal angels, humans, and normal animals’ wounds or purge poison or disease from their bodies, given enough time and energy.

Her wings would, according to the laws of science, probably not be enough to lift her from the ground, but they manage to do so anyway. One might think that this is magic, and it probably is due to her supernatural powers, but as flight is generally impossible if her powers are somehow blocked, even if her wings are uninjured.

Her main weapon, and the only one she really uses, is the ability to create and control fire without any visible fuel source, as long as there is access to useable oxygen. She can breathe out fire or just create it on her body or in the air somewhere around her, and direct it or keep it in place however she pleases. If another being also tries to control the flames, their comparative strength determines the outcome, but she has an advantage when it comes to her own flames. Fire cannot hurt her unless it’s demonic, which is also harder for her to control.

She can make her wings invisible to humans, as long as they don’t possess any paranormal powers, but they remain physically present.

Seraphina’s black eyes are nearly as dark as her shoulder-length hair, which seems to drain all light from the surrounding area. Her skin is tanned and seems to almost glow, although just sticking her somewhere dark reveals otherwise. She is rather tall and thin, but could easily pass for a young human woman if not for the large, white, feathery wings that grow from her back. Though usually folded tightly to her back, they are still quite prominent, and her full wingspan is much greater than her height. The wings are almost purely white save for her red wingtips, and much less fragile than a wing would usually be.

Her clothing consists of a flowing, light grey robe with darker silver patterns. It allows her wings to move freely, and nearly reaches her ankles when she stands. The sleeves only reach to around her elbows, and only sandals protect her feet from the ground when she actually walks. Both are fireproof, or at least never seem to get burned, and must be either easy to clean or easily replaceable, given that no permanent stains ever adorn it. She also wears a necklace with a silver cross on it, though it’s generally worn under her robes so as not to get in the way of anything.

Seraphina, though she isn’t the paragon of virtue or even particularly nice toward non-angels, at least lacks any real malice. She’s loyal, brave, and determined whenever it comes to something she believes in. She’ll protect her friends or beliefs if it kills her, although she’ll also struggle to survive to the best of her ability. Although she doesn’t always rush into things, she will not be stopped unless there’s a very pressing reason to do so. She’ll only stop if someone she truly holds in high regard orders her to. Such a person must be an angel with high status and several admirable qualities, enough for her to hold them in awe. One such person is Ming, and Seraphina is likely to do whatever Ming asks unless she has a strong objection to it.

She believes that a demon’s only purpose is to harm and kill, and has no problem eliminating them if they aren’t killing the right targets. She views humans as more variable, but ultimately inferior to angels, and animals are just inferior and neutral; though it’s with a bit more remorse, she’ll eliminate them if it’s for the greater good.

This has nothing to do with her hiding her emotions because she’s just not very good at it. Her facial expression, body language, voice, and nearly anything else will reveal whatever she’s feeling at the moment.

Perhaps Seraphina was once human and died, only to be reborn as an angel, but if she was, she has forgotten her previous life. To her knowledge, she was simply created ages ago with her body and powers intact, by God. She merely travelled the earth, taking down demons and evil humans because that was what she was supposed to do, and started learning more and more about them. They changed at varying rates, more quickly as time went on, and occasionally she’d try blending into some of the cultures or take part in society. She was never an important figure in human history, though, except for occasionally being persecuted because she didn’t look enough like the people, was female in a strongly patriarchal society and acted strangely, or just generally not fitting in. Evidently they never managed to kill her, and she usually tried not to kill them unless she truly thought them evil.

She came across Ming some time ago, probably measured in centuries, and though she didn’t consider herself Ming’s friend, she developed a reverence for the angel of death that could be thought to border on worship. It was through Ming that she found the BPRD, and though she didn’t really officially join for a long time, finally decided to once she got wind of the evil Thule society. She’s a newcomer to the BPRD, so she doesn’t know too much about it, but she’ll do whatever it takes to bring Edward down, and any humans or demons who might be in the way.

Other: She absolutely hates darkness, so she'll tend to create at least a small flame to light the way. Though darkness doesn't completely paralyse her with fear, she will become intensely paranoid when she can't see.
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((Kusari is in (again), and as reqested, we'll start now... I'll let other people join as we go on.))
- - -

Alfons fidgeted nervously, wondering why he was chosen to spy on the BPRD’s group. He had been assured by Roy that it would be easy, but he wasn’t sure. And now, it was some time after noon, and he was cooped up in a truck with large group of strange people. And non-people, in the case of the one whom was seated right next to him.

