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What would you do if your best friend disappeared?

I would have a breakdown.

I mean, seriously, if nobody even remembered this person, wouldn't something be very freaky about it all?
Before I immediately jump to answers like 'The world would end' or 'I would die', I'm going to actually think about what I'd do.

I think first I'd lie on my bed, perfectly still and silent, for at least half a day. Then I'd probably have some sort of breakdown. Then I wouldn't go to school for about a week, then I'd probably go back and then it'd get too much for me and I'd disappear from school again, retreat back to my bedroom but not be perfectly still and silent; I'd probably be some sort of nervous wreck, and then I'd start considering (but not actually committing) suicide, and then after a few days I'd try to get on my life, but I'd probably have more small breakdowns every few days or something.
I dunno...I'd feel horrible...there were so many memories. I'd hope it was a dream or....just have a breakdown and slowly go insane. So, I'd be dead. -_-

Life would be totally different without my real life best friends and my Internet best friends.
Wow, from reading the replies in this thread, I'm sort of annoyed that I'd only care about the inconvenience it would cause me for having to go to lunch alone and stuff...

I guess I'm a terrible person, but I remind him constantly that I'd have to kill him once I rule the world. :D

But yeah, I'd probably give a half-assed attempt at finding out what happened, but I don't trust my own mind, anyway, so I'd probably end up believing that he was a myth.

I'd also go on a killing spree because I'd be certain that he hadn't disappeared, and I was just in control of my dreams.
Completely freak out. And without my best friend my other friends aren't that good either.

My best friend went to holiday for TWO WEEKS and my friends were AT WAR.
I... don't know. I think I'd be fairly lost without him, and if no-one knew about him then I'd probably go a little mad.
Wow I'd say I would have to go omagosh then really freak out, and keep it a secret while it eats away at me...and after a couple of years tell someone and have them tell me they believe me, and I'll accept that even though I know they don't, and never speak of it again, then ignore it forever :D
The person I would count as my best friend ... I have seen approximately once in the last 2 years, and haven't spoken much otherwise.
So there's a good chance that I wouldn't notice for a while.
When I did I'd probably try and figure out what happened (what everyone else remembers) when he was supposed to be around. Subtly, of course.
Think it was all a dream and carry on. Most of the great experiences I remember were dreams anyway.
...I have several people I consider my best friends. Do they all go missing or what?

Same question.

But uh, if this happened to the one I've known the longest I'd be horribly, horribly depressed, and probably start to question my own sanity. Then, after I started trying to function more normally, I'd see if there was anyone else who considered her their best friend and if there was, get them to help me figure out what happened and go from there.

I've actually run through scenarios like this in my head before, and it's always very interesting. Great way to entertain/depress yourself on a long car ride.
I'd probably be very confused. Wonder why don't people remember them, etc. And then... er, I don't really have a best friend, just a bunch of pretty good friends, so I'm trying to pin this like "x person will disappear", but I can't think of a person, so I don't really know what I'd do. I'd be confused, for sure, I'd probably stay confused/freaked out about it for a long, long time, but I'd get over actually missing them pretty fast, I think.

"The sad thing about life isn't that love comes to an end, or that people go out of your life, or die... The really sad thing about life is that you get over it."

I'd just get over it. *shrugs*
I would first proceed to forget my shyness and post several threads on TCoD babbling endlessly about Leafpool. Writing about her would probably cause me to cry for hours before becoming furious, thus shredding anything I could find that was useless and easily destroyed. I can't quite say what would happen subsequently, but there would be a lot of emotional trauma for me.

I suppose I would keep on living, but for the first six months I would be kind of... listless, and even after that I doubt I could ever be quite the same.
Stare at the computer for a few seconds, blinking, before breaking down and attempting to stay in my room for the rest of the day ("attempting" because anytime I try to do so, I fail). Because I only know Flametail via the internet and obviously she wouldn't be able to tell me that she'd disappeared, I would think that she died (even long periods of her absence get me paranoid) and probably start hyperventilating or something similar. I would then write a very sappy story a sad song, both of which consist of the greatest memories of our friendship.

... I think I would go into some sort of seclusion for a good long while too. D:
Best friend suddenly vanishes...

Freak out. Start screwing at whoever told me they don't exist...run home and try to find evidence.

If they were an online friend who I hadn't met, try my best to search for them online. This will probably fail...

If I met them in person or knew them in person (one of my best friends I've known since I was three, even before)....Spend a week planning, doing research to find old photos and such, going over theories in my mind and getting supplies. On Friday (full timetable at college), get on bus and don't stop at the Sixth Form. Then I head out to try and find out how they disappeared. This will probably fail to.

Either way, I'll maintain that they were my friend no matter what.
I would probably call everyone and meet with people she was friends with, trying to see if they'd changed at all because she 'hadn't existed' and wasn't there to influence them. I'd write down every detail I could remember about her and get paranoid for a while. After a a couple to a few years, I might go back to normal.
I imagine it would not be too tragic if an imaginary friend disappeared, after all, I could reimagine him.
I dunno. Probably get checked into a mental institute for having an imaginary best friend and insisting that he was living upstairs just yesterday and having pictures of him which probably wouldn't exist in this case.
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