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Search results

  1. Almost Eric

    Sum yourself up in 3 words.

    Lazy ass git
  2. Almost Eric

    What are you reading?

    The Zombie Survival Guide It's taking me ages because I'm paranoid like hell.
  3. Almost Eric

    What would you do if your best friend disappeared?

    Get really annoyed and frustrated that I couldn't talk to her or talk about her to anyone else without them going "who?":I
  4. Almost Eric

    New Years' Resolutions

    It just happened to be new year when the motivation to learn a new language sprung up so... :( I never understood new years resolutions. D: You can change your habits.. Or create new goals anytime of the year =w=
  5. Almost Eric

    New Years' Resolutions

    Lets see here... Stop being so damn shy. (Yeah, like this is going to happen.) Learn a new language. Preferably German (fffff would be helpful if I could find any classes though, I suck at teaching myself.) ... oh whatever.
  6. Almost Eric

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    Black women with cool hats = *thumbs up*
  7. Almost Eric

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l336/timmicita/S7300050.jpg I spy an Eric :o
  8. Almost Eric

    Do you fear needles?

    I love needles =w= I went to hospital for an overdose of iron once and I was totally fascinated by watching them take blood samples from my arm haha. Maybe because I was totally out of it but still. :v
  9. Almost Eric


    So I saw the movie. AS IF YOU COULD OUT RUN ME AS IF YOU COULD FIGHT ME OFF haha. It was alright. Gave me a lot of laughs. I went to see it for the lulz, and man did it deliver them. IF I HAVE TO BE SERIOUS ABOUT IT THOUGH I mainly enjoyed Edward and the other vampires to be honest. Bella's...
  10. Almost Eric

    The Christmas thread

    Sooo.. From parents and family... An ushanka <3 South Park 2009 calendar Cartman t-shirt The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Warrior Cats 4, 5 and 5 The Mighty Book of Boosh Japanese dub of South Park BLU (it's hilarious.. =w=) Sketch book and pencils Suicide Bunny badges Evangelion: Death and...
  11. Almost Eric

    Whats your sign? ;)

    Rooster and Virgo :V
  12. Almost Eric

    Are you a virgin?

    Indeed I am. And would like to stop being so sometime in the near future.
  13. Almost Eric

    CRIMBO SURVEY: When did you stop believing in Santa?

    I don't really remember, I just stopped. *shrug*
  14. Almost Eric

    Goodbye, beloved Meowth...

    http://whitey-tan.deviantart.com/art/R-I-P-Maddie-Blaustein-106579663 My tribute to her.. *sighs* She was an amazing VA and person. ;^; Of course, I didn't know her personally but I miss her already. :(
  15. Almost Eric


    I gotta wait untill I'm 17 for driving lessons. *woe* I want to learn, but I get a horrible feeling I will suck at it. But I'll try anyway. Public transport sucks balls here (not actually in London atm hurr.), I'd rather just be able to jump in my car and go where ever the hell I want than wait...
  16. Almost Eric


    I'm talented in the art of bullshitting and procrastinating. :v
  17. Almost Eric


    Tash Timtam I probably have a load more but these are all I can think of. :C
  18. Almost Eric

    Warriors Fan Club

    This is true, but to buy books from Amazon I need money in my bank account. Which right now, I don't lol. x'D It'd be easier if this stupid town had a proper bookshop cause then I could just buy the books with cash in hand. x_x
  19. Almost Eric

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'm so far behind in this series. I'm jealous of all of you who have read more books than me. D: Seriously I only just finished Forest of Secrets. *FAIL* It's so hard to find the books where I live... TwT; I read one volume of the manga once though. About Graystripe. I was desperate for...
  20. Almost Eric

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    Oh hay gaiz. Did you hear? Almost Eric ♥ Jolty. :O
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