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New Years' Resolutions

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
Got any?

I've decided I'm going to keep a record of every cup of tea I drink every day throughout the entire year. Then at the end of 2009 I'll know how much I've consumed in the past 365 days. It's not exactly a "resolution" per se, but it's close enough.

Yes, I know I'm an idiot.
My resolution is to finally make enough money for plane tickets to go out to California. I've been planning it for around 9 months now, I just need to get the money. >>
To not die when all my friends come over on Saturday.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.
More tae kwon do and yoga, more Devil May Cry (my current obsession). More friends, too.
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I don't need an excuse to resolve to do anything. My only new year's resolution is to start tying my hair back; I resolved this to make fun of new year's resolutions and because I should.
My new years resolution is to rekindle my passion of writing poetry. And I will update my fanfics...And learn archery for reasons I don't really want to discuss here.
Create and maintain a website

Attempt to beat at least one game every month to try to get rid of the backlog of unbeaten games I have

Lose weight, exercise more, be healthier.
I want to learn Russian, or at least become functional in it. :3

I also want to learn Arabic script and get a good idea on how the grammar works.

Also, I will get my website back up and start updating it regularly.

I'm going to finish my NaNo and get it printed.
Take more photos, lose some weight, draw more, get organised and not fail year 12.
Lets see here...

Stop being so damn shy. (Yeah, like this is going to happen.)
Learn a new language. Preferably German (fffff would be helpful if I could find any classes though, I suck at teaching myself.)

... oh whatever.
If you need a new years' resolution to do something, you suck. If it sucks what you're doing, fucking stop doing it, you don't need a numbered day to do it.
Half my brawl time gradually, i'm getting addicted.

Use my cooking Guide (DS) a lot more often.
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