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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Open The Experiments


Back in action!
Team Galactic has gone far enough. They've captured humans and done experiments on them, making them become part Pokémon. It's been going on for ten years.

But what, exactly, do these experiments do? It's hard to explain. I'll say it in the clearest way possible: the victims are injected with a virus that's like PokéRus, but it's not known to Pokémon Centers. They call it, "Poké X." It makes them become part Pokémon.

Mostly, the ones injected with this "Poké X" have been running away and hiding in the wild. But after being caught, you decide to form a group with others injected and get rid of Team Galactic once and for all. But as the minutes tick by, you're running out of time. You can use Pokémon abilities or may train your own Pokémon, but whatever the cost, you must win.

But there are also Poké-Morphs on Team Galactic's side. They are considered worst enemies. They will only make it harder to get victory.


1. No godmoding, which includes powerplaying and Mary-Sues.
2. No timemoding or saying what the surroundings look like until I describe them. if it's not logical. Galactic's base wouldn't have a barn with unicorns in it.
3. If you want a side plot, PM me with the idea first.
4. You MAY be a legendary Poké-Morph, but your form must be EXTRA-good. On that topic, if you want your character to be a higher rank in Team Galactic, your sign-up will have to be better than average, depending on the rank.
5. On that topic, I may be picky on who I let in. You have one other chance to edit your form, but no whining if you don't get in.
6. Unlimited characters, but they must all be active.
7. If a character is not active for four weeks and you do not tell me about leaving, that character will be deleted.
8. During the RP, you may evolve if not fully evolved already.





Poké X Species:

Trainer or Pokémon?: Do you train Pokémon or use your own abilities? Probably Pokémon, but here just in case.



Appearance: May be a picture, but if larger than an avatar, please link to it.

Side: Good or Galactic



Darksong: 2
Aurora Borealis / Aggron (Pokémon) [Good]
Kaitlin Tigris / Marowak (Pokémon) [Galactic Admin]

Cryptica: 1
Shindeiru Fukitsu / Gyarados (Pokémon) [Good]

Evoli: 1
Emily / Eevee (Pokémon) [Good]

Charizard Morph: 1
Demetri / Arcanine (Pokémon) [Good]

Male Gardevoir: 1
Enrique Salvador / Absol [Good]

Mewtwo: 1
Mysti / Shiny Umbreon (Pokémon) [Good]

Dragon: 1
Renata Orteks / Salamence (Pokémon) [Galactic]

Full Metal Cookies: 1
Ganymede / Milotic (Pokémon) [Galactic]

Exo-Raikou: 1
Fero / Drapion (Pokémon) [Galactic]

link008: 1
Risto Savlenger / Ninetales [Galactic]

shadow_lugia: ?
Reserved [Galactic]


Name: Aurora Borealis

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Poké X Species: Aggron

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Rather rash, she doesn't often think before she acts. She has a short temper and often gets angry at the slightest annoyance. Normally, she is friendly but serious and doesn't usually laugh. Determined and adamant, it's hard to deter her from something once she sets her mind to it. It's almost impossible to change her thoughts unless you give her a very good reason. She is also rather good at arguing, because she is logical. Aurora thinks hard before she says things but not before she actually acts about things. Aurora is rather full of herself and can be arrogant and vain.

History: Born in Canalave City on August 11th, 1996. She lived a rather normal life, except for the fact that she loves Water Pokémon especially. Just a few weeks ago, she was captured and injected with DNA, so she is not quite used to her Aggron form yet.


((I'm REALLY sorry for her looking older than she really is. Just imagine her a bit shorter and maybe a little more... teen-like.))

Side Good



Name: Kaitlin Tigris

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Poké X Species: Marowak

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Rather arrogant sometimes, but Kaitlin can be friendly. Sometimes, she is rash, but if she thinks hard, she can devise excellent strategies. Impatient, Kaitlin just wants to get the job done when it needs to be. She doesn't like waiting around for things.

