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Warriors Fan Club

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Waitwaitwait... Lionblaze as leader? That's just idiotic. Hollyleaf is way more cut out to lead a Clan. =/
Or maybe she'll be able to fly~ =D

I hope so. I'll love the Erins forever, even more than I already do. >:3
Or maybe she'll be able to fly~ =D

Ha, some people on Wands and Worlds thought that Lionpaw would be able to fly and thus he'd be called Lionflight. But personally, I've noticed that Jayfeather and Lionblaze's powers seem to represent the mind and body aspects of the grouping "mind, body and soul", so I'm thinking Hollyleaf will have something like that. My initial thought was that anything she really, truly wants to happen will happen (such as in Long Shadows) until I realized that she would have become a medicine cat with that logic. Or maybe Jayfeather counteracted that or something...

Random speculations time! Here are some names that Wands and Worlds came up with for the three before their actual naming:

For Lionblaze: Lionrush, Lionhunter, Lionflight (as a joke), Lionfang, Lionclaw (keeping with the -claw theme of Thistleclaw, Tigerclaw and Brambleclaw), Lionstorm
For Jayfeather: Jayflight, Jaywing, Jayeyes, Jaysight, Jayfeather
For Hollyleaf: Hollyfrost, Hollybranch, Hollythorn, Hollystorm, Hollyclaw, Hollyleaf, Hollyflower, Hollyberry, Hollybell

My guesses were Lionrush, Jayflight and Hollyfrost, but at other times they were also Lionfang/Lionclaw and Hollyflower/Hollystorm (although now I really like Hollythorn).
my twin said:
Lionclaw (keeping with the -claw theme of Thistleclaw, Tigerclaw and Brambleclaw)

Gasp! Leafpool, how could you forget Gorseclaw? 8O I mean, I'd think you'd remember the SkyClan cat...

No this post was not supposed to have substance.
I thought I came up with Hollyfrost, too :o

But I guess not. Popular name, then?

Well, if it is mind, body, soul... then Hollyleaf might be able to... control other cats! =D Why hasn't she gotten her powers :<
Hollyleaf still doesn't ~need~ to be super-awesome. It comes naturally. <3

Hollyleaf is way awesome, and giving her special powers would sort of diminish her natural awesomeness imo.

but I'm just silly like that
^I agree, and Jayfeather seems better now that he's not as... I can't think f the right word. But I never really cared for Lionblaze.
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