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Did anybody see that Google logo?

Karkat Vantas

Virile God-Snake Tower of Masculinity
This is probably the coolest thing I've seen all day.

Go to the Google homepage. You see the tree? Wave your mouse over it.

...I might just be easily amused, but you have to admit that it's cool.
We saw it in Latin today~

(also, it does it even if you just leave it alone)
Also up to new year's there was a countdown if you clicked I'm Feeling Lucky without typing anything. I missed it reaching 0 :(

Now if you click it it's loads of fireworks.
Google's my home page, so I've seen it every time I've gotten online. Very amusing(of course I AM easily amused)
Google's my home page, so I've seen it every time I've gotten online. Very amusing(of course I AM easily amused)
A friend pointed that out to me in Science class. While she was wondering what the tree meant, I was too busy being amused by the apple. :3
Actually, it appears to drop approximately four seconds after loading, not on mouseover.
Re: Did anybody see that Altavista logo?

Nah, I can't see the tree. Must be too late. I did try the fireworks thing, and I managed to copy the text. It goes:

Happy * New * Happy * Year * New * * Year * * Happy * * * New * * Year * * Happy * * New * * Year * *
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