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Search results

  1. Phyro Phantom

    What Pokémon do you want to be playable in the PMD series?

    Re: What Pokémon do you want to be playable in the PMD series? Personally, I'd like to see Mawile and Sneasel playable, but that's only because I'm obsessed with them. -_- Seriously though, Weavile would make a better evolution than most of the playable characters' evolutions anyway. (I...
  2. Phyro Phantom


    The thing is, we really don't know yet. But I think that's more of a limiting factor on our part... The universe is vast, possibly even endless, (prove me wrong =P) so I think it's stupid to completely deny the possibility that life exists elsewhere. Also, from a Christian standpoint, (bear...
  3. Phyro Phantom


    o_O We have seen non-living plants in both the Animé and the games you know. =P That was pretty funny though hehe.. >_>
  4. Phyro Phantom

    Life after Death?

    Well, being one of the only Christians on this board, my answer is probably gonna look a little different. =P Naturally, I believe in an afterlife, but this has actually scared me more than the thought of not existing at times. I'm kinda lacking in self-confidence, which furthers my feelings...
  5. Phyro Phantom

    One-Shot Maggots

    Wow, that was mildly disturbing... You sure know how to creep people out better than most "professional horror writers." Very interesting concept... ... By the way, if you remember me from before the forum crash, I'm sorry for acting like such a jerk. >_>
  6. Phyro Phantom

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    =O But I like Mawile! >_> I don't know, I think I remember most of the Pokémon... though I have to say some of the Sinnoh ones are kinda forgettable. =/
  7. Phyro Phantom

    Who is May's Father?

    Personally, I don't think May in the games and May in the Anime are necessarily the same person. =P Sure, they look identical, but the games kinda have a different canon from the Anime. The Anime really just takes inspiration from the games, and I'm not sure they really make an effort to keep...
  8. Phyro Phantom

    Drawing gets better with age?

    Like some people have said, drawing skill doesn't really improve over time unless that time is spent practicing, and evolving your art style. I hardly improved my drawing skills at all from age 1 to 10. Once I started actually drawing though, I have improved tremendously. I started when I was...
  9. Phyro Phantom

    Yeah... it's funny how some people believe in them. o_O They're kinda funny to read/hear...

    Yeah... it's funny how some people believe in them. o_O They're kinda funny to read/hear though. They usually sound completely ridiculous.
  10. Phyro Phantom

    Alive Again

    Heh... that's actually kinda funny. =) Somehow, my extremely low metabolism has kept me fat despite three years of playing football AND basketball AND not eating as much. =( At least I'm not as fat as I used to be. >_>
  11. Phyro Phantom

    Lolz. I hate self-advertising products. xD Fortune teller things are funny, but I don't think...

    Lolz. I hate self-advertising products. xD Fortune teller things are funny, but I don't think there's any truth in it. It's really just a bunch of random messages some guy came up with and stuffed in a machine/cookie. =P I got this one that said "you will be successful in love." Lol yeah...
  12. Phyro Phantom

    Hey there! =) Nice to see you're back.

    Hey there! =) Nice to see you're back.
  13. Phyro Phantom

    Alive Again

    Two years ago, I was a fat, thirteen-year-old idiot that randomly decided to join the old TCOD forums before the server reset. I posted in bursts to get my count up to one hundred, posted a stupid fanfiction that everyone criticised, then started a bunch of fights because I couldn't handle it...
  14. Phyro Phantom

    Yay! =) Well, I've done one-and-a-half pages for this comic that I was going to post here...

    Yay! =) Well, I've done one-and-a-half pages for this comic that I was going to post here but.... I have no scanner, and I'm not sure if I'm going to ink it or not... what do you think?
  15. Phyro Phantom

    Hey... remember me? =P Sorry I haven't left you a message lately - I've been kinda busy and stuff.

    Hey... remember me? =P Sorry I haven't left you a message lately - I've been kinda busy and stuff.
  16. Phyro Phantom

    Designing for other browsers

    I know what you mean. I downloaded Netscape a long time ago, and I have hardly ever used it because of how terrible it's display is. It's CSS support is just outrageous. It's worse than IE 6, if that's even possible. If none of your viewers use Netscape you probably shouldn't worry about it...
  17. Phyro Phantom

    Crazy Excuses for Not Having Your Homework

    Ones that I used before I started homeschooling: "I'm sorry." "Um...er...*blushes*" "Um... I forgot?" "I left it at school. -_-" Yeah I was a loser.
  18. Phyro Phantom

    One-Shot Scarred

    ... I'm sure you've all seen fiction like this before, but I felt the personal need to explore depression in written form for my own benefit. I've been struggling with my emotions, and sometimes it helps to transpose them on fictional characters to relieve the stress.... This is the result...
  19. Phyro Phantom

    Butterfree VS Beedrill

    Both of them faint too easily. =P Well, actually, I kinda like them both... I guess I'd have to say Beedrill though, only because he's my favorite color scheme (yellow and black =3) and because he has those awesome stingers. (And I like pointy things. o_O)
  20. Phyro Phantom

    Nightmare Fuel

    Yeah I know what you mean. -_- I managed to click the link without clicking any links in the text, (first time yay) and I was kinda creeped out by how many people were creeped out by Pokémon... like the mansion place in DP? Really... That has to be the stupidest TV Tropes wiki page I've ever...
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