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What would you do if your best friend disappeared?


What would you do if you woke up one day and your best friend had vanished but no one remembers them or knew who they were except for you?

Its quite an interesting thought actually...
Very clever situation there. I would try calling him but everyone would think you were mad. Theres not much you can do. Anyone you tell wouldn't believe you so would have to put up with it.
I would probably try to find the answer behind me remembering them, but nobody else. Perhaps I'd eventually sadly decide that I must have imagined them, or something along those lines. :/

But my best friend has influenced my life greatly, so I would always remember them regardless. I probably wouldn't ask many others about them unless it would give me answers.

Yeah, I'd be more bothered about the puzzle of their disappearance than their absence. XD Unless they suddenly disappeared and everyone else knew they had disappeared, then I'd be really worried.
Probably have a fit.

And be very very bored for the rest of my life. Rhianna makes things fun. :<
I really would question life and my friends. I'd never forget her since she is the only reason i'm still alive. I would never forget her.
I'd probably lose all reason to go out places, and stay locked in my room like I am normally anyway.
I wouldn't really care (Paul's a show-off and he's stupid)
I have my mum, Nathan, Adam, Katie, Megan, Laura, Eevee, Dad, and his girlfriend. And my teddies and plushies.
Really, the one person I've considered to be my overall best friend I've only seen once in the past 3 or 4 years. It would be dissapointing, yes, but I wouldn't be completely devastated.

Terry. T said:
I wouldn't really care (Paul's a show-off and he's stupid)

If you think this about him, how is he your best friend?
I would make some sort of shrine/personal memorial so that he/she is never truly forgotten.

And then I would continue on with my life.
Die, most likely.

My name's Mike, and I'm a Dark Shocktailholic ^^ *hugs her*

But seriously, I'd be absolutely destroyed if I lost her. She was my first ever e-friend, and quickly became the best, closest friend I've ever had.
I would probably become the most mentally unstable person in town and end up killing a bunch of people that I would think responsible.

...I'm never reading this thread again.
Since I don't have a best friend, absolutely nothing would happen... so I'd probably just keep going on doing the same stuff as usual.
I have multiple best friends. If that happened with any one, two, three, four, etc. or all of them, I would become... an emotional wreck. I'd try my best to pretend to be myself, but... I'd never be the same. It'd only be an act. I don't think I'd ever be truly happy again in my life.
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