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Open The Experiments

"I'm 15, but Absol lives in mountains, so that's not a problem. But as you said, the higher parts of the mountain are better, but the climate will create problems for some of us" Enrique proceeded to begin swimming, something he hadn't done in a while. For some reason the entire thing reminded him of the fact he had yet to beat the final boss in Kirby 64, which made very little sense.
"Fourteen." That was all Shindeiru said. "Mysti, are you swimming or not?" It wasn't a rude question. "As for me... well, it's hard not to notice a Gyarados, isn't it. Unless I can go underwater somewhere."
((I already said I would swim.))

Mysti hopped in the water and began doggy-paddling to the other side. She swam past the Absol-morph, and pade a pose that seemed to say "Catch me if you can!"
"Twelve," Aurora replied bluntly.


The Alakazam nodded to Risto. He turned slightly towards Solaceon town, but continued following the path.

((Sorry I can't do much.))
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