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Open - Hellboy: Heart of Gold -

Viator - male vampire

"I said, be quiet," he grumbled, "or I'm seriously going to eat you. Well. Take a drink and leave you for the vultures who're probably waiting for us to melt right now."

He hated the heat, which caused sweat to drip down his back. His clothes and hair were sticking to his skin and it was making him look horrible, he just knew. It also made him thirstier, so he drank some more from his blood packet. Ugh... it was really only good warm, but right now he just wanted something cool. Preferably with the taste of blood.

"...hey, you wouldn't mind, would you? I just need a sip, seriously. It's not like you die if you lose a bit of blood, and it probably won't even inconvenience you except for a small cut. Won't hurt a bit if I knock you out first."

He then glared at the winged person on the opposite bench. Generally they were called angels, but that had a good connotation for some reason. They were really just the most evil demons, disguised. She was playing with fire when it was already so hot in here. "Stop that."

Seraphina - female angel

Seraphina blinked at the childlike demon, who appeared to be talking to her on account of how she was glaring at the poor, innocent, victimised angel. Perhaps she was neither, but she wasn't doing anything to her. "Stop what?"

The demon just grumbled out an, "Ugh," and turned away, staring at the human's face. Or neck. It was hard to tell, really.
"I'm not saying anything! Really!" Alfons whimpered, scooching away from the vampire.

The scooting had made it so poor Alfons was pressed right up agains Hellboy, which wasn't really much more comforting. He whimpered again, and pushed his glasses up his nose. This sucked. Why did Roy pick him to go? It wasn't fair.

The driver spoke up again, stopping the truck.

"We're here!"

Thank God.

Alfons sqirmed out of the truck before anyone else had the chance to, and stood before the blackened building, eyeing the destruction knowingly. It was Roy's handiwork, a quite masterful display of Pyrotechnics. The guy was kind of a jerk, but Alfons had to admit he had style.

The two-story building was still smoking, the blaze having just been put out by local firefighters. The entire structure was skelotonized, all the pipes and wires and such exposed.

Valeor knew if the angel and the vampire started arguing that he'd get bothered. And he didn't feel it was necessary to be bothered right now. Suddenly the tip of his halberd was embedded in the steel wall of the van beside Viator's head, actually splitting one of the hairs on his head.
"Shut. The fuck. Up."
He got up as they stopped and pulled his halberd out of the wall before hopping out beside Alfons.
Zhov was anything but pleased at the moment. True, being stuck in this truck loaded to the brim with people he would probably never want to be around in ordinary circumstances was pretty bad, but that wasn't the main problem right now. The bench he was sitting on was so goddamn uncomfortable! Of course, anyone would get tired of being in the same spot for hours on end, but Zhov wasn't exactly built for sitting (not in this way, anyway). Four of his six legs were bent forward to reach the floor, and the back two were crammed painfully behind his back and against the wall.

While the long legs tried to move around in whatever way possible, loudly scratching into the wooden surroundings in the process, the monster's visible eye rolled around in its socket, darting back and forth between the truck's myriad occupants. Looks more like a circus troupe than a paranormal investigation team. During its travels, the violet eye repeatedly strayed over to the rather radiant angel sitting across the aisle. She was indeed quite pretty - his old self would probably be drooling over her by now - but he was able to feel the unusual presence around her. At this distance, her holy energy caused him minor discomfort, as if the temperature had risen just a bit. And the way she was throwing around those flames that had suddenly come out of nowhere wasn't helping much.

As the spider legs continued to scrape around in a cacophony vaguely reminiscent of Beethoven's fifth, a finger prodded forcefully against Zhov's bandaged shoulder. "Say, um, would you mind calming down? Just a bit?" questioned the appendage's owner. Abe Sapien looked at Zhov through his specially designed goggles, providing additional illumination even though the cabin was already fairly well-lit. One of the legs had, in flailing around so much, torn a hole into Abe's suit, and was now dangerously close to piercing the exposed pale-blue skin. The ex-human gave him a rather menacing glare, complete with sharp teeth that probably haven't been cleaned in decades, then turned to look out the back window.