History: Born in Veilstone on March 12th, 1991, her sign is Pisces. Her parents had both died of sickness by the time she was 14 and, orphaned, she joined Team Galactic. Over time, she moved up in rank to admin.

Appearance: Though the skull over her head is removable, rather unlike most Marowak, she doesn't often reveal her true face. The skull was given to her by another Galactic member who had traveled to Kanto and gotten a Marowak's skull. Her hair is short and blond, although she doesn't often reveal it. Shorter than average, Kaitlin stands only about four feet eight inches tall. She has a rather slim build, and though mixed with Marowak, her skin retains its pale color. She has a Marowak tail that is colored like a Marowak, however, and she has a Marowak's feet as well. Often, she carries a bone club around in her hand. Her eyes are light hazel, but have some red in them as well.

Side: Galactic Admin

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Name: Shindeiru Fukitsu

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Poké X Species: Gyarados

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Shi doesn't seem to care about the length of his hair--or body, for that matter. He usually can ignore minor teasing and continue what he was doing. Shi attempts to be as compassionate as possible without scaring the ones he's helping, but usually this doesn't work out to well. Although he's about half-oblivious to taunts and teasing he appears to know what he looks like and that other people dislike him and his appearance nearly to death.

Shindeiru is forgetful and a bit clumsy, not looking what he's doing before he actually does it. Despite this he tries to be as neat as possible. He attempts to be as respectful towards others as a Gyarados Poke'Morph like him can and feels good when he's complimented, whether it's on his actions or anything else.

History: Shi became a Pokemorph when he was twelve years old, when a Team Galactic member injected the Gyarados Poké X into his body. Since Shi was six his favorite Pokemon was a Gyarados, which is rather ironic to people who know him well. Of course, just after he was injected he was able to escape the Galactic member and go out to live in the wild.

Appearance: Shi has white hair that is straight and well-combed. It's about two feet long and has a slightly damp feel to it. He has triangular red eyes that are shallow-set and rest just beneath a three-pronged crest that protrudes from his forehead. It seems impossible that the crest and his hair can coexist atop his head, but they do. He has aqua-blue skin covering his body, with tan-yellow on his undersides and a row of tan dots down each of his sides. The sides of Shi's face protrude outward and end in three spikes that are at about the same level as his eyes. Just below the spikes are fin-like protrusions that are white. His canine teeth are longer and sharper than usual. His shoulder blades are stocky and large, and between them protrudes a white fin that looks like three spikes and splits his hair into two sections from then on. A bit below the fin is another smaller version of it. From then on Shi's back appears to be segmented, like a Gyarados's body. Not counting his fins or tail, he's about 5'2" tall. The rest of the Gyarados' serpentine body is expressed as a very long tail with a three-pronged fin at the end.

Other: In case you couldn't tell from the above post, Shindeiru is often known as Shi.

Name: Renata Orteks (Dragon has a new RPing name? :o)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Poké X Species: ...salamence

Trainer or Pokémon?:

Personality: Renata is rather.. rash, and doesn't really think about what she does. She loves to fight, and flying, whenever she can. She is however, protective of friends and allies, and rarely changes her mind on anything. If Ren decides something is good, it will be to her for a long time.

History: Ren was an average Trainer, six badges, until just recently. She passed by the Team Galactic HQ in the dead of night, and of course, they jumped her and dragged her Pokemon away. For two weeks, she was kept in a cell until the Team found a use for her, and injected the Salamence DNA into her. That was a day ago.

Erm, when the RP starts, can Ren just be waking up, kthxbai.

Appearance: Renata is still bipedal, with the basic anatomy of a human. A human with Salamence wings coming out of her shoulder blades, a long tail and blue-ish skin. Ren's finger and toes tips are pointed, like claws, and she has no fingernails. Her ears are longer, and split into three. Ren is around five feet tall, and has dark brown hair with pale red and light blue streaks.

Side: Bad for right now, but she'll eventually mutiny.

Other: Done~
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Cryptica, in. Dragon, reserved.

