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Open The Experiments

Renata lay back in the cell, against the wall. Now what? Waiting might take a while... and a Salamence could probably have broken the wall down and killed everyone in the building. Maybe.. attacks? Okay, what do Salamences learn? Uh, Fly, Flamethrower, Draco Meteor... Renata paused. That would get her out. But did she really want to escape?
No, she decided. Not yet. Okay, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw... Aha.
"Possibly. Actually, I was wondering if something could be done to get the new girl, Renata, out of a cell and into a room.", Risto asked Kaitlin.
((Mewtwo: Accepted.))

"It's possible," Kaitlin replied, "But it's not like I can do everything myself. I would need to contact the head of Team Galactic first for something like that. And even then, with his stubborn nature, who knows? But I'll try."
"In case I haven't been introduced to you," said Shindeiru, turning towards Enrique, "then I'd like to say that my names Shindeiru Fukitsu, but you can call me Shi."
((@shadow_lugia: Depends. Try to randomly meet up with us if you're against Galactic; if you're with them, start at their base in Veilstone. This applies to Mewtwo as well.))
((Can I start out running from the base, then bump into whoever's in the back of the group?))
Akuri was amusing herself by creating a shadowy orb fly around the room she was in. She really loved this absolute control; she felt invincible. She had once wondered if she had as much power as the completely-Pokemon Darkrai had, but had been unsure. The closest thing she knew to Darkrai was herself, which had been ultimately unhelpful. It had become one of her ambitions to find out.

In the corner was a Kirlia she had managed to put to sleep in almost an instant and eat her dreams as well. She hoped she could put larger, more powerful Pokemon to sleep soon. She had also managed to make it dream vaguely disturbing dreams, although not scary enough to fully qualify as nightmares. Still, she hadn't had this power before. Akuri was eager to rise to full power.

And then a thought occured to her; what if it never stopped? What if she grew more and more powerful forever? It sent a trill of excitement through her. If that was true, then she could conquer every challenge with enough time.

But she would have to wait, she reminded herself. She wasn't like that yet. She was unable to induce nightmares or put large, strong Pokemon to sleep. And her orbs were not yet the right color, as she was certain the real Darkrai would have ones that were the deepest, most frightening shade of black, that seemed like infinity and inentity crushed into one.

Still, she was improving. At first her puny, barely noticeable dark spots were a very pale gray. They had darkened until now, where they were a dark sort of purplish color. And she hadn't been able to put anything to sleep at all for a while.

You just have to wait, she told herself. It'll be easy. You've waited so long for this much... It won't be too much longer until you have more.
((Okay, I'll start in Jubi and head on over.))

Mysti ran. She ran all the way from Veilstone to Jubilife so now she was tired. No. I can't rest. At least not at a Pokemon center. It's too public. Guess I can't stop. She pulled down on all fours to disguise herself as a shiny Umbreon, like she always does in public, and it always seems to work. She crawled her way over to the entrance to Canalave and opened the door. Luckily no one saw her after that. She started out on the trail when she saw others. She ducked down behind a bush and pulled down on all fours just in case. She accidentally made a rustle in the bush.

((Cue the hearing of the rustle and the finding of Mysti!))
((Argh, I need to post more. >>))
Emily whipped around. Something was in the bushes! Maybe a Pokemon or someone. She went closer, tail wagging, and yipped excitedly.
"Hii!! Are you a person?!"
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Mysti jumped and looked at the girl. SHe realized... it was another of the Poke X group. "H-hi... I'm Mysti. I'm soooo glad to have found someone else of my kind. Sooo... what's your name?"
"I'm Emily! What do you mean, your kind? Silly, I'm an Eevee!", Emily giggled. It was actually sort of true. She looked more Eevee than human, anyway.
"So, do you wanna come with us? I don't know what we're doing 'cause I wasn't paying attention to anything anyone said, but we're all like you! Come on!"
"By my kind, I guess I meant a Poke X." she proceeded to follow Emily. I wonder how many there are... and if Team Galactic will ever find me...
((How did she get across the water?))

"They're not called Poke Xs," Aurora said, stepping into the scene. Her horns unintentionally gleamed fearsomely (word?). "The Galactics call them 'their victims.' We don't have a name."

Sitting down like a cat, she swung her heavy tail over her hands. "At least, not for a particuar species. My name is Aurora, and I was 'spliced' with Aggron. But I'm trapped here, since I can't swim back. Galactic abandoned me here."
"Is Gyarados large enough to carry those that can't swim?" Shi enquired. He waded into water until it was up to the ankles of his bare feet. "You guys can hitch a ride on my back or tail. That is, unless you can swim. Also if you get seasick I don't recommend it."
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