Abe took his own chance to have a little look around the cabin and its occupants. Where Zhov had seen them as little more than fellow workers, he saw an amazing blend of so many different people, all working together to accomplish an equal purpose. It was almost like something from an old story. He glanced to his other side, where Hellboy sat, thoroughly terrifying the young man next to him. "Really now, Red," he scolded, "you shouldn't be so harsh on the poor lad." He gestured to the fidgeting human, noticing the vampire and elf further along on the bench. "After all, it's only his nature to fear that which is different."

((Shoot, so much happened while I was writing this and I really don't have the patience to start over again. Let's just say this was before Kusari's second post. Please?))
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Molly had spent the entire trip in silence. Her posture was relaxed, eyes half closed, as she nibbled on a small leaf. A faint minty smell wafted from it, and, if one listened carefully, they could hear a faint rumbling coming from the woman like a large cat purring. Since she was not someone who could easily blend in, she hadn't bothered to dress in an inconspicious way. Instead, she'd gone for comfortable.

However, for someone covered in fur, 'comfortable' clothing meant 'as little as possible.' A pair of tiny shorts and a top that was essentially a black strip of cloth binding her chest was all she bothered wearing. It made perfect sense to her, really. A lack of garments made movement easy, minimized heat, and only rubbed her fur the wrong way as much as necessary to avoid breaking public decency laws.

Molly's ear twitched when Viator spoke to Alfons, threatening him and then requesting a drink. She put down her catnip leaf and sank her claws into the wooden bench. She knew not to judge him by what he was, but she was beginning to not like that vampire. She opened her mouth to say something, seriously considering offering a taste of her own blood to get him off the poor guy's case, when she heard the words she'd been waiting for.

"We're here!"

A grin spread across Molly's face. Finally. She got up and leaped out of the truck, landing on all fours next to Alfons. The cooler, if smoky, air on her fur quickly calmed her down. Away from the heat and monotomy of that truck ride, she quickly eased back into a bipedial stance and scanned the remains of the building in front of them.

She looked at Alfons, and an expression of confusion crossed her face. For someone who was terrified of only a truckload of anomalies, he seemed surprisingly relaxed at the sight of a destroyed building that Molly assumed had been filled with his own kind when it went up in flames. "You okay there, sweets?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder and making sure her claws stayed inside. He may have been masking his emotions, she thought, since she couldn't pick up his pheromones with the smell of smoke.
Before Hellboy could tell the boy to get off his lap, the truck stopped with a jerk. He sighs a bit, hopping out of the truck and looks at the charred remains of the building. He takes a puff from his cigar and looks down at the human boy.

"Seems we have our work cut out for us"


Ming slips out of the truck, her cloak dragging on the ground behind her. Her purple eyes scan the scene before her, studying the charred building that the Red Monkey stood before. She silently walks over to the building and places her hand on the buliding, feeling the warmed surface littered with soot. She glances at the human boy, studying his face.

He seems so...calm about this. His eyes...they hold intell on this scene

She lowers her head, a sense of interest bubbling up within her. She decides to watch this boy carefully.
Viator - male vampire

Viator merely glared back at Valeor, but his eyes widened when he saw the few cut strands of hair fall to the ground. As the elf pulled his weapon away and turned toward the door, Viator stood up slowly, glare fiercer than before. His lips were pulled in a snarl, showing his sharpened canines.

"You... fucking... bastard."

He pulled his hair into a ponytail and tied it, and when he pulled his hand away, he noticed the few strands ticking his cheek. As he suspected.

He stalked after Valeor, but the brush of his clothing against his skin reminded him how he couldn't just transform as easily, since it would tear the only clothing he had. But he couldn't just let Valeor get away with it... he needed to get revenge somehow. This unprovoked attack... he'd never let it go.

I hope that someday he'll depend on me to save his life, he thought viciously, and I'll say no. And laugh.

Maybe he'd steal that halberd, somehow. And he'd either kill Valeor with it or just hide it somewhere, since it was probably losing something precious that way. Or just cut the man's hair back. Now, how should he accomplish that... it would be more fitting to shave the man bald, but he didn't have the tools for it. Single blades were really horrible tools for cutting significant amount of hair, too.

"Hey," Seraphina called him as he reached the door, "you shouldn't swear in a kid's body."

He glared at her. "Fuck you." Then he jumped out.

He stared ahead at the still-smoking building and crossed his arms, scowling. Valeor should've been caught in that.

Seraphina - female angel

"Can you believe her?" she asked as she followed Ming, then realised that she was acting this way in front of Ming. Extinguishing her flames, she made a hasty exit, hoping she wasn't blushing.