Name: Aurora Borealis

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Poké X Species: Aggron

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Rather rash, she doesn't often think before she acts. She has a short temper and often gets angry at the slightest annoyance. Normally, she is friendly but serious and doesn't usually laugh. Determined and adamant, it's hard to deter her from something once she sets her mind to it. It's almost impossible to change her thoughts unless you give her a very good reason. She is also rather good at arguing, because she is logical. Aurora thinks hard before she says things but not before she actually acts about things. Aurora is rather full of herself and can be arrogant and vain.

History: Born in Canalave City on August 11th, 1996. She lived a rather normal life, except for the fact that she loves Water Pokémon especially. Just a few weeks ago, she was captured and injected with DNA, so she is not quite used to her Aggron form yet.


((I'm REALLY sorry for her looking older than she really is. Just imagine her a bit shorter and maybe a little more... teen-like.))

Side Good

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Name: Ganymede
Age: 18
Poké X Species: Milotic

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Ganymede loves his new form. He loves the power and freedom it gives him, and his ability to swim all he likes without having to come up - his gills handle that. And most of all, he loves those who gave these new powers to him, willing to to do anything to please them. Anything.

He's a bit quiet most of the time, tending to just watch with his large innocent eyes and speak only when spoken to. But this can switch over quickly to a murderous rage, in which he will manipulate water and blast powerful beams of ice to fight.

History: Ganymede had a tough life. His parents abandoned him when he was born to small and weak, and he was raised in foster homes. While he was young, everything was alright - he was cute, so the mother loved him, but he was weak so the other children would often pick on him. But when he turned 13, they stopped being so nice. He wasn't as cute as he used to be, so he wasn't wanted anymore by most. A few were kind to him, but he didn't stay there long.

When he was 14, he had the most traumatizing experience of his life - he was sexually abused. He quickly fled from that home, and quickly met Team Galactic. They offered to make him strong, and he accepted. He took fast to them and his new form, accepting them as his family.

Appearance: Ganymede is a tiny creature, with huge eyes and long flowing hair. His eyes are a bright blue, contrasting with his long red hair. He's thin and pale, his skin smooth and slick to the touch. His arms and legs are thin and rather long, and he has a Milotic tail (if rather skinny) sprouting from the base of his spine. Some of his red hair curls upwards like the 'antennae' on a Milotic, and he has the same set of gills that a Milotic would.

His clothing consists usually of a white waist robe, thick boots, and a sleeveless white shirt.

Other: dedede
I'll have something here tomorrow.

By the way, you mention some morphs being on Galactic's side. But the form doesn't have a clear place to state this. Do we just defer it to other?
Yep. Forgot side. Sorry D: Please edit in if you don't have it, everyone...

FMC: In!

At first I wanted to be a Milotic morph, but then I decided that it was too hard to figure out which parts should be Milotic and not human, so I didn't.
Name: Dimetri

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Poké X Species: Arcanine

Trainer or Pokémon?: Own abilities.

Personality: Dimetri is calm and observant. He prefers not to fight but will when necessary. He is highly opposed to keeping pokemon inside pokeballs when he himself is part pokemon but respects others opinions. He is easily distracted though, and the rest will be explained in history.

History: Dimetri was captured a year ago, and injected with the poke X. He went insane and killed one of the galactic members while escaping, for months he couldn't grip onto reality and has lost most of his memoy. He was finally able to break out of most of his insanity two months ago, but he still hears voices. Sometimes he gets flashes of his old life. Dimetri has gotten very good at hiding this but sometimes slips.

(I have to say, I think Dimetri is one of the best morphs I've made. I'm extremely pleased with his tail, had to scratch it.)

Side: Good

Other: Ummm, mentally unstable?
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Done, reposting.

Name: Renata Orteks (Dragon has a new RPing name? :o)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Poké X Species: ...salamence

Trainer or Pokémon?:

Personality: Renata is rather.. rash, and doesn't really think about what she does. She loves to fight, and flying, whenever she can. She is however, protective of friends and allies, and rarely changes her mind on anything. If Ren decides something is good, it will be to her for a long time.

