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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Hi there, Bakun! :D Nooo, I'm not leaving (even if I was, I bet you two bucks it wouldn't last...

    Hi there, Bakun! :D Nooo, I'm not leaving (even if I was, I bet you two bucks it wouldn't last more than, say, three days), I'm just INSANELY bored. And sure, you can revive Team Star if you want to. ^^ It would be good to RP in that again~
  2. Shadowstar

    What would you do, if..

    Ummm... Darksong! Because I'd get to meet Cryptia, too! :D I have no idea what i would do once I was there, though. XD Maybe act all epic or something. *shot*
  3. Shadowstar

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    Sometimes, I just sort of... Space out. But not like 'spacing out' spacing out... Like, my favorite anime characters randomly appear (namely, Creed Diskenth) and start talking to me, and, like, sometimes I'm not even in the room anymore... Like, in some kind of forest with one of my friends and...
  4. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    ^This. I voted ShadowClan. ;3 Oh I haven't posted here in a long time, have I? Uhhh... Lessie... I read Sunset and The Sight scince I posted here last.
  5. Shadowstar

    Jumping from one fic to the next...

    I have the same problem, so I'm probroly not going to help much.... Try to force yourself to write a certaim amout of words before jumping to another fic, then you can go back and write more words for the "abandoned" story. Any ideas or plot twists you get should be written, to give yourself a...
  6. Shadowstar

    *pokes* Hai, Firestar. :3 Oh, and can I just call you Fi-fi? It feels weird reffering to you as...

    *pokes* Hai, Firestar. :3 Oh, and can I just call you Fi-fi? It feels weird reffering to you as a Warriors character. XD I like your sprites. *coughthispostwasrandomcuzIwantedtosayhellocough*
  7. Shadowstar

    Open The Experiments

    Wewt an RP to join. :D Name: Kelli "Neptune" Onutten Gender: Female Age: 17 Poké X Species: Articuno Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon Abilities Personality: Quite stobborn, but will follow orders when she sees that she's wrong, she is rebellious and stands up for her beleifs, she's a klutz and...
  8. Shadowstar

    Defying The Basic Properties Of A Star

    All done! There wasn't alot I could do with this... I know the splices are horrible, aren't they? I'll redo them if you want me to. This wasn't easy, either. I accually had to scratch a bit on the tail after I did the ear... Again, tell me, and I'll redo it.
  9. Shadowstar

    Defying The Basic Properties Of A Star

    Wewt I gotz an art thread... I promise I shant let it die this time. :D I'll be takin' requests. It's Pixel Art AND sprites, a near all in one! Only thing I don't do here is avitars and even I might start doin' those, given I brush up on my skills. .:.Examples of Doom.:. This is my own...
  10. Shadowstar

    A New Member Has Arrived - Pay Cuts Will Be Distributed Accordingly

    HIIII *flails arms wildly around waving like an idiot* I'm Shadowstar. ^__^ I enjoy spriting and writing fan fic and RPing. I /sorta/ enjoy math... And I have an IQ of 115~ Be sure to drop by the Role Play board, there are plenty of RPs to RP in... Have fun and enjoy your stay! ;3
  11. Shadowstar

    Trapt on a Deserted Island.

    Person: In order; Silver-Miatsu, Crypcia or Darksong, EeveeSkitty, Mewtwo, _Ditto_, Mercury, everyone else. Preferably anyone in the top four... It's hard to decide on just one. Item: SO HARD. ;~; Not really. :D A matter-teleporter macine, it's something that allows me to retrieve anything I...
  12. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    A few more sprites (really, it's just one...) and one you forgot to crit. ;D Kinda obvious... It's an edit of a Ninetails to look like my fursona, who is a cat. The tail tip and V-shape in the right ear were hell, because I suck at scratching... I guess it could also be a splice because it has...
  13. Shadowstar

    My site and forum

    Oh god just... Ugh. 1: The slogan. Does anyone ever read website tips anymore? Don't refer to your site as "awsomeness", "the best", or anything along those lines. Ever. 2: There's nothing there, the Welcome page shouldn't just say that, if you want it to be sucsessful, try making that an...
  14. Shadowstar

    Idea Center

    I have an idea for an RP, but I feel like it's not good enough to post yet... :/ (Pssst, this is a Black Cat/Pokemon cross over. ;D ) It's not accually a plot, it's just an idea... Say, some people were messin' around with some equipment at Team Galactic HQ and they accedentally opened a prtol...
  15. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    You don't WANT to see my first sprites. they were MONSTOROUS. No shading, default paint colors... *shiver* OH OKAY. They were splice-recolors of Dialga and Palkia, both ways. Called them Dalkia and Palgia. DX FINE I'LL POST THEM GEEZ...*shot* Note the default paint colors, the lack of...
  16. Shadowstar

    Who/what inspired you to draw/sprite?

    Spriting: Well, about a year or so ago, before the forum crash, way back before I had joined any forums, I liked to look at sprite galleries, I always liked the way it looked. I decided to sprite, and that's how I got into it, Butterfree's sprites are what inspired me the most though. <3~...
  17. Shadowstar

    Club Club!

    Forum Name: Shadowstar (please spell it the way it's spelled here and not with symbols) Favorite type of club: Golf clubs, because you can hit annoying people over the head with 'em. 8D Favorite flavor of cake: Funfetti. I might make a banner button thing... Featuring clubs! 8D
  18. Shadowstar

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop Splice Dialga and Eevee. Eevee base. Dialga's colors. Don't forget the markings. Platnum sprites. Second frame.
  19. Shadowstar

    Major CSS issues; Am I doing something wrong? Styleswitcher help!

    Okay, so I'm revamping TPPV. Yeeeaaaahhh. So I could have a style switcher and all that jazz. I got the first layout down, but when I add in the second style and the style switcher, the layout breaks, and now there's two on the same page. Help, please? I don't know what to do to make the accual...
  20. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    Agreeing with above. Terry, that was mean. You really have no right to talk about a sprite that way; hell, it wasn't even critisism(sp?). Constructive crit is like this(yes I am giving some nice crit to Blaziking) The Digglet/Gilgar splice is good, but what's the point of having Digglet's...
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