Caught your attention? Mission Accomplished.
Hello, my name is Umbreon-dana, which you can obviously tell from my user name.
I am a new user here, but I've had some good experience with [a] forums. I spend most of my time reading, playing Pokemon, drawing, spriting, talk-erm, typing on forums, and playing on ShoddyBattle.
I have an incredibly high IQ for my age, or that's what I've been told. I approach things philosophically and logically, and I enjoy algebra.
To be frank, I'm awful at introductions. So, I'll leave the rest of my indestructible ball of a personality for you to crack. I hope I'll enjoy my stay here, and that you'll enjoy me being here as well.
Hello, my name is Umbreon-dana, which you can obviously tell from my user name.
I am a new user here, but I've had some good experience with [a] forum
I have an incredibly high IQ for my age, or that's what I've been told. I approach things philosophically and logically, and I enjoy algebra.
To be frank, I'm awful at introductions. So, I'll leave the rest of my indestructible ball of a personality for you to crack. I hope I'll enjoy my stay here, and that you'll enjoy me being here as well.