He eyed the large red demon cautiously, shoving his glasses up the bridge of his nose, since they had fallen. The demon was quite intimidating. Alfons shifted a bit, careful to not draw attention to himself all that much, since he wasn’t sure what the group was capable of. He fiddled with his suspenders, adjusting the clips on his pants. A small handgun was in a holster on his hip, and he glanced at it carefully, wondering if he’d need to use it.

He looked up when an agent from the German BPRD branch spoke up, trying to catch the group’s attention.

“We’re arriving at the first scene now… It’s rather singed, so there probably won’t be much evidence, but you’ll do your best, I suppose.”

The man spoke with a thick accent, but Alfons had one of his own, so it wasn’t a problem for him.
Hellboy looked out of the window, ignoring mostly everyone in the truck. He then took out a lighter and flicks it on, lighting his cigar. He then glances to his side and sees the boy next to him. He chuckled a bit, seeing the boy sweat.

"Don't tell me you're nervous already kid. The fun hasn't even started yet."


Ming silently watches the group around her, taking in the conversations and the meanings of them. She then looks to her side at the other angel among them, Seraphina. Ming leans over to her and softly whisper to her.

"Don't reveal who I am...Not until it is time for me to be known."

She then returns to her up-right position and watches as the Red Monkey speaks to the small german child. She studies the german silently, the feeling to read him raising ever since his arrival. She shakes her head a bit, looking out the window.

Not yet time...for me to be revealed
Viator - male vampire

Viator chewed on the thin yellow straw, taking another glance around at the people around him, then took another sip from the blood packet in his hand. The taste was completely ruined by whatever chemicals they used to keep the blood from coagulating, and it wasn't even fresh. There was a very distinct difference in taste.

It didn't help that there was a very fresh source of blood sitting right beside him so temptingly. It would be so simple just to cut a vein and take a sip, or gulp if he really wanted. He glared sullenly at the man - Alfons, was it? He didn't need to know a food source's name - and at the opposite wall, where some stupid angel was sitting in a corner.

Angels. He didn't trust the lot of them.

It wasn't time to fight yet, so his hair was left free and the elastic was on his wrist, but that meant the bright orange colour was visible enough to bug him every time he drank from the blood packet. Orange, seriously... where had all the other colours gone?

Ugh, and he'd need to reapply sunscreen later, and the sunglasses on his head caused some stray strands of hair to tickle his nose (which he brushed away for the millionth time) and Alfons's pulse was still much too loud and tempting.

"Hey, shut up," he grumbled at Alfons. "Food should be more quiet."

And no, of course that wasn't his own heart beating.

Seraphina - female angel

"Of course I won't," Seraphina whispered back. "They won't know until you say it is time."

She wouldn't have told anybody, anyway. Not even if it meant saving a human or demon's life, and any angel would likely already know.

Smiling, she observed Ming's face as the presumably older angel watched the others, then looked back down at her hand.

A flame danced on her palm, licking at the air. She watched it spread over her hand until it covered her fingers, and the back of her hand. The flames then crawled up her arm and grew, especially around her fingers, making it look like she had demonic claws. Then the flames vanished without a sound.

Aaaa~ Flames never stopped being beautiful to watch.

Over her palm, in the air, a tiny flaming shape appeared. Then it spread and grew into a small bird that flapped its wings as if in flight, though it didn't move anywhere. The bird didn't have any of the tiny details like feet, but what it was supposed to be was quite obvious from the general shape.

The bird abruptly exploded into hundreds of tiny burning feathers, which fell onto her hand and grew back as normal fire on her palm.

Then she looked up once more, looking around at the others with a small smile. In the corner, comfortably sitting between Ming and the back of the truck, by the doorway, she didn't have to turn her head much to see everything.

There was really no need to concern herself with everyone since they were either demons or humans, so she turned back to the flames dancing under her control, and only under her control. She snuffed those ones out and began to draw a candle on her arm using thin lines of flame.

Pyrokinetics never got bored.
Name: Valeor (this is what he calls himself to his allies, strangers or people he doesn't respect know him as Vendetta, known as Valdruun uug M'kai in the Underworld and as Threat V by the Thule Society.)

Age: 96

Gender: Male

Species: Elf

Powers/Skills: Telepathy, tele/pyrokinesis, superhuman strength, can communicate with sea creatures, such as shrimp and sharks, skilled with the halberd.