History: Ren was an average Trainer, six badges, until just recently. She passed by the Team Galactic HQ in the dead of night, and of course, they jumped her and dragged her Pokemon away. For two weeks, she was kept in a cell until the Team found a use for her, and injected the Salamence DNA into her. That was a day ago.

Erm, when the RP starts, can Ren just be waking up, kthxbai.

Appearance: Renata is still bipedal, with the basic anatomy of a human. A human with Salamence wings coming out of her shoulder blades, a long tail and blue-ish skin. Ren's finger and toes tips are pointed, like claws, and she has no fingernails. Her ears are longer, and split into three. Ren is around five feet tall, and has dark brown hair with pale red and light blue streaks.

Side: Bad for right now, but she'll eventually mutiny.

Other: Done~
Name: Emily

Gender: Female

Age: 8

Poké X Species: Eevee

Trainer or Pokémon?: Own abilities

Personality: Emily is very depressed and lonely for obvious reasons; she looks bizarre to the point of grotesque even by Pokemorph standards and can't really do a lot of things. She doesn't really have many abilities or anything to make up for it, either. She doesn't remember very much from her life before it, only her name and a vague idea as to what her parents looked like. When you get past how strange she looks (and often acts) she's very friendly and eager to please, though she doesn't really have any friends. In this respect, she seems more Eevee than human.

History: Emily became a Pokemorph when she was three, the idea being that she would be stronger if she was one as early as possible. She's not entirely sure where she came from, remembering only being with Team Galactic. When she was three, her parents basically sold her for a very large amount of money to be experimented on, as she was born with several physical deformities that kept her from being able to walk or do much of anything. (Not that she knows this) The result was an unusually Eevee-like morph on which quite a lot of experimentation was done on to see what would happen. Obviously, not all of the results were good..

Appearance: Appearance-wise, Emily did not benefit from being morphed with a Pokemon. She is now covered in brown fur with a cream colored mane around her neck, and Eevee ears and a tail. She is now somewhere between the size of an Eevee and a normal kid, standing at about three feet tall, and could possibly pass for an actual Eevee. Her face still looks humanoid, with the same bright blue eyes that make her sort of recognizable. The fur on her head is a bit longer than normal, looking sort of like the hair she used to have with very short bangs. Her arms and legs are very close to the same length and it's easier for her to walk on all fours, though she only does so if she needs to move quickly or get up stairs. Her hands and feet are basically paws and her fingers are about half as long as normal and lack joints, making writing or anything else next to impossible as she can't bend her fingers. She still wears clothes, plain pair of shorts and a white tee-shirt. She owns and often wears a pink leather collar with a huge bell as a necklace, which only adds to her canine-ish appearance.

Side: Good

Other: Dang, this is long. Is having a character this young okay?
This looks quite interesting. Kind of reminds me of an RP I once did on this other forum a few years ago

Name: Fero

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Poké X Species: Poké X; he's been combined with a Drapion

Trainer or Pokémon?: Fero uses his own abilities

Personality: Fero is the closest thing to an outsider by other members of the team, considering how he prefers to be alone, often establishing this point with violence. He rarely speaks, but is an excellent listener. He is focused on what he calls "the hunt," and carries out his missions saying that they are for the cause of "the hunt." (Before killing or knocking out a target, he would even say: "Hunt's over. You lose.") The other members of Galactic don't quite understand him because of his strange ways, but because he has excellent hunting skills, they are able to tolerate him.

History: Even before being infected with the virus, Fero was a loner. It is not known if he had any Pokemon or not, but is assumed that he didn't considering how he didn't have any when the team found him. He agreed to join them not out of consideration for their goals (he blatantly admitted that he didn't care about the goals) but for a chance to do what he called "Becoming a true predator." He also requested for himself to be injected with the DNA of a Drapion, and has since become a hunter for the Team.

