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New Years' Resolutions

At the moment, my resolution is to not sleep through my lectures next term. Props to me if I stick to that, and even moreso if I can keep it up all year :D

@Watershed: Why all the rage about this? If I've got a week before an essay's due and make a resolution to work hard at it, research well and make it a good one (and I'm sure everyone's done this at some point), why is that any less stupid than trying to make my year a good, healthy and fruitful one?

Why resolve to work on the essay on that day? Because the essay's due in a week. Why resolve to make yourself a better person this year than the one before? Because it's the start of a new year. Like Leafpool said, deadlines and a nice, drawn-out starting point make it much easier to work from; you can track your progress more easily, and there's bound to be other people with the same resolutions as you that make sticking to it much easier (look at the number of people who joint Weight Watchers or AA in January compared to any other month).

And hey; even if it's irrational and you hate it, anything that makes people work harder at bettering themselves (be it through writing, language-learning or becoming more healthy) is a good thing, right?
Continue to improve my writing, finally get out of Massive RP Slump, focus for once in my life on something.
I am going to shake it like never before.

I will live harder than ever.

And I will be totally extreme all the time forever.

also i'm gonna eat more whole grains
Mild irrational behaviour causes so much irritation and trouble for me it's not even funny. People that don't act in logical, mature ways bother me like nothing else.
man me too. Little tendencies that don't make sense and just-because reasoning bother the fuck out of me.
Learn Japanese, get better at spriting, save up a lot of money, that will probably involve getting a better job than one in Subway

and move to some not-too-busy-but-not-totally-dead part of Japan where I can get a job as a spriter for Nintendo. and it'll stay like that till it happens

i'm serious, i'm gonna do whatever it takes for that to happen
My resolutions are more like things I'd like to do in the upcoming year. I'd like to get my permit and my license, learn more of the French language, get a I or II on my clarinet solo, do something over the summer, and in general just be a better person. There's more I just can't think of them right now. Oh and I have a resolution to post in the threads I read if I something to add or say.
Bah, I'm bad with resolutions. >.<
The one I had thought of was to revise more for upcoming GCSE exams... I have an exam tomorrow, and look where I am.
haha, yeah, you can guess it's going pretty badly.
Learn new things, meet new people, have fun.

...Uh, I guess that's not really new, but eh. More specifically, I kind of want to try to write more and actually do the work in my chemistry class, so that I actually learn the stuff. I've been able to skate by so far, but I think if I don't do any work this semester, I'm going down. Hehe. Also, I want to focus on more stuff/be more awesome.

I love making vague resolutions.
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