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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "I wouldn't exactly prefer to visit him, mind you. I just thought it would be a good idea to see what he was up to. And, if you won't let us through, I'm going to have to use force. Now." she said, spreading her wings to use powder snow. "Five, four, three, two, one." she said, turning into her...
  2. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (Five, four, three, two, one.) Blizzard had finnally found something to eat, and noticed it was dawn. Finnally. She decided to bring the Oran berries back to the Team Legend capmp, so she wrapped two or three in a large leaf and set off to the camp.
  3. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "And to you, Fade, I'm trying to visit my cousin. I don't have a sister." she replied, then turned her attention back to Sean. "We already gave you our explaination. Now, I suggest you let us through before you get hurt." she said, ready to use powder snow if he didn't listen to her warning.
  4. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Please, Sean. Let us through or I'm afraid that I will have to use force, and you do not want that." she said, her voice threatening. "Now let us through." she said, only this time she just stood there, waiting for his response.
  5. Shadowstar

    What are you reading?

    Twilight. I decided to read something longer than Warriors while I wait to get Warriors: The new Prophecy: Twilight.
  6. Shadowstar

    Right now, I'm keeping watch for Team Star and Team Ledgend replies. ;3 Team Star is back from...

    Right now, I'm keeping watch for Team Star and Team Ledgend replies. ;3 Team Star is back from the brink and in Team Legend nobody seems to be doing anything of relevence to my character. Right now the main focus is something else.
  7. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Yes, it is, Lightning." she replied, and turned to Sean, who she had known when she first saved the world from destruction by sommoning Arceus. "Now, Sean, let us through." she said, trying to push her way past and get inside the building.
  8. Shadowstar


  9. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Blizzard siged, she was hungry, but it was still too early to find anything to hunt. "Ugh. I'll just go find some Oran berries or something." she said,taking to the skys to finnally have something to eat.
  10. Shadowstar

    Affiliate Classes

    Absolutely rediculous. Although it's useful for me, not having a big site and seeing as some afflate requirements cross the line a bit.
  11. Shadowstar

    Muahahaha! I have joined!

    *throws Master ball* OH NO I CAUGHT THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON! 8O Hi, I'm Shadowstar. If I had wi-fi I could beat you with my REAL Arceus. >3
  12. Shadowstar


    Happy (beleted) Birthday~! I didn't miss it though, I posted on TTV about it. :3 *throws confetti around like an idiot*
  13. Shadowstar


    I think it's a horrible idea to even go on hatius! You gennerally don't display your afflate links, and can't you just leave the site open for viewing and work on the new HTML in a note pad or something? If any of my afflates went on a haitus and didn't disply my link, they'd be off in a heart...
  14. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    Fixed. :3 Assuming you're talking to everyone, mine is The New Prophecy. So far.*shifty eyes* I haven't read anything past Starlight, plus Fire's Quest.
  15. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Blizzard looked around the forest floor, but saw nothing. Was it too early in the morning to hunt? With a sigh, she flew back to the Team Legend camp, and realaxed for a while. She had just gotten here, might as well rest until her strenth is needed.
  16. Shadowstar


    (Accepted.) "Just patroling. Might catch a mouse or two on the way back." she replied, setting her Star Jewel on the ground to catch a mouse as she slowly crept up on it... When she was within striking range, she pounced and quickly dipached it with a swift bit to the neck. "Mind carrying the...
  17. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

  18. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    Please PLEASE PLEASE use proper grammar. Like appastrophe and capital letters and all that nice stuff~^^
  19. Shadowstar


    (Okay~ Midnight can choose what the terretory for SpiritClan looks like, but the LightClan and SpiritClan terretories are behind ThunderClan and ShadowClan, scince it's the only unexplored place that I can think of.^^) Jewelstar was patrolling the terretory, a mix of pine and oak trees with...
  20. Shadowstar


    Accepted~! I GUESS we could start early, but I'd like to stick to a date for a change... Oh well.*kicks date* Start~! Wait I should describe SpiritClan and LightClan's terretories or do you want me to do in in RP form?
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