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New Years' Resolutions

If you need a new years' resolution to do something, you suck. If it sucks what you're doing, fucking stop doing it, you don't need a numbered day to do it.

It just happened to be new year when the motivation to learn a new language sprung up so... :(

I never understood new years resolutions. D: You can change your habits.. Or create new goals anytime of the year =w=
I'm going to try to stop chewing on my DS's stylus.
I don't know why I do it in the first place. But I'll stop.
I don't think it's quite funny, more like an indication of the pathetic nature of humans.
I really think you ought to lighten up. I don't particularly enjoy being called pathetic (that's right, even if it comes from you!), and besides, mild irrational behaviour is probably the least of all the indicators of the pathetic nature of the human race. (Wow, I really need to work on my English.)
mine is mostly that I have all this creativity, but I'm too lazy to ever do anything with it

I really think you ought to lighten up. I don't particularly enjoy being called pathetic (that's right, even if it comes from you!), and besides, mild irrational behaviour is probably the least of all the indicators of the pathetic nature of the human race. (Wow, I really need to work on my English.)

Mild irrational behaviour causes so much irritation and trouble for me it's not even funny. People that don't act in logical, mature ways bother me like nothing else. I'm sorry for keeping spitting vicious flames at people but I just really, really wish people would grow up and make some sense. If people need a specific day to tell themselves to do something next year, what's next? Why are people celebrating idiocy? See, MD, I find that a much bigger indicator of the pathetic nature of the human race. Humans gravitate towards surfaces and emotions, and we have been taught that as long as things make you feel good, you should pursue them. But that just simply doesn't make any sense.

Here's the deal, people: the world ain't a bunch of special snowflakes. It just isn't, and we aren't all special and we aren't all the best. It just doesn't work that way. If I see a thread like these with a bunch of resolutions that are either easily achievable (so why don't people get off their lazy ass and do it) or impossible (so why have it be a resolution in the first place?), I wonder what the actual point is. Why do you people enjoy your own idiocy so much? I hate sounding like a broken record and I need to lighten up but seriously it's really starting to bother me. Hence the recent surge of "you people are idiots" posts.
This sounds incredibly shifty, Animorph. xD

Really? I didn't see any mistakes in that post =/
Perhaps not grammatically, no. But that last sentence was a killer. And anyway, people keep telling me I have a very weird writing/speaking style; apparently I mix formal and informal expressions in a really annoying way. (What's more, I absolutely cannot see what they mean.)


Mild irrational behaviour causes so much irritation and trouble for me it's not even funny. People that don't act in logical, mature ways bother me like nothing else. I'm sorry for keeping spitting vicious flames at people but I just really, really wish people would grow up and make some sense. If people need a specific day to tell themselves to do something next year, what's next? Why are people celebrating idiocy?
Hrrm. New Year's resolutions don't actually mean anything. Nobody cares about them for more than a few weeks after the turn of the year, anyway. And yes, it is rather silly that people seem to think that a new year means a blank slate. But humans are irrational by nature, and if we weren't, it would probably strip us of our beauty!

See, MD, I find that a much bigger indicator of the pathetic nature of the human race. Humans gravitate towards surfaces and emotions, and we have been taught that as long as things make you feel good, you should pursue them. But that just simply doesn't make any sense.
What, then, do you think we should pursue? What could possibly be more worth pursuing than well-being, happiness, pleasure, satisfaction? I don't understand how anyone could possibly deny that these are ultimate. Anyone with the slightest ounce of self-insight would realize that that's what you're doing, constantly - trying to make yourself happy. And it's about as sensible as anything can get. Look at yourself! Why did you even post this in the first place?

