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Search results

  1. glitchedgamer

    Downloading music: is it theft?

    ...I'm downloading illegal music as I write this >.> I just can't afford to buy my music right now. When ever I get an iTunes card or something, sure, I'll use it. Otherwise, it's back to Frostwire. Once I get a job I plan on buying it legally more often, but until then a pirate I remain. The...
  2. glitchedgamer

    Inside a Poké Ball

    Re: Inside a Poké Ball I'm usually more creative than this, but I think there's nothing really special in a Pokeball, just the necessary technology that is used to contain the Pokemon in it's energy state. The higher level the ball, the more advanced the tech, thus the easier it is for it to...
  3. glitchedgamer

    So, my MP3 player just died...

    Before my iTouch, I used a 4GB Samsung YP-S3. It only cost me $60, and it was a great little player. Problem is, it's software SUCKS and the official store is dead. Like ShiningGlass said, I would go for a Sandisk model that will run Rockbox. Great fun.
  4. glitchedgamer

    Possible Generation V Pokemon for upcoming movie?

    What? No....not at all.
  5. glitchedgamer

    Possible Generation V Pokemon for upcoming movie?

  6. glitchedgamer

    Ask Altmer Anything

    I'll take this one: YES.
  7. glitchedgamer

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I picked up Wizards and Warriors, Street Fighter 2010, and (*drumroll*) Battletoads all for the NES and have been playing the crap outta all of them. As you can tell by my avatar, I am now obsessed with the Conflict Amphibians.
  8. glitchedgamer

    Parents And The Computer?

    Someone convinced my dad that every person and their mother are hell-bent on hacking into your bank account through your wireless router. Now the secruity settings are so tight I'm suprised anything can get WiFi in this house. I keep telling him he's overreacting, but NOOOOOOO, EVERYONE is...
  9. glitchedgamer

    D/P/Pt Best 'Catching' Pokémon

    Re: Best 'Catching' Pokémon I use my Shiny Venomoth just because it has Sleep Powder. Gallade is probably the best out of the ones you mentioned. I'm just too lazy to train one.
  10. glitchedgamer

    Blasphemy Bill in the Republic of Ireland

    Well, this pretty much means I can never set foot in Ireland... All I can say is "wow." Good job, God Squad. That's some real holy work your doing there...
  11. glitchedgamer

    Godzilla dynasty

    Two things: 1) Forums aren't usually recieved well. Since your's isn't about Pokemon, though, it may be different. 2) That link leads me to an error page. (EDIT: That may just be my computer acting up...someone else is gonna have to check it out.)
  12. glitchedgamer

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    NO NEW TYPES. That would throw everything off balance. As said like 5 times before, Steel and Dark were added to balance out Psychic. The types anger me as is...(WHY IS GHOST WEAK TO DARK??? THEY SHOULD BE RESISTANT!!!...I know it's to give the Ghost type more weaknesses. Don't yell at me.) I'd...
  13. glitchedgamer

    Did anybody see that Google logo?

    I saw this in Java today. I refreshed like 6 times to watch that apple fall. Google gets +1 from me.
  14. glitchedgamer

    glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy

    ...We set a tree on fire! AWESOME!!! ...Ok, short attention span aside, what to do now...Hmm...We could take advantage of the sun, but Aerodactyl has that damn Fire resistance. First off, hit him with a Thunderbolt. Then, I want you to jump into the pond (Dunsparce can swim, right?) and just...
  15. glitchedgamer

    Uh Oh, Names!

    Oh boy, not this old joke... Color a Muk sprite white for hours of fun.
  16. glitchedgamer

    Ask Altmer Anything

    From where do you get your infinite wisdom?
  17. glitchedgamer

    Thanks. I wish I made it XD.

    Thanks. I wish I made it XD.
  18. glitchedgamer

    It's 2010.

    The first wave hasn't reached you yet. I'm fighting hordes of Robot Masters as I type.
  19. glitchedgamer

    You have earned +1 awesome for that avatar.

    You have earned +1 awesome for that avatar.
  20. glitchedgamer

    Ask Altmer Anything

    What does 2010 hold in store for us?
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