Outside, the burned building drew her attention immediately, so she focused on that and shoved her recent embarassment to the back of her mind.

"Not bad," she observed from behind Alfons. "This one was quite skilled, wasn't he? To be so thorough... hmm..."

The framework was still there, though. Destroying that part was more difficult, yes, and likely unnecessary... but she would have managed it. It would require much more power than her usual flames, but it was possible. But it had been burning just a while ago. The fire had been restrained to this building, it seemed, so perhaps the pyromancer had been commanding it to do that?

She then noticed that both sides had been taken by demons. Shame; that increased her chance of burning one. She went to stand by the foul-mouthed elf's other side and crossed her arms.

Now, if she wanted to burn a house down, what would she have done...?
Alfons looked up at Molly, smiling nervously, then glanced back at the burnt building.

"I'm ok. I've... Just seen stuff like this before, is all." He mumbled, glancing around a bit.

There wouldn't be much evidence of the cause of the blaze around, he knew, unless Roy had gotten sloppy. And he was never sloppy. Alfons suddenly disappeared, reappearing a split second later standing in the soot and burned wood of the building. It was still hot, and rather wet, but not enough to really hurt, so he bent down and started poking around in the burned mess.

Ugg. It smells gross here. Like when you burn meat...

Alfons prodded something that he had uncovered, fiddling with it a bit. What was it...? He pulled at the blackened object, then froze.

Another second later, he was at the back of the group, eyes wide and whimpering softly, fear written clearly on his face.
Hellboy looked over at Alfons, noting the fear on his face. He walks over to him and takes another puff of his cigar.

"What's up kid?"


Ming glances at Seraphina and smiles a bit at her.

"It is...alright. Some people are different"

She then notices the boy from before, seeing fear and horror on his face.

I wonder what scared the boy...
Alfons was visibly trembling, and he went to push his glasses back up before speaking, wide eyes staring straight ahead.

"A... a ha.. hand. Burnt. Hand." He whimpered, pushing some of his blond fringe back nervously.
Viator - male vampire

Viator saw Alfons disappear, he grumbled about the showing off (that was hardly necessary), and did the same when the angel-person walked forward, spread her wings, and flew over to the building. What was wrong with walking? Not everybody was leaving, though, so he stayed behind for their reports. He'd probably transform into a wolf in a bit, to sniff out anything... it would be mostly covered by the burned smell, but he might be able to manage something.

When Alfons returned, his expression caught his attention. Fear? Of what? He felt his curiosity rising, but the red guy asked the question before Viator could.

The answer was horribly disappointing.

"What did you think fire does to hands?" he grumbled. "It's not even like it's the body of someone you know, is it?"

Seraphina - female angel

"Yeah," Seraphina murmured at Ming's response, walking a few steps forward so as not to touch anyone with her wings. She spread her wings and took to the air, flying into the midst of the house. She noticed Alfons's presence with surprise, having not seen him come here, but shook her head.

"Time to investigate," she murmured, and followed Alfons's lead in sifting through the hot, wet mess. What she'd find, she didn't know, but hopefully she'd get something.
There wasn't all that much in the sooty mess, mostly burnt wood and scorched stone, among other uninteresting things. Around where Alfons had stood, however, was the burnt corpse of an adult human of unidentifiable gender, it had been burned so bad. Around the corpse's neck was a iron pendant on a chain that was - amazingly - not melted. It was in the shape of a flannel, a winged serpent around a cross.

Alfons, meanwhile, had hidden behind the member of the group he had deemed most able to protect him - Hellboy.
Seraphina - female angel


Had Alfons noticed this, and that was why he left to go outside? In that case, he'd probably left to confirm who did this, as if it wasn't obvious. She was sure that victims were supposed to have the symbol carved into them, but maybe this was so that it wouldn't be burned off. It wasn't as if it couldn't be carved in after the burning, though.

She held a hand just above the person's forehead and murmured a blessing. Then she removed the pendant, not touching the symbol, and just held it in her hand, observing it. She continued looking in case there was something else she missed, but if there wasn't, she'd fly back to the main group.
Molly accepted the explanation Alfons gave her; it certainly made sense, to become accustomed to things like that if you faced them regularly, though she did wonder, for a moment, what the poor man had gone through to make him so used to burnt wreckage.

