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Search results

  1. Rossymore

    Where did you get your Username from?

    My username comes from an original username which I used in PFU and that was rossomore. A username that I got from my older sister who sometimes called me in birthday cards: Rossomore Montgomery III. Other nicknames I have used are Rossymore, a username I seem to use in forums that had ASB's...
  2. Rossymore

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    A Rollout is weak the first time you use it, if it was the fifth time then it could knock out the Aggron but not the first time.
  3. Rossymore

    The Challenge Board

    Bit bored of other people taking battles so I shall create one myself! 3 vs 3 (Single) DQ: 3 days Damage Cap: 25% Banned Moves: OHKO's, fire type moves, weather changing moves. Banned Pokemon: Any Pokemon that has a visible flame on its body. Arena: Tree of Awesomeness Descrpition: In the...
  4. Rossymore

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Here's $10, evolve me Wurmple Bank post
  5. Rossymore

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    The anime is awful, these are the things I hate about it: 1) Team Rocket are boring. They're stupid, childish, idiotic, ignorant, ruin everything, spoil absolutely anything and lose any Pokemon they manage to capture. 2) Dawn fails at anything. "I always lose contests and I don't know why"...
  6. Rossymore

    Bank of TCoD

    Needs money from allowance $0 + $10 = Hmm...$10 maybe? EDIT: Money gone! $10 - $10 = $0
  7. Rossymore

    Kindling Queen & Rossymore vs. Grass King & mumei_tensai

    I'm not evn sure if Bronzor has the ability levitate...perhaps I chose the wrong ability. Alright Sheilded, time to take it up a notch! Protect yourself with Barrier and Safeguard for the first two moves then use Psychic on Charmander, that's right, Charmander. Use the Psychic move to levitate...
  8. Rossymore

    The Absence Sheet

    Will be away for 7 days. Don't DQ me!
  9. Rossymore

    New Pokemon Movies news.

    I've still yet to watch movies 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11. These movies are coming out thick and fast. I remember when everyone got excited about a leaked picture for the 10th Movie.
  10. Rossymore

    GSC Remakes confirmed?

    I loved Fr/Lg and I've been waiting foor a G/S/C remake ever since Fr/Lg. In the remake, wouldn't it be strange if the Orange Islands popped up instead of thhe Sevii Islands? EDIT: 50 posts...how?
  11. Rossymore

    Kindling Queen & Rossymore vs. Grass King & mumei_tensai

    Hmm...okay Shielded, use a Sunny Day after Terra uses Raiin Dance in order to cancel its effeccts, that should also give Blaze the boost he needs. Nearby, you should see Sandy, hit her with Toxic theen when she attacks with Facade, use Protect. If none of those moves are available for ay...
  12. Rossymore

    Understood, I'll postt when it's my turn.

    Understood, I'll postt when it's my turn.
  13. Rossymore

    Completely Ridiculous Pokemon Matchups

    Feebas vs Magikarp! Arceus (Ghost) vs Arceus (Normal)
  14. Rossymore

    Kindling Queen & Rossymore vs. Grass King & mumei_tensai

    Hee hee! Bronzor, since you can levitate, you don't need to worry about jumping around. Use your Psychic ability to navigate through the Smokescreen. Remember to close your eyes! Once the Smokescreen by Charmander has been set, use Confuse Ray on Trapinch or Riolu when you get close. Then...
  15. Rossymore

    Kindling Queen & Rossymore vs. Grass King & mumei_tensai

    Go! Sheilded, my Genderless Bronzor!
  16. Rossymore

    Hi guys :P

    *wince* Welcoome to the Forums! Enjoy being an Egg!
  17. Rossymore

    new Mystery Dungeon coming!

    Argh! Not another PMD! I've barely finished the first two. It's really hard to complete these games. You have to recruit all 491 Pookemon. Though it was easier to recruit Pokemon. In PMD3, will you be able to recruit a Jirachi at Lv.10? It's way too soon for a new PMD game...though if it does...
  18. Rossymore

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    Or maybe it was a time when everyone hit puberty. Though Ash's voice still sounds like a 12 year old. He might never grow up.
  19. Rossymore

    Do you want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to happen to you?

    Re: Do you want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to happen to you? It would be quite fun for that to happen. The only down side is, Pokemon can talk back to you. I can't imagine a Mew saying "F**k you! I ain't joining yer team. Now piss off!"
  20. Rossymore

    Weird and Interesting Facts.

    Re: Random Facts. I've got one! (Thank you QI!) There is no such city called Bangkok anymore. It hasn't been called that in hundreds of years. Only ignorant tourists still call it Bangkok. Bet you didn't know that then!
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