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Warriors Fan Club

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Actually, if you check Amazon, it not only gives that title but the series title--Ravenpaw's Path. Hadn't noticed that before. 8D

Edit: I forgot to mention the release date, which is November 24--the same as The Fourth Apprentice!
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New Bluestar's Prophecy release date: July 28th. <3 Perfect birthday present for my best friend...

Oh, and Vicky's touring the US (it's like Pokémon: never catering to other-country fans D:) this spring around Sunrise's release date, in NYC, New Jersey, Portland, Dallas, Chicago and Miami. Crap, now I can't carry out my big elaborate scheme to meet Flametail at one of these tours because the closest is... about ten hours away and nowhere near Flametail. There are also three tours about twelve hours away from me, and the closest to Flametail STILL isn't very close to her. ;~;
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Oh, and Vicky's touring the US this spring around Sunrise's release date, in NYC, New Jersey, Portland, Dallas, Chicago and Miami.



Okay I'm o going to New Jersey for this.
Oh, and on the main Warriors site there's also a poll for the Clan to be featured in the next Warriors special edition.

Everybody vote ShadowClan. NAO. SkyClan's already getting a special edition and RiverClan... we'll vote them later O<
x_x I'm not sure I'll be able to make this one at all. Not much in the Southwest. Maybe Portland, or Denver, or if I get LUCKY TO THE POINT OF STUPID, New York City.

But worst of all is that we'll have to wait another six months or so before we can even consider carrying out our devious plan to meet, Lea'pool. DDx

... *pokes Leafpool's user title* ... 'Currently'? *shot*


I dunno, Leaf. I'm afraid that maybe they've decided that the SkyClan speshul edition isn't set in stone...
Oh, and on the main Warriors site there's also a poll for the Clan to be featured in the next Warriors special edition.

Everybody vote ShadowClan. NAO. SkyClan's already getting a special edition and RiverClan... we'll vote them later O<
^This. I voted ShadowClan. ;3

Oh I haven't posted here in a long time, have I? Uhhh... Lessie...

I read Sunset and The Sight scince I posted here last.
It was epic when Hawkfrost died. So very epic.

Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw were incredible, may I say, stupid for trying to find the fox cubs. XD Not the smartest thing... And the battle with ShadowClan was epic! Jaypaw may not have been the best fighter, but at least he got to be a medicine cat apprentice after Hollypaw decided to be a Warrior instead. Everything that was in the story prior to that points to him being a medicine cat, to me, at least. <3~

In the mean time, I'm reading the sequel to Redwall. At least I'm not suffering from book withdrawl. xD
Oh, and on the main Warriors site there's also a poll for the Clan to be featured in the next Warriors special edition.

Everybody vote ShadowClan. NAO. SkyClan's already getting a special edition and RiverClan... we'll vote them later O<

Hmm, I actually DID vote for ShadowClan. Though, if they would have included all five Clans, I would have voted my own Clan - WindClan.

~Until next time
^Yah, why wasn't WindClan on there? That's what I whould've voted for. I think I voted ShadowClan, though.
x_x I'm not sure I'll be able to make this one at all. Not much in the Southwest. Maybe Portland, or Denver, or if I get LUCKY TO THE POINT OF STUPID, New York City.

There is no Denver. There is only Dallas D:

Otherwise I would bug my parents into taking me. If it was on a Sunday and actually in Denver, that would be insanely convinient o.O
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