His disappearance caught her by surprise, and took a step away from where he had once been. Of course, she knew about his power, having made sure to know about at least a handful of those she would be working with, so she wasn't frightened. At least not until he popped back into view, eyes wide and reeking so strong of terror it seemed to burn Molly's nose.

She winced and shook her head rapidly, eyes squeezed shut. She did manage to hear what he'd said, and finally her nose adjusted enough that the pheromone wasn't quite as overwhelming. She gave Viator a dark look, her tail lashing once, before turning her attention back to the cowering Alfons.

"Easy there, sweetie," she spoke soothingly, strolling over to him and brushing a furred hand against his cheek, "I know you got a bit of a scare, but you don't need to go hiding from something that's dead." Suddenly, however, she froze and looked up at Hellboy, never once removing her hand from the young man's face. "I'm right, right? I mean...You've never encountered..." She trailed off, looking a bit nervous and much less sure of herself than before.
Hellboy looks down at Molly, a slight grin on his red face.

"Have I ever fought dead things? Yeah, I have"

He takes a puff od his Cigar, then starts to count off the un-dead he's fought.

"Mummies, Zombies, Undead witch's, Undead Vampires, Aceint ghosts and ghouls that somehow come back...but bodies of burned corpses...hmm, Don't think I have"

He then looks over his shoulder at Alfons, a chuckling a bit.

"You're not the brave type, are you?"
Alfons pouted a little, fidgeting nervously and unsure what to do about the hand that Molly had placed on his cheek. This mission sucked, he'd never even met a demon besides Edward before, and Edward wasn't as big as Hellboy was.

"I... I really haven't actually seen a real dead person before, just in books and TV and stuff..." He muttered, pushing up his glasses again. Damn things, always falling down his nose. It was really quite annoying.

He looked upwards a bit, looking towards the burnt-out roof of the building absently, when...

Speak of the devil...

Edward was perched on a thin beam, wings folded against his back and watching them. He winked at Alfons, his face splitting into a wide grin. Alfons' eyes widened. Edward shouldn't be here, he should be at the lab, the moron!
Viator - male vampire

"Yeah. Hi. I'm dead. Nice to meet you." Viator scowled, glaring at the ground with his hands in his pockets. What the hell was a guy who was scared of corpses doing here? Half of everything they'd have to fight was probably dead, but burning them tended to make sure they stayed dead... including Viator.

Hell, if this guy ended up having to go up against one of the big bads, he'd probably scream. Even a high-powered demon would likely have that effect.

Seraphina - female angel

There was nothing left to find, Seraphina found after a bit of searching, so the corpse and the pendant were the only items of interest. She couldn't carry the corpse, especially while flying, so she'd just bring the pendant back.

She flew straight up, as that seemed to be the easiest way out (and would help her get one last look of everything in the house, in case she noticed something from the sky), found nothing, and flew through where the roof had once been... and immediately spotted an unfamiliar demon. The demon didn't look that strong, but burning it thoroughly was a sure way of destroying him.

It wasn't really worth making a show to destroy him, though, so she just conjured up a large fireball and shot it at his back. If it hit, it was supposed to catch on his skin and burn him to a permanent death, but otherwise it would dissipate on its own before hitting something else if the fireball got far enough away from her.
Valeor looked up at Seraphina and caught sight of a demon with a huge automail arm.
"Look out!" he yelled at the others. "That demon's from the Thule Society, his name is FullMetal."
Molly removed her hand and looked over her shoulder at Viator. "I'm sorry. I wasn't exactly counting vampires in that statement. You're...I mean...you still look...And I was talking about dead where the body's damaged to the point..." She bit her lip. Her apology was genuine enough, but she really had no idea what she could say in order to not feel like she'd been completely insensitive. The sheepish feline glanced back at Alfons, only to notice that he was staring at the building with wide eyes.

Molly followed his gaze and found herself staring at some kind of creature she couldn't recognize. It was vaugely humanoid, and it didn't look overly friendly. Seraphina obviously thought the same, as Molly had looked up in time to see her conjure a fireball and launch it at the stranger.

Then she heard Valeor's warning, and let out her claws. "Looks we've got some action, then, if Sera doesn' kill 'im." She hissed, her pupils narrowing to slits. Molly had never liked fighting, not if there were other alternatives, but no one was hurting anyone in this group if she had any say in the matter.
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