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Search results

  1. Falthor

    Gmail as default Email?

    Whoo, Thunderbird! I encourage you use that rather than just go on GMail.
  2. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Oh, yeah, I recently got into Rising Falcon. That's his strongest move for the S-Type, is it not? I hate his combo attacks: they waste so much TP. You could easily use the EX Skill that allows Lloyd to combine Special Attacks, use a Faerie Ring, reduce his consumption by half, and use all of...
  3. Falthor

    Haha, I guess that that's out of the question. Thanks, though. And shame that you're not good...

    Haha, I guess that that's out of the question. Thanks, though. And shame that you're not good. You seem to be very good at it.
  4. Falthor

    Required Reading (in other words, the gamble that may bore you to death)

    Freshman Year: Kindred, Octavia E. Butler Lord of the Flies, William Golding Book of preference that is on a certain list: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Gates of Fire, Steven Pressfield Tides of War, Steven Pressfield Sophomore Year: 1776, David McCullough How to Read a Book, Mortimer...
  5. Falthor

    MyBB. I don't know if it's the same. (You seem more professional when you talk to me. I don't...

    MyBB. I don't know if it's the same. (You seem more professional when you talk to me. I don't know if it's because of your age difference or of my immaturity at times, but the conversations we have seem more professional than anything. For our friendship's sake, we must remedy this.)
  6. Falthor

    Yeah, remember on the old forums, particularly the old ASB, when you created those threads with...

    Yeah, remember on the old forums, particularly the old ASB, when you created those threads with links, and when a person clicked the link, it just scrolled downward? I'm trying to do that for my forum so the members don't have to scroll down to get where they need to go. Do you know how to do...
  7. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    The move I abuse with Lloyd is Fierce Demon Fang. It's just so badass. That, and Psi Tempest. It's so spinny, and mulit-hitty… I also use Sheena from time to time. She's pretty dexterous.
  8. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    My favorite poop is Final Spaghetti. That's just a classic.
  9. Falthor

    Negrek, I gots a question for you about something you've done. Since you are away/offline...

    Negrek, I gots a question for you about something you've done. Since you are away/offline, reply back when you are not, so I can ask you the question in a much better-worded manner.
  10. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    - Cargo shorts - Polo shirt - Flip flops - Shades
  11. Falthor

    Three word story

    In the end,
  12. Falthor

    What are you wearing right now?

    MewXCharmeleonXEevee, I could imagine what you look like. Good lawd, from the description, you look cute. White, striped dorm pants/pajama pants Blue, design-less tee Boxers
  13. Falthor

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    Would you like some DINNER, Number 100?
  14. Falthor

    The Order of the White Lotus

    You're talking about "The Headband," Blastoise428. Now, let's talk about the finale. Personally, I don't think it was too great, as many thought it was. It felt a bit Deus Ex Machina and some of the characters lacked development, and many questions have been left unanswered, many things left...
  15. Falthor

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    I should either be insulted or pleased. Elaborate.
  16. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Awesomez. Timez to play Talez of Phantasia, then. Well, once I getz monies. xD Why in hell am I talking like that?
  17. Falthor

    Which postbit do you use?

    I use Vertical. And no, I'm not just saying that.
  18. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I have an SNES, but I doubt it's available. Have you played the PSP version, AK? Gragh, so many acronyms!
  19. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I guess I cannot, considering the awesomeness of that hat. What version of ToP should I get? The PSP version, with full voice acting and whatnot?
  20. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Haha, nice status, Cheetah. And that's awesome. But Sheena is just awesome. Lloyd x Sheena for the flippin' win. But I think mine is better, if you're into YouTube poops.
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