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What are you reading?

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Blood Noir by Laurell K Hamilton

Value your sanity and don't ask..



The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch. Picked it up after GRRM mentioned it in a blog entry a while back, and it's well worth it.
Currently reading The Cry of Icemark by Stuart Hill. Poor unloved fantasy novel... probably because of the dreadful cover art.

If anyone in this thread says they're reading anything from the Twilight saga I'll.... I'll.... do something bad. Yeah.
Since I keep forgetting to bring the book I was reading, Settling Accounts: In at the Death, by Harry Turtledove, home with me, I am reading The Peshawar Lancers, by S.M. Stirling.
Twilight. I decided to read something longer than Warriors while I wait to get Warriors: The new Prophecy: Twilight.
Twilight, as in the vampire novel Twilight? I LOVE that book, and the movie wasn't that bad also.

I'm now reading The Boxes by William Sleator. I finished ttyl last night. The Boxes is one of my AR books.
Mmm, I'm getting Long Shadows soon! =D Notice 'SOON'. Anyways, I'm rereading the entire Maximum Ride series. Kids with wings ftw!! Anyone here reading Maximum Ride?
Maximum Ride rocks your socks. I have currently stopped reading Eldest because I can't think of reading anything other than Long Shadows at the moment. Yes, I really need to get that book. Unfortunatly I've been banned from the bookstore until Monday. I'll probably update my sig after I get it.

EDIT: Oh, and Murkrowfeather, don't read Firestar's Quest unless you already read the original Warriors series.
And now since I lost The Boxes somewhere in my grandmother's house, I'm reading Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. I didn't expect to like it, but I do.
The ending to the last Maximum ride book is rather strange...I don't like it. Right now I'm reading Alex Rider: Scorpia.
story of the eye, by georges bataille. it's a better translation than the stranger, and i'm happy for that; despite that, the book is still really, really strange. the main characters get away with so many things in the first thirty pages it's unbelievable.
Halo: The Fall of Reach.

Its surprisingly good.

Also I got like 6 Yu-gi-oh manga books today, seriously I love the Manga, not the anime that 4kids have bastardised.
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