Appearance: Fero's skin has now turned a deep red, and has become plated, similar to a Drapion's. His arms are thicker, and his hands have two giant claws extending from them. He does have the tail of a Drapion, which ends in a three-pronged stinger. He has several spines that are poking out of the side of his chest, which are thought to be a Drapion's legs, albeit ones that haven't fully developed. His eyes are a deep gray, and he generally walks with a slightly bent stance.

Side: Galactic

Other: I'm going to come into the RP late, because I'll be gone tomorrow, Saturday, and all of next week
Name: Risto Savlenger
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Poké X Species: Ninetales
Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokemon (You've been injected with what is essentially Pokemon DNA. Who (on this forum) would just go on raising their Pokemon like nothing happened?)
Personality: Risto is calm and never one to act rashly, nor is he first to fight, and wouldn't be afraid to show mercy if it furthered his goal. He is very much out for his own goals, rather than the good of Galactic, plotting a takeover by the ones injected with Poke X, and is open to anyone wanting to join his plot. However, he isn't open about it, preferring to play the oppurtunist and seize the chance when it comes. He tends to be open to others, otherwise, carefully maintaining that he is a loyal member, except to others who are in on it.
History: Risto grew up for the most part outside of a home, raised by the streets and the wilds. He kept himself alive through brutal crime, also associating himself with criminal gangs. However, he got stuck, with no way to escape law enforcement. Galactic took advantage of this, leading to him joining up. He was 'randomly' selected for Poke X experimentation about 3 years ago, however, his injection with a Ninetales selection of the virus tamed his previously wild personality. He grew thoughtful, and figured out just why all this experimentation went on. So, he resolved to rise up, take charge of Team Galactic as a new leader, and use them to create a new race of Pokemon-hybrids, the next step of human evolution, or so he says.
Appearance: He appears humanoid, mostly human, but with thick, soft, gold-white fur growing out of his head rather than human hair. His ears are now canine ones coming out near the top of his head, covered in the same Ninetales fur. His tailbone is now appropriately split into nine, and he now has nine fluffy tails, golden-white with orange tips. His eyes are now a deep red. His legs have gotten more powerful and his arms and spine have changed slightly, to allow for faster movement on all fours than on his legs alone. His usual set of clothing consists of a brown hoodie, a pair of khaki trousers, and a pair of sneakers.
Side: Galactic (ostensibly)
Other: Mwahahaha independentism.
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Wewt an RP to join. :D

Name: Kelli "Neptune" Onutten

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Poké X Species: Articuno

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon Abilities

Personality: Quite stobborn, but will follow orders when she sees that she's wrong, she is rebellious and stands up for her beleifs, she's a klutz and has a hard time avoiding things like projectiles. She rarely thinks before jumping into situations, often putting herself and whoever is unlucky enough to be caught up in her mischif. She's rather quiet most of the time, and talks only when adressed or when she sees fit.

History: Neptune was a normal teen, she was traveling the world and was just passing through Veilstone city when she was grabbed and pulled into a strange building. When she awoke, she had lost her memory of who she was. She decided to just go along with Team Galactic's plans until she had the chance to either take over or escape.


Side: Galactic, but will betray.

Other: Ahhh this sucks, doesn't it? DX If you don't accept, I'll just make an Eeveelution character, dun worry. ;D
Name: Demetri

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Poké X Species: Arcanine

Trainer or Pokémon?: Own abilities.

Personality: Demetri is calm and observant. He prefers not to fight but will when necessary. He is highly opposed to keeping pokemon inside pokeballs when he himself is part pokemon but respects others opinions. He is easily distracted though, and the rest will be explained in history.

History: Demetri was captured a year ago, and injected with the poke X. He went insane and killed one of the galactic members while escaping, for months he couldn't grip onto reality and has lost most of his memoy. He was finally able to break out of most of his insanity two months ago, but he still hears voices. Sometimes he gets flashes of his old life. Demetri has gotten very good at hiding this but sometimes slips.

(I have to say, I think demetri is one of the best morphs I've made. I'm extremely pleased with his tail, had to scratch it.)

Side: Good

Other: Ummm, mentally unstable?

In. Great sprite!

