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(I thought I replied, no?)

Sure~! That would be awsome, mind you.^^

I hope we can start this soon.*itching to start*
Well, not if it's a character I thought of on the spot! I know what TigerstarLOL's like, though, so I can act him out fine!

Not to mention the fact that I have a recent obsession with Tigerstar....
And I'll be another Warrior that meets Purrball and makes her a Warrior!

Name: Ummm... *struggles to think of a name* Leaftail!
Age: Twenty moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearence: Very... orange. He is a tabby, but his stripes seem to shine gold instead of the orange they should be. His tail is, also, silverish.
Personality: PO
Bio: N/A
Holder?: Yes - leadership.
Other: Note: The gold- and silver-colored parts aren't really gold and silver; they just are tinted like that.
Name: Tigerstar
Age: I don't know.
Gender: Male
Clan: Place of No Stars
Rank: Leader when he died.
Appearance: A tabby with unusually long front claws.
Personality: The only word I can think of is Ambitious.
Bio: This is all a spoiler for things past A Dangerous Path!
He plotted to take over ThunderClan, but was exiled when Bluestar found of his plot. He went to ShadowClan and became the leader there, and then attempted to make the forest into one Clan. However, he was killed by Scourge, who was against his ways, but still was bloodthirsty.
Holder?: No
Accepted~! I GUESS we could start early, but I'd like to stick to a date for a change... Oh well.*kicks date* Start~! Wait I should describe SpiritClan and LightClan's terretories or do you want me to do in in RP form?
(Okay~ Midnight can choose what the terretory for SpiritClan looks like, but the LightClan and SpiritClan terretories are behind ThunderClan and ShadowClan, scince it's the only unexplored place that I can think of.^^)

Jewelstar was patrolling the terretory, a mix of pine and oak trees with marshy ground alone, and had her star jewel in her teeth ready to use if trouble came along at the border with ThunderClan and ShadowClan. The terretory with SpiritClan and LightClan over laped by a tail length, which never really caused any horrible disputes, because it was only a little and it was very hard to hunt in that area, short grass and lots of gravel made it hard for prey to hide anyway.
Shadowheart lazily watched a fish swim next to the shore of the lake in ShadowClan territory.
Perhaps I could just...
She was about to reach out a paw and attempt to catch it, but it swam away faster than she would've thought possible before she could even twitch her whiskers.
She scowled darkly. Ever since she had died, any prey of hers always avoided her, no matter what. Even on the occasion where she thought to eat a plant, the plant in mind pulled away. Whether she was cursed or just unlucky, she did not know.
She had never attempted to eat crowfood. That food was unfit for her. Maybe if she had still been alive, she would eat some in desperate times, but now she didn't have to worry about starving to death anymore.
And it was thus she ignored the rumbling of her long-empty belly.
She bent down and lapped up some lake water. Atleast I can still drink, she thought. She hated the feeling of a dry throat, and drinking could soothe her hunger a bit if she drank enough.
She watched as a ShadowClan hunting patrol stalked their prey nearby. They couldn't see her, because she didn't want them to see her. Any spirit, StarClan or not, could do that.
She felt envy as they made their kill- a mouse. For a moment she considered taking the fresh-kill from them.
It might be worth a try.
She slowly stalked them as they had stalked the mouse.
((Oh, and Purrball has an amberite stone around her neck!))
Purrball awoke from the pile of hay her new owner gave her to sleep on. I miss my old owner, he let me sleep on his bed... she thought as she caught a mouse, the reason she had been taken in. I know! I'll go explore the land around my new owner's home. Then maybe I'll get used to it...

Leaftail went down to the river. He saw a fish swimming downstream and, with a stroke of a paw, caught it. He then ate it and licked the paw that he had used to catch the fish.
Owlwing padded alongside Jewelstar. He knew that his Bravery star gem was back in the camp, hidden where it always was.

"Where are we going?" he asked.
I hope I get everything right ^ ^; I haven't read the books yet, but I will!

Also thanks to Leafpool for the crash course~

Name: Patchpelt
Age: 7 years
Gender: Female
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Patchpelt is a calico cat, so her fur is mostly white, but has splotches of black and orange. Her fur is short, and the patches are mostly along the centre of the back, and the top of her head. Her ears are coloured, one black and one orange. a black patch is splashed just over her left eye, making it stand out brighter than the other, which is surrounded by white. Her eyes are green.
Personality: Brave and almost fearless, she's an excellent hunter and fighter. She is also a very tricky creature, and very capable of worming out of danger at the last second. This ability got her into quite a bit of trouble with the rest of the clan when she was a kit, but now it's quite useful.
Bio: eeer. Let's leave this out~
Holder?: er. nope.
Other: moo!
Minnowtail stretched, swinging her tail through the air. Only Leaftail was awake, but she headed off to the river, which was right next to the camp. A silver fish wiggled itself around rocks, against the current, just out of her reach. Now all she had to do was wait.

Tigerstar let the darkness soak into his fur. His claws unsheathed instinctively. All he had to do was wait for the cats to gather and put the Star Jewels together at that special cave. Somehow, he had to lead them away from the sun-drown-place, but only if they tried to go there...

"Just patroling. Might catch a mouse or two on the way back." she replied, setting her Star Jewel on the ground to catch a mouse as she slowly crept up on it... When she was within striking range, she pounced and quickly dipached it with a swift bit to the neck. "Mind carrying the Star Jewel for me, Owlwing?"
((Don't godmod with prey! Not that you did, just... don't.))

"Why would I want to do that?" asked Owlwing, tipping his head like an owl. "It's yours, and I've already got mine. But sure. I'll give it to you if you need it." He scooped it up in his jaws and loosely gripped it.
Silverstar was in his den, Waiting for the sun to rise so that he could get out and start hunting with the rest of his clan.
Why must the sun take so long to rise in the morning...? Why can't i just sleep untill it is up high enough for the prey to come out...

((*Cough* Just wondering... Is there anyone else in spiritclan currently...?))
Finally, the minnow swam within reach and Minnowtail slashed at it, successfully catching the fish. She brought it back to the fresh-kill pile in what seemed like a heartbeat, then proceeded to gaze at the river.
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