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Open The Experiments

((Sorry about that, link008))

"Nothing really, except the fact that the head wants you. He wants to give you a Pokemon to look after..." Kaitlin replied. "But not for long. Just until the owner of it returns from his job in Pastoria City."
"Sounds fair to me, I'll get right on it.", Risto replied. He then turned and walked towards the stairs. Heading up a floor that mostly containted large machines, Risto crossed the floor to a teleporter. He stepped in, and reappeared on an entirely different floor. After some navigation of hallways, he found himself in front of the head's office. Risto knocked on the door.
There was a pause, an almost silent whirring, and the boss's voice. "Risto? You may come in. I have the Pokemon right here."

Meanwhile, Kaitlin was heading downstairs, looking for two grunts who could be sent out on a mission for Pokemon. ((No RPers here.))
"Alright.", Risto replied through the door, opening it. He quietly stepped inside, and quietly shut the door behind him.
"Well, where is the Pokemon in question and how long do I need to take care of it?", Risto asked.
Renata looked at her oddly pointed fingers. Dragon Claw..? Well, I know blue-green fire actually hurts the opponent, but.. Well, how did Pokemon fight? They had to think of attacks quickly, so. Maybe thinking about fire? Renata concentrated on an image of fire.. nothing.
"Well, what do you expect," she muttered. Speaking of expecting things, Renata was hungry. Salamences ate raw food, didn't they? Or.. Pokechow? Ever curious, Renata wondered what raw meat would taste like as a Salamence. Or half Salamence.
"Right here." The boss pointed to a yellow humanoid Pokemon next to him that was holding two spoons and.. appeared to have a long mustache. "Alakazam's trainer is off in a different city, and I was going to let you borrow it. But I can also give you permission to use it and help track a group of the people we put the Poke X in earlier. There should be an Aggron, Gyarados, Eevee, and Umbreon. They had all gone west, as far as I know, but I don't know where. I have an Alakazam of my own that can use telekenesis to talk to this one, so if you find anything, just point it out."

The Alakazam that had previously been next to the boss was now standing by Risto obediently, moving its spoons around mysteriously. He then pointed south-west with one of his spoons, giving a small grunt as if to say, "Go in that direction."
((Hey! You forgot me! The insane Arcanine Morph, who managed to kill one of your grunts while escaping!))

"I can swim," Said Dimetri, looking at the partially submerged Gryados Morph. "but water doesn't agree with my system very well. If you don't mind, I would prefer a ride, but I will swim if by doing so we can make it in one trip."

One of the voices in his head decided that now was a good time to speak up, and did so. "Oh, how chivalrous, who don't you just go drown yourself?" It was the same feminine voice again.

"Did everyone else decide to take the day off? I‘m beginning to miss the stupidly blunt voice." he thought angrily.
"And what the hell does chivalrous mean?" He muttered under his breath, momentarily forgetting that he was surrounded by other people. The voice opted not to answer either question.
((You forgot me to! :c))

"yes, I can swim to" Enrique said, "I suppose I'll wash my clothes in the process, which is a good thing" He took a look at his shirt, which was ripped and dirty. He took off the cap and began spinning it on his finger out of boredom.
"I always was a good swimmer, so I should be able to make it." she looked around at who else was here. finally, somewhere where I am surrounded by others like me...
Shindeiru nodded towards Dimetri. "Just step onto my tail; I don't think I can carry anyone on my back very well." The Gyarados morph was still treading water, occasionally ducking his head underwater just for the wet feeling. After all, he was half-Water-type, and that made sense since he was near water so often.

((@Charizard Morph: That's exactly why they don't know where he went.))
((I only listed the ones who they KNEW went west.))

"I'm rather heavy; it'll be better for me not to ride on the end." Aurora clambered onto the Gyarados human, hoping he didn't mind the extra one hundred and twenty pounds or so.
"It's fine wherever you sit," said Shi, grinning a bit. Now that he had a few passengers he wondered how much weight a real Gyarados could carry. Whatever it was, it would probably be less for him.
"I understand. One more thing, am I allowed to take one of the new ones with me? Put her through her paces, so to speak?", Risto asked. This was the important bit for him.
(ahhh, okay, that makes sense!)

"Thank you." Said Dimetri as he climbed onto the morphs tail, relieved that no one seemed to have noticed his muttered question. He dipper his fingers into the water, it felt nice and cool, but after leaving it there for a minute he began to feel uncomfortable. He looked at the drops of water coming off of his hand as he held it up, everything in his system seemed to reject them.

He twisted his head to look at the Aggron morph, she'd said her name was Aurora. “So where do you suppose we’ll be heading, after we’re across this, I mean?”
"I don't know. I was thinking we would hide in Mt. Coronet for the moment, then plan an assault on Team Galactic," Aurora replied, swishing her heavy stone tail. She didn't turn to face Dimetri. "What do you think?" Her gaze was fixed ahead, and she shifted nervously, trying to avoid the water that threatened to flood over her feet.


The boss thought for a moment. "Yes, that's fine, Risto. You are dismissed."
Feeling a bit of shifting from his passengers, Shi lifted his tail a bit. "How's that?" Since he was long, he was able to turn his body and keep his tail in place. "Is that everyone?"

Enrique felt at the water, it wasn't to cold, it was pretty cool in fact. "I'd say Mt. Coronet is a bad choice" He said, responding to Aurora, "Mt. Coronet is a commonly used passage between Oreburgh and Hearthome city, so we would only risk being seen, and if we were seen, it would spread to our enemies, and that would ruin everything"
"Mount Cornet is a huge passage, yes, but i spent some time up there once after i escaped, lots of caves and good hiding places, the pokemon up there are really strong though. If we climb up a ways we should be able to remain unnoticed." He glanced at the eevee morph, Emily, for a moment. He wondered if she would be able to handle the cold weather and sometimes vicious pokemon if they went, she seemed awfully young. "But it would probably be extremely hard for a group like us to remain unnoticed." he placed his other hand in the water, he'd suddenly felt extrememly hot.
He thought about Emily again, and wondered if she remembered her age. "How old are you guys?" He asked.
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"Yes, sir.", Risto rang out before turning around and exiting the room, Alakazam in tow.
"Southwest... Right? Yes... I guess Solaceon would be our first stop?", Risto pondered out loud as he entered the teleporter he got here through. Going back the way he came, he once again opened the door to the holding cells.
Walking over to where Renata was held, he asked her, "Alright, I've got something you can help me do. Want to come?"
"I'd say I'm about 11, more or less." Mysti said. "I also have this... thing... for going unnoticed. If I pull down on all fours, like this..." she continued to do so. "...Then I can pass as a Shiny Umbreon. Cool, huh?"
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