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Open The Experiments

((So people are less confused, I'm making a Galactic character as well. Ask her if you need anything.

Name: Kaitlin Tigris

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Poké X Species: Marowak

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Rather arrogant sometimes, but Kaitlin can be friendly. Sometimes, she is rash, but if she thinks hard, she can devise excellent strategies. Impatient, Kaitlin just wants to get the job done when it needs to be. She doesn't like waiting around for things.

History: Born in Veilstone on March 12th, 1991, her sign is Pisces. Her parents had both died of sickness by the time she was 14 and, orphaned, she joined Team Galactic. Over time, she moved up in rank to admin.

Appearance: Though the skull over her head is removable, rather unlike most Marowak, she doesn't often reveal her true face. The skull was given to her by another Galactic member who had traveled to Kanto and gotten a Marowak's skull. Her hair is short and blond, although she doesn't often reveal it. Shorter than average, Kaitlin stands only about four feet eight inches tall. She has a rather slim build, and though mixed with Marowak, her skin retains its pale color. She has a Marowak tail that is colored like a Marowak, however, and she has a Marowak's feet as well. Often, she carries a bone club around in her hand. Her eyes are light hazel, but have some red in them as well.

Side: Galactic Admin

Other: ))
((So people are less confused, I'm making a Galactic character as well. Ask her if you need anything.))

((Oh, good. I was worried you'd shout at me for breaking rule 2. D: Hurrah retreads.))

Risto opened the door out of his room, stuck his head out, and checked out the hallway. The hallway was flanked by rows of doors leading to, most likely, similiar rooms. The important part was that there were no admins in sight. He sighed in relief, not wanting to get assigned something now. He briskly walked, on all fours, as per habit, to the end, which had a stairwell. He descended the stairs, and hoped he could reach the holding cells before an admin kindly asked him to do something...

((I hope you don't mind if I broke it again...))
Renata shook her head. She'd heard something about the virus, but..

Her. What was special about her? But this is good, she argued. You now have to power of your favourite Pokemon, and can fly. Flying is a bonus. Well, there wasn't anything she could do but get used to it, she decided. Ren's tail twitched again.
((Oh, I don't mind. I has edited it :3 You are no longer breaking it.))

((Hey, I think a barn of Rapidash is realistic. =P))

Of course, this stairwell won't get one straight to the cells. He walked out onto an office floor. There were desks with computers, with Team Galactic staff all working to maintain a good public image, hiding the organization's actual inner workings. He didn't look for long, instead dashing on all fours across to another set of stairs. With all the desks, few would've noticed him. He ran down the stairs, below the ground, and to a large, and very reinforced, door. Risto stood up, and swiped a key card, something which took ages to earn. The large door slid open, and Risto got a good look inside. The cells were hardly furnished, poorly lit, everything you'd expect from a cell.
Ganymede was wandering about the halls of the facility, letting his tail swish behind him. He hadn't seen anyone at all for a little while (it was rather early he was assuming), and he'd been awake for a good 12 hours now. He let his tail slap on the floor with a dull smacking sound like when you hit a pool noodle on water. The sound amused him quite a bit, so he did it again, giggling.

He looked around, wondering if anyone could hear him. Well, like he cared. If anyone was to try and get him into trouble, he could just... convince them to keep their mouth shut.
Can I join?

Name: Barli Sharman

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Poké X Species: Luxray

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Usually calm, Barli hardly freaks out, unless she thinks she's about to die. She usually meditates to release any negative energy. She's very friendly, intellegent and upbeat. She's hardly even sad or angry. She's almost always smiling and has a very good sense of humour.

History: Born in Hearthome, July 31, Barli was almost always liked by the other kids because of her upbeat personality. When she was walking around Veilstone, she was kidnapped and injected with 'Poké X', which turned her into a Luxray. She swore she'd get Team Galactic back for turning her into a Luxray.


Side: Good

Close to where Aurora was sitting, Emily was hidden in some tall grass, curled up in a ball, sleeping. With her face hidden by her tail, she looked exactly like an Eevee wearing clothes.
((Not accepted, Rotomize. Your character is too Mary-Sueish; she needs some flaws. Sorry, but ironically, nobody likes Mary-Sues.))
But I am at school, so phwee~
Anyways, school is now my only place to get here for a while, so I'll do it tomorrow Tuesday, since I have to do more drawing homework ;D

And I am going to be a Poke X person thingy.
Name: Akuri

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Poké X Species: Darkrai

Trainer or Pokémon: Pokemon, but does sometimes threaten Pokemon into doing her bidding, and has captured a few earlier in life.

