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Gmail as default Email?


A chickadee in love with the sky
This isn't really a website thing, but this is the best place for this thread, I think. If it's not, feel free to move it, mods.

Take a look at this screenshot. See how it lists those three programs for default email? I never use any of those; I use Gmail. How can I add Gmail to the list- is it possible?

Thanks in advance. ^^
Ah... so Gmail is just an Email host? I see... so basically I can only put Email programs there, and something like Gmail won't work with it?
I'm not using IE; I've used Firefox for a long time now. I just now realized it wasn't my default one; I'd always just clicked on the shortcut on my desktop.

How do I do that in Firefox? I can't find it in the options.
Ah, Gmail, my email...

It HAD to "temporarly" encounter an error when my TUH account was valadating, now I have to wait until tomarrow.

Anyway, it's fine if you have firefox, that Eevee mentioned.(Curse me only having IE.)
Anyway, it's fine if you have firefox, that Eevee mentioned.(Curse me only having IE.)

Why not get it? It take less than half an hour to setup. (;
I don't have any money and I'm not allowed to download anything, if I was, I would have it already.;)

It's free and there should be no reason to not download it. It's not like it has a virus in it and there's obviously going to be no damage done to your pc.

Also, explain this to your parents.
It does the same thing as Microsoft Outlook and other such programs but it's free and stuff. You can still use your Gmail account with it (it's not an email provider in and of itself); you just won't have to access it via Gmail itself.
Hmm. So it's basically like using a whole different email system except my email is still what it is now? =/
Well, it can manage multiple email accounts and do... other stuff. I dunno, I'm too lazy to bother setting up a desktop client. Here, let Wiki explain.

Are you sure nothing showed up when you typed the gecko.handlerservice in? What about typing just "gecko"? When I tried it a whole list of things came up, and the right option was the first one on the list.
Hmm... the multiple email accounts thing is intriguing, though to me the interface doesn't look like something I would have an easy time using... I'll check it out sometime.

No, gecko doesn't do anything, either... I'll scroll down manually and see if I find something.

No, it's not there. =/
x_x I found the "gecko" thing and set that to "true", but then when I enter the "javascript:window" address, it won't go anywhere. I press enter and click on the "send" arrow, but it doesn't do anything.
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