Done, reposting.

Name: Renata Orteks (Dragon has a new RPing name? :o)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Poké X Species: ...salamence

Trainer or Pokémon?:

Personality: Renata is rather.. rash, and doesn't really think about what she does. She loves to fight, and flying, whenever she can. She is however, protective of friends and allies, and rarely changes her mind on anything. If Ren decides something is good, it will be to her for a long time.

History: Ren was an average Trainer, six badges, until just recently. She passed by the Team Galactic HQ in the dead of night, and of course, they jumped her and dragged her Pokemon away. For two weeks, she was kept in a cell until the Team found a use for her, and injected the Salamence DNA into her. That was a day ago.

Erm, when the RP starts, can Ren just be waking up, kthxbai.

Appearance: Renata is still bipedal, with the basic anatomy of a human. A human with Salamence wings coming out of her shoulder blades, a long tail and blue-ish skin. Ren's finger and toes tips are pointed, like claws, and she has no fingernails. Her ears are longer, and split into three. Ren is around five feet tall, and has dark brown hair with pale red and light blue streaks.

Side: Bad for right now, but she'll eventually mutiny.

Other: Done~

All right, accepted. Galactic.

Name: Emily

Gender: Female

Age: 8

Poké X Species: Eevee

Trainer or Pokémon?: Own abilities

Personality: Emily is very depressed and lonely for obvious reasons; she looks bizarre to the point of grotesque even by Pokemorph standards and can't really do a lot of things. She doesn't really have many abilities or anything to make up for it, either. She doesn't remember very much from her life before it, only her name and a vague idea as to what her parents looked like. When you get past how strange she looks (and often acts) she's very friendly and eager to please, though she doesn't really have any friends. In this respect, she seems more Eevee than human.

History: Emily became a Pokemorph when she was three, the idea being that she would be stronger if she was one as early as possible. She's not entirely sure where she came from, remembering only being with Team Galactic. When she was three, her parents basically sold her for a very large amount of money to be experimented on, as she was born with several physical deformities that kept her from being able to walk or do much of anything. (Not that she knows this) The result was an unusually Eevee-like morph on which quite a lot of experimentation was done on to see what would happen. Obviously, not all of the results were good..

Appearance: Appearance-wise, Emily did not benefit from being morphed with a Pokemon. She is now covered in brown fur with a cream colored mane around her neck, and Eevee ears and a tail. She is now somewhere between the size of an Eevee and a normal kid, standing at about three feet tall, and could possibly pass for an actual Eevee. Her face still looks humanoid, with the same bright blue eyes that make her sort of recognizable. The fur on her head is a bit longer than normal, looking sort of like the hair she used to have with very short bangs. Her arms and legs are very close to the same length and it's easier for her to walk on all fours, though she only does so if she needs to move quickly or get up stairs. Her hands and feet are basically paws and her fingers are about half as long as normal and lack joints, making writing or anything else next to impossible as she can't bend her fingers. She still wears clothes, plain pair of shorts and a white tee-shirt. She owns and often wears a pink leather collar with a huge bell as a necklace, which only adds to her canine-ish appearance.

Side: Good

Other: Dang, this is long. Is having a character this young okay?

Yep, fine. Accepted.

Reserve, I got to go to bed when writing this, so I'll fill it in when I have more time.


This looks quite interesting. Kind of reminds me of an RP I once did on this other forum a few years ago

Name: Fero

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Poké X Species: Poké X; he's been combined with a Drapion

Trainer or Pokémon?: Fero uses his own abilities

Personality: Fero is the closest thing to an outsider by other members of the team, considering how he prefers to be alone, often establishing this point with violence. He rarely speaks, but is an excellent listener. He is focused on what he calls "the hunt," and carries out his missions saying that they are for the cause of "the hunt." (Before killing or knocking out a target, he would even say: "Hunt's over. You lose.") The other members of Galactic don't quite understand him because of his strange ways, but because he has excellent hunting skills, they are able to tolerate him.