Appearance: He stands at six foot three and has long, flowing hair that reaches to the base of his spine. His skin is very pale, almost white. He wears a light, ivory-coloured tunic with gold embroidering which reaches to his knees, similarly coloured trousers, a polished gold belt and a white gold headband. Over this he wears steel gauntlets on his arms which are linked with chainmail to a gold-leafed steel cuirass. He has a pair of steel greaves which are sown onto his leather boots. He has green eyes.

Personality: Valeor is cool, calm and collected at almost all times but is an introvert and is very hard to get to know. He keeps to himself and participates very little in any conversations not directly related to their quest. However, like anyone he has his weak points and if someone can gain his trust and respect, he will be a loyal friend for life.

Bio.: He was born in the Underworld to an elf mother. His father was a semi-aquatic demon who captured and raped his mother. He grew up in the court of the Underworld Royal Family, as his mother was a respected noblewoman. However, someone found out about Valeor's origins and his mother was banished from court and soon died in exile. After his mother's death, Valeor decided to travel to the human world and this is when he first took the name Valeor.

He grew up on the streets of Munich. He was recruited by the BPRD after he destroyed the house of a child who had attacked him using pyrokinesis. After being recruited by the BPRD, all of his powers soon became apparent, apparently the trauma of his mother dying had rendered them dormant. He was asked to infiltrate Thule when it first reared its ugly head and had almost made his way into the inner circle before he was discovered. Ever since he was known as Threat V by the Thule Society. He volunteered to help take Thule down once more.

Other: Despite his ability to communicate with aquatic creatures, Valeor can't swim.

Alfons almost jumped out of his skin when Hellboy spoke, staring at the demon, blue eyes wide. He didn't even have time to respond when the one sitting on the other side of him called him food. He whimpered, sinking down in his seat. He was ready to pop away from them if need be, but that didn't make him feel any better.

I am going to kill Roy.
Valeor, meanwhile was at the far end of the bench occupied by Hellboy, slightly apart from the others and sharpening his halberd with a whetstone. There were probably more efficient ways of sharpening the long blade but Valeor was determined that nothing could beat a whetstone. He prodded Alfons's mind.
You shouldn't worry about the belligerent brute, young one. You should be worried about the quiet introverted elf.
Name: Molly
Age: Unknown, appears to be in her early twenties
Gender: Female
Species: Cat/Human Hybrid

Powers/Skills: Enhanced gymnastic ability (speed, agility, balance, reflexes), night vision, higher-than-normal healing, retractable claws, prehensile tail, able to detect and recognize emotion-based pheromones.

Appearance: A blend of human and feline, Molly resembles a young, strongly-built woman with a coat of thick golden fur, decorated with wildcat-esque brown stripes. Her feet are built like a cat's paws, and she frequently goes shoeless for that reason. Her hands are built more or less like a human's, but with thicker, less dexterous fingers with sharp claws.

Her nose is that of a cat, and her mouth is filled with feline teeth. Her eyes glint green, with slit pupils, and seem to glow in darkness. Her ears are large and wide much like a wildcat's, but are on the sides of her head where a human's normally are. Her tail is long and slender, but with surprising strength and dexterity.

Personality: Friendly, flirty, laid-back, and fun-loving, Molly doesn't let a little thing like being a one-of-a-kind creature get in the way of living a full life. She loves to meet new people and tries her hardest to make them comfortable, which is hard when your room has such things as a scratching post and a catnip plant. But she tries, often observing humans and trying to imitate them in order to not seem so unusual. However, her feline nature is not something easily supressed, and she finds herself displaying her emotions like an open book through her ears and tail.

However, when she's faced with danger, something in her just seems to snap. Suddenly that sweet little kitten is a snarling, hissing beast that will rip apart anything that stands in her way. Good-natured as she is, authority grates on her; she is someone you give a task to do however she wishes, not someone you expect to follow a specific proceedure.

Bio.: Found in a sideshow as 'The Amazing Tiger-Child' at a young age, the BPRD freed the little girl and took her in. They studied her DNA, and called her an anomaly. Somehow, she had both human and feline genetics. Having a flimsy grasp of english, she managed to get it in her head that her name was 'Anomaly.' When asked for a name, she said the closest thing she could, 'Molly,' and it stuck.

Though she got a late start on her education, she eventually grew up into a intelligent and capable woman, having read through every scrap of paper she could get her paws on and trained determinedly to better harness her natural gifts. She only just started working in the field; she's a bit inexperienced, but she works hard to get the job done, no matter what.

Other: Molly has a deep love of catnip, strawberries, milkshakes, and shrimp. You're bound to hear her complain at some point about a lack of one of the four when out in the field.
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