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Which postbit do you use?

(hint: vertical is better)

  • Total voters
I use whichever one has the postbit on the left; my mind says it should be labelled "vertical" because the postbit itself is vertical, but the entire post layout has things going left to right this way, so I don't know
I use horizontal because it's easy to scroll past it. If I decided to go with vertical for extended lengths of time, I would probably disable icons.

actually I might disable icons because 120x120 icons are ugly and big :'[ no offense furret but everything else is 100x100 aa
Horizontal. When there were tons of things in the postbit, like gender and so forth (I want them back D:), I thought that the vertical style looked really cluttered and nasty.

And now I'm used to horizontal. My 120 x 120 avatar loves it, in fact.
Horizontal. Tried vertical, but it just looks too weird. (And cluttered. Horizontal's nicer on my eyes.) And I'm too used to it to change.
But I do use horizontal! D:

Well, sometimes I get tired of it and switch to vertical for a change, but right now it's horizontal.
The vertical postbit is badly organized and cluttered. I use it because I don't like things being between posts. I have signatures hidden for the same reason.
I didn't even know you could change it. D:


Oh shit I voted the wrong one
The postbit's the thing with your avatar and mini-profile, yes? If so, Horizontal.
Uh... vertical, I think.

Horizontal annoyed me. Then I realised I could change it to the way I've always been used to and was happyhappy. :D
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