History: Even before being infected with the virus, Fero was a loner. It is not known if he had any Pokemon or not, but is assumed that he didn't considering how he didn't have any when the team found him. He agreed to join them not out of consideration for their goals (he blatantly admitted that he didn't care about the goals) but for a chance to do what he called "Becoming a true predator." He also requested for himself to be injected with the DNA of a Drapion, and has since become a hunter for the Team.

Appearance: Fero's skin has now turned a deep red, and has become plated, similar to a Drapion's. His arms are thicker, and his hands have two giant claws extending from them. He does have the tail of a Drapion, which ends in a three-pronged stinger. He has several spines that are poking out of the side of his chest, which are thought to be a Drapion's legs, albeit ones that haven't fully developed. His eyes are a deep gray, and he generally walks with a slightly bent stance.

Side: Galactic

Other: I'm going to come into the RP late, because I'll be gone tomorrow, Saturday, and all of next week

All right, pending. Just PM me with a bit more explanation of "the hunt."

Name: Risto Savlenger
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Poké X Species: Ninetales
Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokemon (You've been injected with what is essentially Pokemon DNA. Who (on this forum) would just go on raising their Pokemon like nothing happened?)
Personality: Risto is calm and never one to act rashly, nor is he first to fight, and wouldn't be afraid to show mercy if it furthered his goal. He is very much out for his own goals, rather than the good of Galactic, plotting a takeover by the ones injected with Poke X, and is open to anyone wanting to join his plot. However, he isn't open about it, preferring to play the oppurtunist and seize the chance when it comes. He tends to be open to others, otherwise, carefully maintaining that he is a loyal member, except to others who are in on it.
History: Risto grew up for the most part outside of a home, raised by the streets and the wilds. He kept himself alive through brutal crime, also associating himself with criminal gangs. However, he got stuck, with no way to escape law enforcement. Galactic took advantage of this, leading to him joining up. He was 'randomly' selected for Poke X experimentation about 3 years ago, however, his injection with a Ninetales selection of the virus tamed his previously wild personality. He grew thoughtful, and figured out just why all this experimentation went on. So, he resolved to rise up, take charge of Team Galactic as a new leader, and use them to create a new race of Pokemon-hybrids, the next step of human evolution, or so he says.
Appearance: He appears humanoid, mostly human, but with thick, soft, gold-white fur growing out of his head rather than human hair. His ears are now canine ones coming out near the top of his head, covered in the same Ninetales fur. His tailbone is now appropriately split into nine, and he now has nine fluffy tails, golden-white with orange tips. His eyes are now a deep red. His legs have gotten more powerful and his arms and spine have changed slightly, to allow for faster movement on all fours than on his legs alone.
Side: Galactic (ostenibly)
Other: Mwahahaha independentism.

Yay, someone else who knows the word "ostensibly!" Accepted.

Wewt an RP to join. :D

Name: Kelli "Neptune" Onutten

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Poké X Species: Articuno

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon Abilities

Personality: Quite stobborn, but will follow orders when she sees that she's wrong, she is rebellious and stands up for her beleifs, she's a klutz and has a hard time avoiding things like projectiles. She rarely thinks before jumping into situations, often putting herself and whoever is unlucky enough to be caught up in her mischif. She's rather quiet most of the time, and talks only when adressed or when she sees fit.

History: Neptune was a normal teen, she was traveling the world and was just passing through Veilstone city when she was grabbed and pulled into a strange building. When she awoke, she had lost her memory of who she was. She decided to just go along with Team Galactic's plans until she had the chance to either take over or escape.


Side: Galactic, but will betray.

Other: Ahhh this sucks, doesn't it? DX If you don't accept, I'll just make an Eeveelution character, dun worry. ;D

I've seen your RPing before, and I like how it is. Your form is still what I consider only slightly above average, though. Not accepted, unless you expand.


As always, it felt like her hands were made of lead. Aurora, however, had gotten used to this stone-feeling, as her hands were actually made of stone. Furthermore, there were steel claws, which fascinated her.