Here's the deal, people: the world ain't a bunch of special snowflakes. It just isn't, and we aren't all special and we aren't all the best. It just doesn't work that way. If I see a thread like these with a bunch of resolutions that are either easily achievable (so why don't people get off their lazy ass and do it) or impossible (so why have it be a resolution in the first place?), I wonder what the actual point is. Why do you people enjoy your own idiocy so much? I hate sounding like a broken record and I need to lighten up but seriously it's really starting to bother me. Hence the recent surge of "you people are idiots" posts.
Why do they enjoy their own idiocy? I can't say; you never know. We both agree that humans are irrational, after all... Perhaps they feel like they want to share a snippet of their personal life with others, or perhaps they want to up their post count, or perhaps - upon seeing this thread - they were suddenly struck by an easily satisfiable urge to post in it for no particular reason. Humans tend to do that, and perhaps it is rather pathetic, but I personally feel that we have enough redeeming qualities to warrant a somewhat brighter attitude towards mankind.

If you don't like people who gravitate towards surfaces, maybe you shouldn't judge people by the fact that they promise themselves silly things around New Year's. I don't think it actually says very much about them!
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mine is mostly that I have all this creativity, but I'm too lazy to ever do anything with it

going to expand on this: In 2009, I will finally get a good start on that holy book that I've been meaning to write for years.

I am three paragraphs in atm.
I am going to stop being so reserved and quiet all the time 'irl'. Seriously I've been planning to work on this for ages, and I mostly decided to give it a go after an insightful discussion or two with a friend of mine. It's entirely a coincidence that it came up around the start of 2009, but hey, call it a resolution if you will.
Upgrade. All my stuff's old.

The Playstation 2's dead as far as I'm concerned and every new program that I need always has more memory than this thing has and hence it's time for some change. Even my records are old.
Finish a book/fanfic for once and/or complete NaNo again this year.

To Watershed: Even if people don't always follow through with their resolutions, there are some that do, and setting a concrete deadline helps to motivate people. It's like NaNoWriMo: I could have written that same novel any other non-November time, but having no strict deadline I wouldn't have had a reason to actually complete it. Yeah, say I suck for not being able to write a novel without NaNo, good for me. Deadlines can work wonders for people and getting things done, and the new year is just a good place to set such a deadline. Also, why the hell do you care whether or not people make resolutions at the new year or in the middle of July?
i'd like to learn guitar successfully by the end of the year, and hopefully start saving for a trip i've been thinking about taking.

also i want to learn to read kanji but i'm only like a grade-2 level aaaaaaa
I will try to solve my problem of procrastination and I'll try to see if I can try to draw more realistically.

With like birds and stuff. Also, I'm trying to solve my problem with swearing and obsessing over Pokemon and other turn based RPGs.
I'd like to lose weight, be healthier, possibly get a girlfriend (Yes, Lucas. I can get one). Also I'd like to be more helpful and not annoy my sister as much
Mild irrational behaviour causes so much irritation and trouble for me it's not even funny. People that don't act in logical, mature ways bother me like nothing else. I'm sorry for keeping spitting vicious flames at people but I just really, really wish people would grow up and make some sense. If people need a specific day to tell themselves to do something next year, what's next? Why are people celebrating idiocy? See, MD, I find that a much bigger indicator of the pathetic nature of the human race. Humans gravitate towards surfaces and emotions, and we have been taught that as long as things make you feel good, you should pursue them. But that just simply doesn't make any sense.

Here's the deal, people: the world ain't a bunch of special snowflakes. It just isn't, and we aren't all special and we aren't all the best. It just doesn't work that way. If I see a thread like these with a bunch of resolutions that are either easily achievable (so why don't people get off their lazy ass and do it) or impossible (so why have it be a resolution in the first place?), I wonder what the actual point is. Why do you people enjoy your own idiocy so much? I hate sounding like a broken record and I need to lighten up but seriously it's really starting to bother me. Hence the recent surge of "you people are idiots" posts.

Damn, Almtershed, calm down.

So I'm gonna damn well try and finish my fic. See how that goes.
I just happened to make some promises for me before the new year and everyone always asks me what my resolutions are. Well, I've already started doing my stuff anyway. I don't care at all for New Year's; it just so happens to be a time where I can state my goals without having people mostly ignore me.
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