Personality: Akuri doesn't really care about anyone else and is ruthless; as long as her own goals are accomplished, she would do anything. She is very ambitious and wants everyone to do work for her. She is also very confident in her abilities and sometimes does things that would seem insane to anyone else, pulling through them with cunning and her powers. She gets offended and angry easily, and sometimes if she loses control she tends to put people in eternal nightmare.

History: Akuri was once a very good trainer, and people were thinking about putting her in the Elite Four of the Sinnoh League when she was kidnapped by Team Galactic.

When that happened about a year and a half ago, they were first experimenting with legendary Pokemon DNA injections. She was the first subject of that particular realm, and thankfully she seemed to be a success. The sudden increase in power altered her mind, turning her to their side. She quickly rose up to be among their highest ranks due to her special powers.

Appearance: Akuri's eyes are entirely blue and have no pupils. They seem to glow slightly. She has pitch-black hair that turns into a smoke-like substance around her shoulders and wraps around her whole main body like some kind of dress. At her shoulders, it flows back, and spreads in all directions around her hips. She is extremely thin and skeletal. Her fingers are sharpened like claws. Her lower jaw has stretched out and the skin and muscle has disappeared. It has turned blood red and the teeth have become far longer and sharper, and are visibly attached directly to her jaw and are the same color.

Side: Galactic

Other: Her Pokemon:

Kero Heracross (M)

Gabusu Garchomp (M)

Enga Gengar (M)

Eamu Skarmory (F)

Menoko Froslass (F)

Origo PorygonZ (X, prefers male pronouns)
Last edited:
Hey look, I'm eventually done.

Name: Enrique Salvador

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Poké X Species: Absol

Trainer or Pokémon?: Pokémon

Personality: Enrique uses a combination of human intellegence and animal instincts to survive in the wild after escaping Team Galactic. He is actually a quite nice fellow, who likes to talk with people he knows.

History: Enrique lived normally for the most of his life, doing what boys did best, run around and sometimes try to date a girl, Enrique have done the latter with various success. The fact he didn't stand out a lot was most likely the reason Galactic chose to do a experiment on him, instead of someone who doen't melt into the crowd like him. The story behind the hat he wears around began as a bet with a friend, he took liking for the hat and bought it from his friend, who never used it anyway. he managed to escape the Team Galactic out of pure luck, which indicates he have the ability Super Luck.

Appearance: Standing 5'5" tall, Enrique would be best described as a anthropomorphic Absol wearing a white shirt, black pants and no shoes. The shirt and pants are ripped and dirty, due that Enrique have been wearing the same clothes, the most notable being a big hole at the side of stomach, where you can see that the fur on his stomach is shorter, and smoother the the fur around his arms and neck. His hands and feet are like a combination of the paws of a Absol and the hand/feet of a human. His hands have three clawed fingers, one being his thumb. His feet is more human shaped, but keeps most of the Absol aspects. Something that goes in stark contrast with everything about him is his LUIGI CAP, which he wears around everywhere. It does, in contrast to his other clothes, look nice and clean. While usually a standing on his feet, Enrique sometimes takes a quadropedal stance, it's usually used in sneaking and hunting, but can use this stance in battle for more balance/speed.

Side: Good

Other: Wii exists in the Pokémon games, therefore Nintendo exists, therefore Mario exists, therefore Luigi exists. Luigi is awesome.
((Darksong, if your Aggron morph doesn't do something then Shindeiru has nothing to do, causing a chain reaction :D ))
Aurora merely heard something nearby, and then whirled around, snapping out of her trance-like thoughts. "Who is there?" She asked softly, just enough for Shindeiru to hear.
A noise reached Shindeiru's ears.

Someone who was there!

Deciding he couldn't hide forever, the Gyarados morph turned and lifted himself out of the water onto the shore.

"Shindeiru Fukitsu, enemy of Team Galactic." He swished his long tail. Hopefully he didn't look too awkward.
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