She was still trying to move her arms without much effort. Her shoulder muscles would have to be drastically strengthened before she could do it as easily as a normal person. For now, she had to take a few seconds just to pick her hands up.

What disappointed her most, though, was writing and drawing. She had loved writing and drawing for a long time, and now it would be harder than ever.

She sighed, being shaded by the tree that was looming over her. She was on the side of the route, near the water east of Canalave. Those others would think she was a freak, and she would prefer to stay away.

But she had to get to Team Galactic somehow...
Unbeknownst to him, Shindeiru was only ten feet away from Aurora.

The Gyarados morph was submerged underwater with only his fins and tail poking up above the surface. Realizing this he quickly paddled downwards, completely hiding himself. He didn't mind the swimming-with-your-clothes-on feeling that came whenever he did swim with his clothes on instead of a bathing suit, but what he didn't want to do was be captured or hooked on a line. He wanted to remain hidden, and almost nothing more.

Still, a dull hatred burned in his heart for Team Galactic. Had others suffered the same fate as him? Someday, he would avenge them....
(Great! Thank you. I'm really proud of him, i might have to include someone like him in my fanfiction.)(oh, and i changged the spelling of the name, sorry! Something about that e was bugging me.)

Dimetri stood calmly in the woods with his eye shut, letting the slight breeze ruffle the thick hair on his arms, head, and tail. He felt his toes dig into the earth. His stomach growled. Dimetri sighed as one of the voices that frequented his brain laughed at him.
"So sad." it said in a high pitched feminen voice. "Why don't you kill something? You know you could, it would be simple, just snap the neck." It was dripping with evil.
"NO." He said out loud, opening his eyes.
"Why not?" It hissed. "Are you afraid?
Dimetri shook his head, wishing that he could get rid of the voice. "Go. Ay Way." He growled. The voice didn't answer, so he figured it had. "I have to find food." he mumbled to himself. He twitched his ears, listening for water, there were usually berries by water. He heard a slight gurgling sound to the east. One of the good things about his enhanced body, better sence of direction. He jogged silently though the forrest, and quickly found the stream. There weren't any berries. Dimetri sighed and crouched by the water, he took a drink, then splashed his face with the cool water. Ever since he'd been changed his body had always felt too hot.
He stood up and stretched, fallowing the water downstream, there had to be some kind of berry growing along the stream, or at least a town he could steal from. He set out at an easy jog again, letting his instincts take over he sniffed the air. "There's gotta be berries!" he thought, taking another whiff of air. The stream was going North-east, he could smell salt in the air.
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What? Renata sat up suddenly, and gasped. She had some dream about flying, it was so real.. where was she? Ren looked around. She seemed to be in a cell, with a smal window the size of her.. claw?

Ren jumped off the bed.
"What..." She held up her clawed hands and flexed her fingers. Nothing seemed to be different, except her.. tail and wings.
Salamence, a voice thought. They injected you with the Poke X virus thing... Memories came back, of the Galactics dragging her Pokemon off, and bringing her to this cell, and a sharp pain... But a Salamence. Her wings, would she be able to fly?
This might be okay, Renata thought. I'm part Salamence, and.. have no idea where I am. Can I use moves? Her tail twitched involuntarily. I'm my own Trainer. Huh.
Risto woke up with the sun in his face. He has slept in, though luckily he had no tasks today. The sun streamed in through a small and simple window next to his bed. He sat up, and stared outside. Seeing nothing of interest this morning, he leapt out of bed. His room was small, almost cramped, and sparsely furnished, but worked well enough, considering he didn't spend much time here. Unfortunately, someone had to take my place in the cells..., a usual thought when he really looked around his room. There was a small dresser in one corner at the foot of the bed, and a mirror on the wall. The rest of the space was white walls and low, mostly hard, carpet. Risto got dressed and brushed his fur, a habit formed for no reason he could discern. After that, he pondered what he would do today.
Maybe I'll head down to the cells. I heard a new girl arrived..., he thought. Canvassing for new plotters was standard procedure for him.
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